The latest batch of screencaps and video clips of Kathryn in Pensacola: Wings Of Gold are now in the Gallery. Four episodes worth covering episodes 12-16. Yes, I know, that’s five episodes not four. Unfortunately episode 15 is, to go with the military vernacular, AWOL.
BBC1 is showing Minority Report on Sunday, 21 June 2009 at 10pm. More details can be found on the BBC’s website here.
Kathryn has a medium-sized role in the film, appearing at various stages throughout. She plays Lara, the ex-wife of John (Tom Cruise), they separated after the loss of their son. Lara does not play a significant part in the action of the movie, but is important in fleshing out John’s backstory. Lara’s short dark hair is quite a change from the long blonde locks we normally associate with Kathryn.
Images of Kathryn in Minority Report can be found in the Gallery.
From time-to-time I will post news of appearances by Kathryn on UK based media outlets, this is KM UK after all. I will call these Media Alerts. Primarily this will be news of films and TV shows starring Kathryn being broadcast on British TV channels. Hopefully this will be of use to my fellow UK-based KM fans.
I won’t be posting about every episode of Cold Case that Sky shows on its various channels (1, 2 & 3). Of course, if there is significant news such as Sky1 starting season 7 or Sky 3 starting season 5 then that will be posted.
If you have any such news you want to share then please Contact me and I will post it here.
The first of these alerts will follow shortly.
It’s time for the latest set of Pensacola: Wings Of Gold images and videos. As promised there are some amazing ones in this set. Flying a helicopter, wearing a bikini, searching for missing loved ones, wearing a bikini, rooting out corruption, wearing a bikini, working out in the gym, wearing a bikini. Annalisa does it all, and looks great doing it! Did I mention the bikini? 😉
Screencaps and video clips from 4 more episodes (ep8-11) have been added to P:WOG Gallery.
What can I say other than: WOW!
Look out for more images of Kathryn in later episodes of P:WOG coming soon.
The latest update to the Pensacola: Wings Of Gold gallery includes some real treats for fans of the beautiful Kathryn Morris. Hundreds of screencaps and several videos are included. A few samples:
See, told you! Aren’t they great? And the next set has something even better! Trust me! Watch this space.
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Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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