
March 2025
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When Heather Met Kathryn

on_set_001Everyone meet Heather.  Heather, everyone.  Everyone, Heather.  She’s the one on the right.

“Heather Coxx” is someone KM UK met on Twitter.  She has a story about meeting Kathryn and she agreed to write about it and share it with us all.

So, without further ado here is Heather in her own words:

I’m Heather Coxx, sixteen years old and born and raised in Cincinatti. I follow my lessons at the Walnut Hills High School and I’m one of the cheerleaders there!
Well, I became a fan of Kathryn Morris seven years ago, when I was nine. On a boring Sunday I watched my First Cold Case episode ever, ‘Committed’. I really liked it and couldn’t wait until the next Sunday. But when I saw ‘A Perfect Day’ I start to love Kathryn. She is an amazing actress. I wanted to know everything about her and saved every photo from her on my dads computer. I was a kind of little stalker I guess and people on school called me ‘obsessed’. Continue reading »

Kathryn Takes Up Residence In 2BR/1BA – Funding Help Required

2br1ba_logo_002_150x117Early this morning UK time a Tweet was posted that stated Kathryn would be starring in a new movie by the director Rob Margolies.

“Rob who?” you might be asking.  Well, you might not recognise the name but you have seen his previous feature film mentioned several times on this very site.  Margolies was the writer and director of the recently released on DVD She Wants Me.  Photos from the Las Vegas launch event caused something of a sensation here a couple of weeks ago.  I think we can join the dots on this one 😉

That original Tweet was removed but has since been replaced by an identical one on the She Wants Me Movie Twitter feed:


Rob Margolies next film “2br/1ba” starring Alexa Vega, Spencer Grammer and Kathryn Morris #Greek #ColdCase #SpyKids #thriller – Link

This new film is called 2BR/1BA, which is property advertising shorthand for “2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom”, revolves around two young women sharing an apartment “whose differences come to a head over one crazy day.”  The two leads will be played by Alexa Vega (Spy Kids 1-4) and Spencer Grammer (TV show Greek).  Principal photography is due to start next Monday (24th September 2012).

Rob has kindly confirmed to KM UK that Kathryn is definitely attached.  Her role is a supporting one but, as Rob told us, “There are only 5 roles in the entire script so her screen time will be very much felt.”  Which is great news!

Much like the short film Sunday’s Mother the 2BR/1BA production is requesting help with funding to cover the full production costs and complete the post-production process.  KM UK is joining the campaign to help the movie meet its target and we invite you dear reader to do what you can to assist.  You can play a direct part in bringing a film starring Kathryn Morris to the screen.

Also like Sunday’s Mother there is a sliding scale of rewards depending on the amount you pledge.  $10 gets you a behind the scenes photo, $25 a DVD.  Other rewards include home baked cookies, dinner with the director (Rob), speaking roles and producer credits.

You can find the film project’s funding page on the website along with all the details HERE.

We will bring you more news on 2BR/1BA soon.

It’s Happened Again – Fake KM Twitter

Early on Saturday morning (UK time) another “Kathryn Morris” Twitter account was created, this time it was @_KathrynMorris.  We’ll call her “Kathryn 2”.

It looked reasonably plausible, with a photo and bio, but then so did the last one we dealt with, the now defunct @KathrynMorris_ account.

Myself and another fan, KM UK regular Kathy, conversed with “Kathryn 2” a little and I did so in private messages as well.  As before I was reserving judgement on “Kathryn 2” until I had more information to go on.  This was likely to take a few days.  Sadly, I’m not going to get that opportunity now as “Kathryn 2” suddenly closed the account, just hours after creating it.

The abrupt closure is probably a sign in of itself that the account was a fake.  The claim in the private chat of a big movie role to be announced soon should be taken with a large pinch of salt too.  Thanks to dianekmfan, another KM UK regular, for pointing out issues with the language “Kathryn 2” was using.  It was odd for a native English speaker and certainly a mark against it but we didn’t get the definite proof we got last time (when the perp dropped a real clanger when claiming where “Kathryn” was at the time) though.

Taking it all into consideration I think that it is safe to say that it was fake.  Such a shame that we didn’t get to expose it as such before that.

At least this time the faker had the good sense to stop before it went any further.  Why they didn’t apply that good sense before hand and not start it in the first place we might never know.

The thing that really puzzles me is to why someone would do this?  Based on the information they had I can only assume that they would say they are a fan of Kathryn.  Personally I don’t think that they should call themselves that.  No fan of Kathryn would try and do this to other fans.  This, for want of a better word, ‘person’ has now lost the right to take that moniker.  “Kathryn 2”, you are no fan of Kathryn!

I think some KM admirers totally hate you.  I am sure that some of them would like to find out who you really are.  Me?  I’m not angry or upset.  I’m disappointed.  Disappointed in the person behind this lie.


Open Letter To “Kathryn”


A couple of weeks ago you made the Twitter account @KathrynMorris_ claiming you are an “Actress/activist” in “Los Angeles, CA” and it quickly garnered a lot of interest.

The photo you used for the account profile picture (see right) was of the actress Kathryn Morris, best known as Detective Lilly Rush in the CBS TV show Cold Case.  You wanted everyone to think that you were that Kathryn Morris.  The intent was clear.

You are not Kathryn.  We all know that now.

Your plan was to use this Twitter account to dupe me specifically (let’s face it the London trip was a bit of a give away) but your actions had much wider consequences.  Did you even consider that?

The people most affected by your deception were the other fans that you allowed to believe you really were Kathryn Morris.  You led people on.  You let them believe.  When it was shown you were an impostor it caused upset.  They did not deserve to be treated that way.  For this you should be thoroughly ashamed.

The one slightly redeeming feature is that once you had proved yourself to be a liar you had the good sense to bow out quickly and close the account.

“Kathryn” are you a fan of Kathryn?  I don’t think she would want a supporter that does something like this, do you?  What would she think of this behaviour?


You’re Rumbled – Update x 2

avatar_001_500x498Last week the @KathrynMorris_ account appeared on Twitter.

I said that’d we were reserving judgement on it.  I said we would play along, for now.

Now is the time to pass judgement.  Now we stop playing.

It’s fake.

I have considered all the information available and gone over it many times before reaching this conclusion.  I won’t bore you with the details but suffice to say that I have good reasons to believe that it is not the real Kathryn Morris.

It was a good attempt.  It nearly had us fooled.  There were just too many inconsistencies.  Too many little issues.  Individually you could let them go.  Collectively you can’t.

I am so very sorry for everyone that is disappointed by this news, though many of you will quite rightly be saying “Well duh!” and  “I told you so.”

Thank you to everyone that helped with this, your thoughts and input were invaluable.

Update (6 June 2012):  Even when I first posted this article I still had a few doubts as to whether I was right.  Later discussions with various people (thanks to them) have helped further.  Extra pieces of evidence thrown onto the pile make me more certain than ever.  Now I am 100% sure it’s not Kathryn.  As to why someone would create a fake Twitter account I am not at all sure.  Gotta wonder about some people.  Unmasking the culprit may not happen.  Still, as they say, “the truth is out there.”

Update 2 (7 June 2012):  Bit of a turn up for the books.  After a period of silence another Tweet was posted by our faker.  By claiming that she had just arrived in New York “Kathryn” really blew it.  You all know how wrong that was.  Bucharest in Romania is where the real Kathryn is at the moment.  Laws of physics would have to be broken to achieve that.  Obviously not a big Kathryn fan then.  Now the Twitter account has been closed.  Doubtless another will appear at sometime in the future.  I will certainly be on the look out.  I will do my best to check the authenticity any such accounts.  Ever vigilant.

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