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Colony S1 Gets ‘Pick’ed Up

I’m going to state up front that I am not sure if this is a new thing or not.  I may have not noticed this before because I haven’t been keeping a close eye on such things.

Tomorrow (15th Jan) Pick TV in the UK is showing the USA Network sci-fi-ish drama series Colony from episode one.  It starts at 10pm.  This could very well be a première for the channel.

Pick is one of Sky Televisions many channels, it used to be called Sky 3, and is available on the British free-to-air Freeview system as channel 11.  The schedules are largely made up of slightly older show repeats.

For those that haven’t been paying attention, Colony involves a near future Earth that has been invaded by an alien force.  They have contained what is left of the human population inside massive walled city ‘colonies’.  People are largely free to go about their lives but are under constant surveillance and will be banished to ‘The Factory’ for disobedience.  The show focuses on one particular family headed up by Josh Holloway (Lost) and Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break).  She runs a bar in Los Angeles and he is an ex-FBI agent recruited by the ‘powers that be’ as part of a human law enforcement team working on behalf of the aliens to root out rebellious elements.  Only, he’s not entirely loyal to his employers.

We only really covered season 1 here on KM UK because that is the one Kathryn starred in.  Her character of Charlotte Burgess, the wife of a Adrian Pasdar’s (Heroes) ambitious (and keen to stay alive) politician, was in just 3 episodes (plus a few ‘previously on’ flashbacks).  We have lots of Gallery content to enjoy.

Colony first aired in America in very early 2016 and came to the UK on Sky 1 in April of that year.  A DVD release came not too long afterwards.  Since then the show has had two more seasons, with a major shift in setting for the 3rd, but it was cancelled last summer.

Colony Goes To Vancouver

colony_banner_2880x1260*** Spoiler alert ***

This post will contain some references to the Colony season two finale.  Stop now if you don’t want know anything.

As one show leaves the Canadian city of Vancouver another books its tickets for a visit in a few months.

Season two of the sci-fi-ish drama series Colony from the USA Network came to an end in America last week with the airing of the 13th episode of the 2017 run.  Days before then it was announced that the show had been renewed for a third season.  Part of the news was that filming would move from Los Angeles, California, to Vancouver.

As the show has been very firmly set in Los Angeles, with lots of on location and little studio-based work, it looked potentially have made things difficult for the production.  The decision was largely a financial one as the tax breaks California offers to TV shows and movies to film in the state are limited in number and was no longer available to Colony.  As it happens season 2 ended with the Bowman family (Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies and three kids) leaving the LA ‘block’ (the city walled in by the invading alien ‘hosts’) signalling a potential major shift in focus going forward.  Who knew that just outside LA was Vancouver :-)  Potentially damaging to a show that moves so far from LA is the possible loss of cast members.  Not all actors will want to spend several months away each year.  Colony being a relatively short run may not suffer as much as one of the big 20+ episodes series.

Colony season one ended with the first evidence of what awaited those sent to ‘the factory’ as punishment by the ‘hosts’.  It was a base on the moon.  With Kathryn’s character being taken away by the authorities for hoarding works of art she was supposed to be collecting for the ‘hosts’ her chances of being seen again were slim.  That glimpse of her possible fate gave rise to hope we might see her again.  She might have been able to use her skill of manipulating others to improve her circumstances.

Sadly the only time we saw Kathryn’s Charlotte during the season 2 run was during a couple of ‘previously on…’ flashbacks highlighting the type of person her husband was, a political animal giving her up to the ‘hosts’ to save his own position.  With the move to outside the block it seems even more unlikely that Kathryn will be making any further appearances in Colony.  She is part of the show’s universe though so you never know.

All of which adds up to this probably being the last KM UK post on the subject.

Colony On UK DVD Tomorrow

colony_season_1_dvd_artwork_003After the false start a couple of weeks ago it is looking at season one of the USA network sci-fi-ish drama series Colony might actually be hitting the shelves tomorrow (6th February 2017) here in the UK.

Any further delays and we may have to sending people to the factory.  No green-zone for them!  :-)

The Amazon UK page for the disc is definitely showing the release date as tomorow and allowing pre-orders at time of writing.  Be quick and choose the fastest/most expensive shipping option and you could have on the day.

Season two of Colony has reached the fourth episode in America and, very much as predicted, there has been no mention of Kathryn’s character Charlotte.  Press releases and promo images for upcoming episodes have given us no suggestion that that will change.  Charlotte’s husband (Adrian Pasdar) is shacked up with the woman (the lead character’s sister-in-law) she introduced him to in season one.  We have been getting more insight into the labour camps though.

It should be noted that in a flashback to the initial invasion, the construction of the wall around the Los Angeles ‘block’ the Bowman family (Josh Holloway, Sarah Wayne Callies plus kids) live in was shown.  It was a very quick process of dropping large pre-assembled segments into place.  I would imagine that the realities of sealing an even longer border with such an erection may be a little more difficult and time consuming.  But it is fiction after all.

Colony On UK DVD Tomorrow? Maybe Not

colony_season_1_dvd_artwork_003I was going to start this post by saying it could very well be my last post involving the sci-fi-ish drama series Colony.

Kathryn is not likely to be in the second series, which started in the US last week.  The season one DVD is out in America already and the show is available via streaming services.

That being said, the DVD release of the show in Great Britain marks the end of the saga for us on KM UK.

However… it is looking like the scheduling gods have other ideas.

Tomorrow, the 16th of January 2017, was due to see the UK season one DVD release.  The Amazon page for the product has changed to ‘Currently unavailable’, which initially I took as meaning out of stock due to too many pre-orders.  The release date is still shown as the 16th.  Some other sites have the date down as the 6th of February.  I’ve found one that has the discs down for release on both dates.  Go figure!

So… Colony will probably not be available to purchase on DVD from tomorrow.  Thanks for reading  :-)

Kathryn Colony S1 Promo Photos Update

Colony_S01E04_still_009 Colony_S01E07_still_003

Is it too late to say ‘Happy New Year’?  The 8th of January feels like it is pushing it a bit.  Oh well.  Happy Sunday.

Season 2 of the sci-fi-ish TV series Colony from the American USA Network is starting on Thursday (12 Jan 2017).

The year two run is expected to last 13 episodes, three more than number one.

We were dropped right in to the heart of the alien take over last season.  A lot had happened already with few details given to the audience.  It was likely done that way so the show hit the ground running and to give the viewers a sense of the confusing and tense situation in which the protagonists found themselves.  The upcoming first new episode is said to contain a lot of flashbacks to the time in the run-up to the alien take-over.  Some of those ‘how did this happen?’ questions should be answered.

We last saw Kathryn’s Charlotte Burgess being taken away by the security services for disobeying the new masters.  Sadly, we probably have to assume that that is the final time we will ever see her.  But you never know in sci-fi shows, especially with flashbacks involved.  Charlotte’s husband Nolan (Adrian Pasdar, Heroes) is certainly still involved in the political world and now has a new lady at his side in the form of Amanda Righetti’s (The Mentalist) Maddie.  Charlotte used Maddie for her own nefarious ends but met a sticky one herself.  Perhaps Charlotte underwent a similar experience climbing the greasy pole and continued the cycle of abuse.

To mark the new season starting I’ve added some newly upgraded promo photos from episodes past.  The three new replacements are all shown above.  The main image is now huuuuuuge.  That means I have to apologise for the gratuitous bit of nudity on display.  We’ll just call it art :-)

You can see them, along with many more images of Kathryn from Colony, in the KM UK Gallery.

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