This was well hyped, perhaps too much, but I think it lived up to it.
In so many ways I had it well and truly nailed before hand. For example, it was a fun throw away episode with no real significance to the greater story arcs. Also, the bouquet was only going to end up with one person. However, I did mess up on a couple of crucial ones. Firstly, the doer (or lack of) was a surprise and by mid-show I had a pretty firm idea of the way it was going but they didn’t take my route.
The second one is the more important one though. So often Cold Case lets me down. Not this time. They went far beyond expectations. The make-up crew must have used all the really thick stuff to cover Kathryn’s tattoo, leaving none for her face because Lilly looked amazing throughout. The dress was great, and not full length as I’d feared. And we had an abundance of wonderful smiles. Legs and smiles. You couldn’t really ask for more from an episode.
I might have slightly over done the number of exclusive HD (720p) screencaps this week by making 276 of them, but I make no apologies for that. How could I not! 😉
Check out TVFan‘s review over on Pass The Remote.
No new Cold Case next week because CBS seemed to have suddenly noticed that the Oscars are on that night and have decided to go with a CC repeat instead.

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