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The Wendy Williams Show 27 April 2010 – Screencaps & Videos

Screencaps and video clips from Kathryn’s appearance on The Wendy Williams Show from Tuesday can now be found in the Gallery.

I’ve made two videos to give you the choice of viewing.  But you’ll probably just watch both :-)  First we have the whole segment of the show that Kathryn starred in, allowing you to see everything in context.  It is a small sized and relatively low quality video to speed downloading.  Secondly there is one of my trademark Maximum Morris edits, this time at full size meaning you get the most important bits at the best quality.  Of course the editing puts some odd jumps in it.  The screencaps are, of course, the best they can be, all 177 of them.

Huge thanks to Sceptre for the help this one.

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Kathryn To Be On The Wendy Williams Show

Make-up artiste extraordinaire Carlene K has told me that she is working with again Kathryn tomorrow (27th April 2010) for The Wendy Williams Show chat show in the US.  Can’t say I’m familiar with the show but I look forward to seeing Kathryn on it.

I have checked with The Wendy Williams Show via Twitter for conformation and they say that Kathryn will indeed be on the show tomorrow.

If anyone can help out with supplying video of it to me for this site then please let me know, it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks to Carlene for the heads-up.

The Bonnie Hunt Show 5 April 2010 – Screencaps & Video

20100405_bonnie_hunt_009Kathryn made an appearance on The Bonnie Hunt Show today.  And she was great, as is to be expected of her.  Of course she looked amazing.

The future of Cold Case was mentioned but largely sidestepped.  Kathryn was not going to say whether it’s been been renewed or not because I doubt she knows at this point.  Plus, she is hardly going to act as though she feels it is bound to happen either.  Her “Cold Case never dies” line was nice.

Of course Kathryn mentioned Mother’s Little Helpers. She likened it to the Tom Cruise movie Risky Business with a “Mrs Robinson” element.

Plus, we got clip from Free Love, the next episode of Cold Case.

And most importantly: lots of smiles :-)

152 screencaps and a video can now be found in the the Gallery.

Big thanks to Julie for her help with this.

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