
March 2025
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CC S7 September Debut In UK

True to our original announcement the Universal Channel here in the UK will be showing Cold Case season 7 this year.  In fact it is due to début in just over a week, starting on Monday the 12th of September.

Currently Universal is showing a mix of seasons 3 & 4 at various times of day.  From Monday week they switch to season 7 with the first episode The Crossing starting at 8pm, with repeats the following day at 1pm.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.  You can find more details on the Universal Channel website.

Exclusive! Universal Channel In UK To Show CC S7 In 2011

Universal Channel kindly responded to a couple of questions of mine regarding their showing of Cold Case here in the UK.  This came about after it became known that they started showing season 1 last Monday (7 March 2011).

According to the Universal Channel representative they have all 7 seasons of Cold Case and will be showing seasons 1-3 this year and 4-6 next.  That seemed to suggest that S7 would be airing in 2013.  Not so.  Universal will be broadcasting season 7 this year.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.

Thank you to the Universal Channel for their help.

Cold Case S07E22 – Shattered Full HD Screencaps

It’s the end of the end for Cold Case.

Lilly and Scotty go on the hunt for Christina.  The rest of the squad break a few rules to solve an Will’s own cold case.  And Lilly gets a new addition to her increasingly back together family.

310 Full HD (1080p) exclusive screencaps can be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E21 – Almost Paradise Full HD Screencaps

FBI guys are put to one side as Christina shows up looking for help but Lilly’s not feeling very sisterly.  Meanwhile the case of the week (albeit a week from 1989) involves the death of a prom queen, which must be the most dangerous job in America.

199 Full HD (1080p) exclusive screencaps are now the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E20 – Free Love Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E20_lilly_168Lilly joins forces with FBI Agent Ryan Cavanaugh (Johnny Messner) to solve a murder that happened at Woodstock.  Could this be the beginning of a wonderful partnership? 😉

Anyone notice that this barn in Woodstock must have full haircare facilities because in the next shot everyone is dry?

314HD (1080p) exclusive screencaps can be found in the Gallery.  Lilly seems happy and a happy Lilly means lots of smiles :-)

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