
March 2025
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Sunday’s Mother Filming Starts Today

Today (Friday, 8th of July) is the day that shooting for short film Sunday’s Mother starts.

Kathryn’s co-star Riley Smith sent a Tweet about it a short time ago:

Filming On the set of a cool short film called “Sunday’s Mother” with Kathryn Morris today. – Link

We wish good luck to all involved: Kathryn, Riley, Chase Elison, Brian Norris, Aaron, Andrew and the rest of the crew.

For more details see the Sunday’s Mother webpage on the Titan Pictures website HERE.

Moneyball 1st Look On Entertainment Tonight – Update

Sony Pictures, the studio behind Moneyball, has just posted a Tweet stating that there will be a “first look” at the film on the US TV show Entertainment Tonight.

The Tweet in full:

TUNE IN tonight for a first look at #Moneyball, starring Brad Pitt and @JonahHill on Entertainment Tonight. Check local listings. – Link

If you are in America and manage to see the show please let us know.

Update: Moneyball only got a very brief mention in this edition of Entertainment Tonight.  In fact it was just a teaser for a more comprehensive look in tomorrow’s show.  Kathryn did not appear in the video clips shown, they focussed very much on Brad Pitt.  You can find a video of the short segment in the Gallery.  Thanks to JoliePittStop for the video.

Tracie In Human Target Screencaps – Update

I know that many of you are fans of Kathryn’s co-stars from Cold Case.  Tracie Thoms, who played Kat Miller in CC, is multi-talented and has returned to stage performing since Cold Case ended, not that she really left it.  However, she recently re-appeared on the small screen, taking a guest star role in the TV show Human Target.  Tracie played the ex-wife of a main character, which does leave scope for her returning.

I practically broke the news of her getting the job to Tracie herself after posting about the news on Twitter a few months back.  She hadn’t even had a chance to tell anyone else about it!  Sorry Tracie :-)

I’ve done this for fans of Danny Pino by posting screencaps of him in Burn Notice (here and here) so I thought I’d do the same for Tracie fans.  Feel free to pass on details of this post onto any Tracie fansites etc. you think might appreciate them.  You can download a small zip of 49 HD (720p) watermark-less screencaps HERE.

Another recent Tweet by the lady herself suggests that she has taken on another TV role in an episode of Harry’s Law, a new legal drama starring another Kathy: Kathy Bates.  The show is due to debut later this month, but I don’t know yet which episode Tracie is involved in.  From IMDb it also appears that Tracie is involved in several upcoming movies as well.

Update: Tracie has posted a Tweet to say she’s has a recurring role in Harry’s Law and, so far, will be in 3 episodes.

Moneyball Confirmation

No question mark on the subject line this time.

It looks like we have a sighting of Kathryn not only near the production of Moneyball, as suggested previously, but actually involved in filming.  Great news!

This morning Twitter user Big Rimmed Glasses posted the following message:

had a great time at #moneyball set today!! brad, jonah, PSH, katheryn, angelina, and chris!!! AHH SO MANY AWESOMNESS! – Link

I replied hoping to confirm that that was indeed a typo (I think we’ll forgive it) and that they were referring to our Kathryn.  BRG kindly responded with:

@KM_UK yea she was on set yesterday. she had a small scene filmed yesterday from what i could see. – Link

Big thanks to BRG for the information.

Moneyball Confirmation?

Just spotted a Twitter message from user TheAggregator (Matthew Nelson).

Hunh.. the very nice lady I gave directions to last night on the set was Kathryn Morris #moneyball Shrug

This could very well be confirmation of Kathryn’s involvement in the movie Moneyball that we’ve been looking for.  Moneyball, based on the book of the same name by Michael Lewis, stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland As baseball team.  Matthew has been on set during filming of baseball game scenes at the Oakland Coliseum.

Thanks to Matthew for the info.

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