The WOWOW TV network in Japan has announced that their version of Cold Case has been renewed for a third season. It is expected, no doubt subject change in the difficult current global situation, to air towards the end of the year.
10 new episodes will be made. Each of the previous two seasons also had the same amount too. This means that by the end of this new set it will only a handful more episodes that the first season of the original US show.
The Japanese cast is retained, with Yo Yoshida reprising the role of Yuri Ishikawa, their lead female detective like Lilly.
The WOWOW network website HERE has details on their Cold Case.
According to Variety’s article on this news, the localised version of Cold Case started a trend in the country for other America TV shows to be remade like this by other networks. Suits and The Good Wife and 24 are mentioned as example.
If you know of a localised version of Cold Case in your part of the world then please do let me know.

No update last week because there were no images on hand to post about. That may have been bit painful you, which was oddly fun for me…
Schadenfreude. Episode 17 of Cold Case season 2 was broadcast 15 years ago today (20th March). A 1982 case is re-opened by the squad after the rare ring worn by a murder victim is found on a more recently deceased body. The first victim’s husband was jailed for the crime. Did he do it?
The show comes to a head, appropriately enough, in a hair salon has Lilly gets her man, a woman.
8 new quality promo photos feature Kathryn, and in an unusually large number of them so does Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC), are now in the KM UK Gallery. That’s the 4 you see around this post and… you guessed it, 4 more.

But it’s Friday! These updates have been on a Thursday, despite the show being aired on a Sunday!
With these ’15 years later’ posts following the calendar date of the original broadcast, the days have fallen on a Thursday so far for this season. The recent extended leap year February has pushed things back a day from now on.
First broadcast on the 6th of March 2005, ‘Wishing’ is the one about the young man left on the railway tracks. It’s not the easiest watch. Meanwhile, Lilly and Scotty continue to be at odds over her sister Christina.
A bumper crop of 12 (yes twelve!) new large and very large, high quality promo photos from ‘Wishing’ are now in the KM UK Gallery.

The snowy conditions have thawed to rain for the Cold Case squad, but Lilly’s sister’s presence continues to keep things frosty between her and Scotty. And then there’s ‘that dinner date’.
1969. A young woman’s body is found in an apartment. Her boyfriend is on his way to Canada to avoid the draft for Vietnam. One man’s conscientious objector is another’s deserter. Either way he’s the prime suspect. On the 20th February 2005, Cold Case episode 14 from season two was first shown. It was a Revolution.
Meanwhile, Christina and Lilly meet for dinner to discuss things. It does not go well. The less said about it the better. And not just the dress!
The four new photos you see around this post have now been added to the KM UK Gallery.

Things are a little chilly in Philly. And, that’s not just because of the snow on the ground!
After a week off, Cold Case season two continued on this day 15 years ago as ‘Time To Crime’, episode 13, first aired on US television. The story involved the squad tracing the history of a gun turned into the police as part of an amnesty programme. It was found to have been used in the drive-by shooting of a young girl back in 1987.
Alongside this Lilly and Scotty continue their somewhat frosty relationship due to Lilly’s sister Christina’s continued presence.
It’s all about Lilly and Scotty on the water front in ‘Time To Crime’ promo photos. The 1st and 4th of the set are particularly high resolution. Four new images are now available for viewing in the KM UK Gallery.

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Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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