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Cold Case S02E01 – The Badlands Promo Updates


We (finally) start this set of promo photo updates with the first episode of Cold Case season 2.  Which seems fitting. ‘The Badlands’ first aired in the US on the 3rd of October 2004.  (Now) over 15 years ago.

‘The Badlands’ is a look back for several of the squad members too.  Lilly and Nick were on this case the first time around, and it was Lilly’s last before joining the CC squad.  Will also has a lot of connections with the area of the triple murder took place in, so it hits close to home for him too.

Getting this run of posts off the ground (apologies for the late departure!) are 10 newly added promotional photos in the KM UK Gallery.

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15 Years Old: Cold Case Season 2

CC_Titles_16They say you never forget your first.  Unfortunately in my case, the second is a very different matter.

Last year, to mark the 15th anniversary of the start of Cold Case, I started posting additional and upgraded promotional photographs and stills.  On the same date an episode aired an update was published for that one.  This was supposed to continue for season two.

An ageing brain, real-life, and poor planning has meant I just plain forgot to start the process again.  Sorry.  So, I have some catching up to do.  Over the next five weeks the aim is to get us back on track with multiple posts per week.  There are lots of images to post which will hopefully bring back some great memories for you all.

After changes made across season one, with Chris Lassing (Justin Chambers) replaced by Scotty Valens (Danny Pino) and the flashback elements having increased duration, the show was really into its stride by season two.

Look out for the first of our season 2 + 15 years posts in a couple of days.

Cold Case Season 2 Promo Photo Embiggening

promo_006I can’t carry off the black polo next and blue jeans with quite the confidence of Steve Jobs but can bring a surprise “one more thing” to the KM UK Summer Of HD 2013, which ended last week.

It took me a while to remember why a long-standing reminder to update the Cold Case season 2 promo photos even existed.  The images are already in the Gallery and at quite a high resolution too.  I had forgotten that KM UK’s old hosting limited the image size.  The images had been shrunk to fit.  Part of the reason for making the move back in May of 2010 was to accommodate images of any size to bring you the best available.

As we have just finished a retrospective of Cold Case season 2 it makes sense to finally bring you a super-sized upgrade to the promo photos from that year.  Number two is a massive 3750×5000 pixels.  Plus, we have a new small photo (see above).

5 enlarged promo stills and 1 new addition can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S02E23 – The Woods Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E23_lilly_223Summer is not officially over in the UK and the English summer has rallied somewhat as we entered October.  Still, after five months we have finally come to the end of KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2013.  We’re going out in style though.

Normally I’d give a short précis of the episode here but this is The Woods.  ‘Nuff said.

405 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and 3 promo stills from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

Join us in 2014 for the next instalment.

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Cold Case S02E22 – Best Friends HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S02E22_lilly_105The case in Best Friends was one of the oldest that Cold Case covered in its 156 episodes.  It is also one of the fans favourites and is often cited for the emotional effect on the viewers.

An old pickup truck raised from the depths of a river brings a secret to the surface from its 73 year water grave.

A missing girl from 1932 makes this one of the very oldest cases the CC squad ever tackled

124 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps from the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

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