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Facebook Fabrication – Update x3

This was not a subject I wanted to post about.  I do my best to be as generous and tolerant towards others as I can.  But there are limits to even my patience.

A person who some of you may know, who claims to be a fan of Kathryn (and can’t seem to write the word “fan” without putting the word “fierce” in front of it) runs a Facebook Page dedicated to her.  You may have seen it, ‘Liked’ it, or even left a comment.  She’s called Lisa.  I’m not going to give a link to the page, frankly she doesn’t deserve it.

It has been obvious to me for a while that Lisa has been posting pictures taken from this site on her Facebook page.  The images are often the ones I use as banners for the individual posts.  The size, shape and cropping which makes them unique to this site gives the game away completely.

Back in June I challenged Lisa over this via Twitter.  She did not respond to me directly but left the following message on Facebook a short while later:

To all of you, good Kathryn’s fans!!! I want to be clear: this fb fan page don’t steal info, photos, pictures, links, sites from other fan pages; this fb fan page don’t plagiarize from others; its directors are honest and sincere doing their great job in a really right way to update this fb fan page as the best they can every day always searching, finding and being informed; this fb fan page and its directors will never plagiarize!!! By The Directors

It’s a lie.

Let me make it clear that I am not claiming ownership of the images.  What I am stating is that it is the policy of this site to not take images from other fan sites and post them here.  If all the fan sites just copied images from each other then they’d all be the same.  According to Lisa’s comment she feels the same way.  The evidence shows otherwise.

Lisa can’t make those bold claims stand-up when you see this image, which I created especially for this post, included on her Facebook page.

Lisa you are the weakest link.  Goodbye.That is just one of a great many examples.  Lisa has also posted fan art created by some you just for this site, without giving you any credit.

In the past week I have tried contacting Lisa again via Twitter.  She’s ignored me.  Yesterday I left comments on a lot of the images she has taken from this site saying where they came from.  Those comments have been removed and I am unable to leave further comments.  Make of that what you will.

Lisa might be “fierce”, but “honest” she is not.



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Kathryn’s First Tweets

Looks like we finally get to welcome Kathryn to Twitter.

A short time again the Official Kathryn Morris Twitter feed posted two messages.  For the first time it appears that Kathryn herself is posting.  The two messages were:

This is my first official tweet…. most people that know me, know I’m not a big fan social media… – Link


..About ready to have our twin boys!!  Thank you for all the love that has come our way!!! xox – Link

avatar_002_360x458We certainly won’t be commenting on every Tweet Kathryn posts, assuming it continues, but we thought it was worth noting this sudden change.

I’ve already welcomed her and passed on best wishes for the impending birth of her twin boys.

You can follow Kathryn’s official feed here.

Big Push On Official KM Website

20130408_us_magazine_kathryn_pregnant_004As reported here a couple of months ago, the Official KM Twitter feed had a brief moment of conciousness and posted something.  At the time we noted that the Official Kathryn Morris website had gone into “Under Construction” mode for a while and returned with little content.

20130408_us_magazine_kathryn_pregnant_005Over night the Twitter feed again woke up, posting various links to the Official Facebook page.  Only one worked at the time I checked and it led to a post on the People magazine website about the upcoming birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s twins.

Presumably following on from that friend of this site Kareen_T (thanks again!) spotted that the Official KM website has undergone a further update.  It is clearly far from ready for prime time, with layout issues and glaring errors carried over from its earlier incarnation, but it has gained a lot of new content.  I’ll be posting more about some of that in the next few days.

20130227_sonagram_001The most notable item on the website is the Twins Shower page.  It is a Pinterest style page with various images, including illustrations and photos.  Taken from that set are the images you see around this post, including a sonagram image (right) taken back in February which is presumed to be a genuine shot of the Morris/Messner twins.  The other two images (one of which is huge!) have joined the Us Magazine set, even though they were not used by the publication.  They have all now been added to KM UK Gallery.

Officially Caught Up… ish

003The Official Kathryn Morris Facebook page and Twitter feed was up late last night.  It must have been bit tired and confused because it did something very uncharacteristic: posted some news.  It has been almost exactly a year since the last output.

And what pearl of wisdom did the apparently official mouthpiece of the actress, which you’d think would have direct access to said mouth, have to bestow upon us mere mortals?  Kathryn’s pregnant.  With twins.  Something I believe was widely reported when Us Magazine and father-to-be Johnny Messner himself broke the news back in… ooh, when was it now… early April.

Let’s hope, for Kathryn’s sake, that the babies’ arrival is not so delayed.

Give it a few months and “they” will probably tell us about Kathryn signing up for the been, done and gone Surgeon General pilot (early March), or producing and starring in the forthcoming movie project Alice Sweet Alice (news from mid-April).

Of course you can get all this information in a much more timely fashion on one of the several Facebook pages that gets their content from this site.  Or save yourself a click by coming straight to KM UK.

On a connected note: a few weeks ago the Official KM website went into under construction “we’ll be back” mode.  Expecting a major revamp it was a surprise to see the site return some days later with just a picture, a contact form and a couple of links.  All in the same style as before.

As those behind the Official sites were also responsible for promoting Cougars, Inc. we have nothing to worry about…

The Other Side Of The Sweeter Side – Update

promo_009For those on the East coast and Central regions The Sweeter Side Of Life will have just about finished.  The West coasters will have to wait just a little longer.  Once you’ve seen it please let us know what you thought with a comment below.

Below is a poll for you to give us a quick reaction to the movie.  Was the movie the sweetest thing you ever did see, or had it gone stale before its time?

If you come over all creative and wish to write a more comprehensive critique of the film then please contact us and we’ll put together a special review page for any submissions.

There will be a full KM UK review in a few days.

Also, since the last post we’ve added a few more on set photos to the Gallery, courtesy of Michael Damian and his Twitter feed.  Thanks to him for them.

Update (3 February 2013):  After two weeks we’ve closed the poll.  It was the biggest poll we’ve done with more voters than ever before.  As you can see below it was a landslide for the likes with only a few remaining to be convinced.  No one went for the hate it option.  Thank you to everyone that took part.

What did you think of The Sweeter Side Of Life?

  • The sweetest thing (84%, 26 Votes)
  • A mere trifle (16%, 5 Votes)
  • Distinctly stale (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 31

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