
March 2025
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Cold Case S07E22 – Shattered Stills – Updated

still_001onset_001Just a quick post with a couple of pictures from the season 7 finale: Shattered.  First we have a still with Lilly and Scotty, see above.  Secondly we have an on-set photo of Kathryn and Harley Graham, the actress playing the young Lilly in this episodes flashbacks.

Both can now be found in the Gallery.

Thanks to IcyWinter and Nscha for these.

Update: The On-set photo has been replaced by a much larger version.

Cold Case S07E21 – Almost Paradise Stills

still_0013 stills from the next episode of Cold Case, Almost Paradise, due to air in the US on May 2nd, have been added to the Gallery.  Yes, that’s Nicki Aycox on the left returning as Lilly’s younger sister Christina.

Thanks to PQ.

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Cold Case S07E20 – Free Love Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E20_lilly_168Lilly solves a case with Agent Cavanaugh, who is clearly grooming her for a job at the FBI.  He has to field test her first though.  There’s a lot of “free love” going around  😉

335 HD (720p) exclusive screencaps can be found in the Gallery.  Lots of great Lilly smiles :-)

TVFan gives us her review of Free Love and a view of the future over at Pass The Remote.

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Cold Case S07E19 – Bullet Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E19_lilly_248The second, and concluding part of the story that started with last week’s episode, The Last Drive-In.  Lilly and Yates hunt down the serial killer sniper, and we find out the reason Yates has taken the case so personally.

Another Lilly-fest so lots screencaps.  Another 360 new HD (720p) screencaps exclusive to this site are now in the Gallery.

Head over to Pass The Remote for TVFan’s review of the episode.  Hint: oh, you’ve got the idea of these by now, surely.

A preview video for next episode Free Love has also been added to the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E18 – The Last Drive-In Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E18_lilly_266Lots of Lilly in this one.  Quite a few smiles too :-)

Is Agent Yates the ghost of Lilly’s future :-)

Lots of Lilly means lots of screencaps.  350 354 new HD (720p) screencaps exclusive to this site are now in the Gallery.

Head over to Pass The Remote for TVFan’s analysis of the show.  Hint: she likes it.

A preview video for next episode Bullet, the 2nd part of this story, has also been added to the Gallery.

Update: 4 more screencaps added.

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