
March 2025
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Start TV Starts CC On TV CC’s Stars Of CC


The other week Start TV posted a couple of pages, with videos, about Kathryn and Tracie’s starts in the business that is show.  We covered it HERE.

Last week Start TV followed-up those two articles with a piece marking their ‘Investigation Week’, which includes Cold Case being broadcast from the beginning again today (29th July).

The initial focus of the newer feature is a collection of real-life investigators.  An FBI Special Agent, Chief Of Police, marksman, Canine Handler, a coroner, and Coast Guard.  As is the underlying theme of the whole TV channel, all the people being highlighted are women.

It continues with our two favourite ladies talking about what drew them to Cold Case, and Kathryn’s experience learning from Detective Tim Bass to inform her portrayal of Lilly Rush.

Read the full article HERE on the Start TV website.

Kathryn’s Start Story


Sit down children, and then I’ll begin…

Remember the surprise selfies (selfi?) posted by Tracie back in March?  Well in case you don’t you can view that post HERE.  It was clear the photos had something to do with the new female-centric US television network Start TV, currently broadcasting Cold Case daily, and I hoped we would hear about it later.  That time has finally arrived.

Start TV has published Kathryn’s My Start Story article.  It details Kathryn’s early life performing in her family’s gospel group, The Morris Code, through her introduction to movies and getting the role of Lilly Rush in Cold Case.  There are quotes from Kathryn throughout and a couple of short video clips as companion items.

I urge you to read the full article HERE on the Start TV website.

Of course Tracie was there too and you can read her My Start Story HERE.

It wouldn’t be KM UK without some images and in this case we have some nice HD (720p) screencaps from the two video clips in the Gallery, and we have small versions of the videos for completeness.

Have a good weekend.

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Reverie S01E07 – The Black Mandala Full HD Screencaps

reverie_s01e07_1080p_080So, where were we?

Oh yes, Reverie image updates as part of KM UK’s sort of annual Summer Of HD for 2019.

The last episode we looked at was number 5.  During its run in 2018, Reverie took a week off for the July 4th holiday period and Kathryn wasn’t in episode six.  All of which means we return to this after a few weeks off ourselves.

We got quite a lot of Monica Shaw in this one.  She was key to the plot after Mara (Sarah Shahi) finds a boy in a VR world who claims he is being held against his will accused of being a terrorist.  The DoD is clearly making use of the mind entering technology outside of the Onira-Tech company, without the crew’s knowledge.  Is Monica allowing this?  Can she stop it?  Does she want to?

The mandala of the title is a spiritual symbol.  The VR program uses symbols as emergency exit points if the normal methods fail.  The use of the word ‘black’ could well be a reference to secret military ‘black sites’.  Put the two together and you’ve possibly got the hint that this is a sign of the dark uses of the tech.

Nearly 130 new full HD (1080p) screencaps have been added the Gallery. And, the single promo photo (below right) we have for this episode has also been increased in size a little.

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Reverie S01E05 – Altum Somnum Full HD Screencaps

reverie_s01e05_1080p_213We don’t often blow our own trumpet here on KM UK but this has to be one the best updates we’ve had.

Episode 5 of Reverie, ‘Altum Somnum’ (which means ‘deep sleep’), brought us a significant amount of Kathryn’s Monica Shaw.  There’s been a bombing (you may recognise the building they use from a certain other show popular around these parts) and Monica wants to use the mind-entering VR tech to question a possible witness to the events who is in a coma (hence ‘deep sleep’).  During this process Monica starts to see the others as a team that can achieve much as a group, and not just individuals good at specific things.

As part of the KM UK Summer Of HD, not only do we have some, if I say so myself, some very high quality new HD (1080p) screencaps, but also vastly bigger versions of all five promo photos issued for this episode.  We’re talking quadruple the pixel count in most cases!  Rather than replace the existing photos the new ones are added as extras so you can still choose the smaller ones if that’s easier.

Over 200 new HD (1080p) screencaps are HERE and the promo photos are HERE in the KM UK Gallery.

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Reverie S01E04 – Blue Is The Coldest Color Full HD Screencaps

reverie_s01e04_1080p_016Hopefully you noticed that last week there was no new entry in KM UK’s Summer Of HD for Reverie‘s 3rd episode.  You did notice, right?

Unfortunately Kathryn wasn’t in ‘No More Mr Nice Guy’, but, as we got to see in ‘Blue Is The Coldest Color’, there is something of Miss Nice Lady in Monica Shaw.

The story in this one was an interesting twist on the normal.  The protagonist is crippled by anxieties and can’t leave his house.  He’s using a stolen Onira Tech (the VR company the show is set around) implant so he can immerse himself in worlds of his own making.  The one highlight of his real life is seeing the little girl and her mother from next door.  They are sort of friends, despite his issues.  Poor guy right?  But he’s using the VR to try and do a good thing to help the little girl, who it turns out needs unobtainable medicine.  The guy isn’t using the tech to escape his own existence but to over come debilitating fears and to help someone else.

How can Sarah Shahi’s Mara and the team not help him?  Even DoD hardcase Monica can see a little way past possible new money making uses for the VR to the good it can do.

As well as the expected new set of full HD (1080p) screencaps from episode 4 of Reverie that are now in the KM UK Gallery, there are also improved sized versions of the two promotional photos (see below). Apart from the limited number, what’s not to like about that?

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