
February 2025
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Cold Case S07E14 – Metamorphosis Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_123More of the biggest and best Lilly screencaps around, brought to you exclusively by KM UK.

181 Full HD (1080p) sized images from Metamorphosis can now be found in the Gallery.  Lilly & Scotty reach an understanding.

The coming set of CC screencap upgrades are well worth seeing.  Look for those next week.

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No Cold Case Season 8

It seems that this site is one of the top ones people are reaching when searching for information about Cold Case Season 8.  A large percentage of the recent traffic has shown that the autumn/fall schedules, with its mix of returning favourites and new shows, has got viewers wondering why new Cold Case episodes are not being broadcast.  So, I just wanted to add help clarify the situation with this quick post for those searching for information.

Sadly, there will not be a Cold Case season 8.

Viewers in the UK are still out of luck as there is no sign of Sky, or any other channel, showing Cold Case series 7, let alone series 8.

Cold Case S07E13 – Bombers Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E13_lilly_127Monday at this time of year used to mean a brand new set of screencaps from the latest episode of Cold Case. Unfortunately that can’t happen any more due to the show’s cancellation.  However, KM UK can bring you new and improved exclusive screencaps from season 7.

We have to take another leap forward in time for the flashback show as this time we jump to Bombers, episode 13 of season 7.  The squad investigate the murder of a graffiti artist.  Lilly continues her harassment of Moe, but not for much longer as he comes to a stick end.  The question is at whose hands?

172 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S07E11 – The Good Soldier Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E11_lilly_107Cold Case is all about flashbacks, looking back in time.  With this update we have to jump forward a bit.  You may have noticed a slight jump in the episode number over the last update.  Sadly, no Full HD screencaps from eps 9 or 10 yet, so we’ll have to turn it up to 11 for now :-)

While investigating the death of a solider Lilly has to deal with some family issues.

261 Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

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AXN Cold Case S4 Interview

wowow_cast_interview_kmOnce again I find myself humbled by the generosity of visitors to my little site.  Whether it be information, news, pictures, videos or just a quick comment, this site would be so much less without your contributions.

A wonderful example of this is Nobu, on other side of the world from me, very kindly sending me a copy of this video being broadcast in Japan at the moment.  The video is a brief interview with Kathryn to promote the broadcasting of CC season 4 due to start next week on the AXN cable channel in Japan.  Nobu informs me that the WOWOW satellite channel in Japan is currently showing season 6.

The video is very much the Kathryn we know and adore, very funny and cute, talking about Lilly and her (lack of) love life.

In the Gallery you will now find slightly shrunk in size but full-length version of the interview and a set of full-sized screencaps.

One thing that is not clear is when the interview took actually place.  Nobu thinks the interview is likely to have been recorded in 2008 when WOWOW broadcast season 4, which makes sense.  If you have any thoughts or information on that please do let us know in the comments.

Uncountable thank yous to Nobu.

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