
March 2025
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Kathryn To Be On The Wendy Williams Show

Make-up artiste extraordinaire Carlene K has told me that she is working with again Kathryn tomorrow (27th April 2010) for The Wendy Williams Show chat show in the US.  Can’t say I’m familiar with the show but I look forward to seeing Kathryn on it.

I have checked with The Wendy Williams Show via Twitter for conformation and they say that Kathryn will indeed be on the show tomorrow.

If anyone can help out with supplying video of it to me for this site then please let me know, it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks to Carlene for the heads-up.

The Eagle Has Landed

We have our first evidence that Kathryn is in the vicinity of the Coachella Music Festival for the Mother’s Little Helpers event from Tweeter BigKCa:

BigKCa: Just saw Kathryn Morris walkin in PS. She’s a very pretty petite woman! – Link

A brief but highly accurate assessment 😉

Twit T-who? Twittergate

KM_UK: Hoping to be proved wrong about @kathrynmorris1 – Link

It’s been over a week now since Asher Levin (director of Kathryn’s forthcoming movie, Mother’s Little Helpers) “Tweeted” that Kathryn had a Twitter account.  It’s been 4 days since I posted the above Tweet (that still doesn’t sound right to me).

Unfortunately I’m left still hoping.

I’d like to explain the reasons behind my comment and few thoughts on the issue.

Continue reading »

It’s Happened – @kathrynmorris1

Kathryn has got herself a Twitter account, according to Asher Levin.

FF – ANNOUNCEMENT: finally convinced Kathryn to come to the twitter world. Follow her at @KATHRYNMORRIS1 and my producer @GRAHAM_LARSONLink

Welcome Kathryn.  We at KM UK hope you enjoy it.

I’m sure I don’t need to say this but to everyone else, please remember to be polite and respectful if you send a message to Kathryn.

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