
March 2025
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Cold Case S07E11 – The Good Soldier Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E11_lilly_107We’ve hit another milestone here on KM UK.  This is the 100th post.  Not bad in just 8 months.

Please Cold Case, can we just let Lilly look like Kathryn.  It can’t be hard, she’s under there somewhere! (Who else read that as underwear ? 😉 )

184 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

For in-depth discussions on the episode try the thread on Look Again and see TVFan’s review on PTR.

A promo for the next episode, The Runaway Bunny, has been added to the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E10 – Iced Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E10_lilly_184It’s the last episode of Cold Case… for the year.  For the decade even.  Good bye to the noughties.  Hello to the tennies?  And the show went out swinging.  It’s back on US TV on the 10th of January.

Not sure about the use of a fake birth certificate to ellicit a confession, and I bet Lilly could have got a DNA sample with full consent and no fear of a complaint 😉

185 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.  I’ve thrown in 3 others just for fun.

Hit the discussion thread on Look Again for chat and see TVFan’s review on PTR.

What Cold_Case_S07E10_lilly_103 Cold_Case_S07E10_other_003

The “Team 25” jersey Jeremy Ratchford was wearing in the end montage was done to promote a children’s foundation of the same name.  Jeremy (presuming it is him) has posted a comment about it on IMDb.  You can find out all about Team 25 here.

Cold Case S07E09 – Forensics Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E09_lilly_156Cold Case finds itself back in its old 9pm slot on US TV after the show that took its place this season, Three Rivers, has effectively been cancelled.  Let’s hope it helps restore CC’s viewing figures to season 6 or earlier levels.

Took me a while to spot Kathryn was even in this one.  I nearly didn’t recognise her with her clothes on!  What?!?  It’s an old joke and I had to make it at some point  😉

For a detailed analysis (geddit?  It’s called forensics!  Never mind) of Lilly we have 158 HD (720p) screencaps in the Gallery.  Lots of great Lilly-smiles in this one.

Head over to Look Again for general episode discussions and check out TVFan’s review on Pass The Remote.

Iced (S07E10) preview added to the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E08 – Chinatown Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E08_lilly_120I try to vary the start of these screencap posts based on the content of the episode.  However, after the excitement of the last few days I had this one planned in advance.  It was to start thus: “Oh well, back to the day job.”

After seeing the episode that had to change!  The boots.  The beach scene.  The smiles.  I used to gauge an episode based on the quotient of Lilly-smiles.  On that scale this episode was one of the best ever :-)  It was definitely not a run-of-the-mill episode.  Kathryn looked fantastic in the sun rise.  Surprised Eddie didn’t suggest a swim, knowing full well that Lilly would have been without costume…

206 HD (720p) screencaps are in the Gallery.

For in depth episode discussion head to Look Again.

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Cold Case S07E07 – Read Between The Lines Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E07_lilly_192197 HD (720p) screencaps of Lilly in Read Between The Lines are now in the Gallery.

We get Kat back at last, but Will is MIA without a mention.  Turns out Lilly has a thing for diamonds, she didn’t seem the type.  I may just be getting used to it but Lilly is looking more Kathryn-like recently, less over-made-up.  A definite improvement.

For discussion on the episode head over to the appropriate thread on Look Again.  And check out TVFan’s review on Pass The Remote.

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A preview video for the next episode, Chinatown (S07E08), can also be found in the Gallery.

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