
March 2025
« Jan    



Gallery Registration & Contact Form Issues

Late last night I realised that the Contact form on the main site and the Gallery registration process are not sending emails as they should be.  I think my webhost has made a change which means the emails are no longer being sent correctly.  Unfortunately I do not know when this problem started.

This means that if you have tried to contact me recently via the Contact form then I have not received the message.  I promise you that I was not ignoring any messages sent, I just haven’t received it.  I have managed to fix the Contact form problem.  If you have sent me a message via the Contact form recently and not received a response, please send it again.

The effect on the Gallery registration process is that you may not have been sent the verification email.  You need a link in that email to complete the process yourself.  There have been a number of accounts left unverified for a while now, to tidy things up I have deleted all those pending one.  If you have submitted a registration recently and not received the verification email, please re-register and send me a message via the Contact form, include the Name and User ID (not the password) you used, and I will enable your account ASAP.

Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Update: I’ve seen evidence that the Gallery registration verification emails may be being sent.


We’ve reached a milestone and I thought it was worth celebrating.

Clearly we are well past the 100th episode of Cold Case, as seen above being celebrated by Kathryn and the crew in late 2007.  That was the World’s End, episode 7 of season 5.  But it seemed like an appropriate image.  Danny is standing awfully close though isn’t he!

It definitely is not Kathryn’s 100th birthday.  How dare you even think that :-)

No, it is 100th day of this site, Kathryn Morris UK.

The site started as an experiment to see what I could do with the available software and a wish to use the domain more.  I didn’t think it would become all of this.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed so far, and thank you to everyone that has visited in the past 3 and a bit months.

If you are new here: Welcome.  I hope you like what you’ve seen so far.  There’s plenty more to come.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.  Please use the Contact form.

Gallery Searching

Cold_Case_S01E02_lilly_088Want to see Lilly wielding her gun?  Catch a glimpse Kathryn’s tattoo?  Are you looking for a particular photo of Kathryn but are not sure where to find it?  Or do you want an image with particular content for a banner, signature or avatar?  Yes?  Then gallery searching is for you.

The KM UK Gallery has a useful search facility for finding images quickly and easily.  Type the a Cold Case episode name, film title or event name into the search text box, click the search button, to get a list of appropriate albums and images.  You will find the search box is situated at the top of the Gallery’s front page, it is different from the one at the top of this page.

However, to make the Gallery an even more useful resource, and not just a collection of pretty pictures of a very pretty lady, I have started the process tagging the images with keywords.

To explain this fully I have put together a page with more details on the tagging and ways to use search effectively.  See the page on Gallery Searching for more details.

Having found the images you want don’t forget to rate and comment on them.  It would be good to hear about your favourites.

If you use any of my screencaps in your work I would love to hear about it.  I’m not looking for credit, just curious to see what you come up with.

New KM UK Logo

As you can see we have a new logo here at Kathryn Morris UK.

I would like to thank zoé from ColdCasePedia for creating this great logo for me.

I have also created a new favicon.  It’s a little simple, hopefully we can come up with something better later, but I wanted to move away from the 3-cubes completely.

However, please don’t let this stop you from submitting any ideas you have for new logos or favicons.  Contact me via the Contact form or leave a comment against this posting.

Gallery Registration Issues

I’ve noticed that a few people have had problems with the registration process for the Gallery.  I am sorry if you’ve experienced an issue.  I wish the process was a little clearer, but it generally seems to work quite well.  The process should be fully automatic without requiring any intervention from myself.

I have written some basic instructions on the process, you can find them here.

However, if you have tried to register but are still waiting for the confirmation email then please check any spam or junk email folders.  The email is sent very quickly, it should be with you in a few minutes of completing the form.  If after few hours you have still not received the confirmation email and you can’t find it in any junk or spam folders please contact me.  Send me the user name and email address you submitted and I will enable your account manually.

Alternatively, if you have received the email, click the link in it and you will be taken back to the Gallery front page.  The system will have confirmed your details and enabled the account.  It doesn’t show any sign that it has, but it has.  Just trust that it has worked and then login with the details you submitted originally.

If you have created more than one account in the Gallery (perhaps you changed your mind on the user name you wanted to use) please contact me with details so I can delete the unused one.

If you have any questions regarding the gallery registration process then please contact me using the form here.

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