
March 2025
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KM UK Xmas Message 2009

creative_emmys_001Happy Xmas

As the end of the year rapidly approaches it’s time to reflect on the past 12 months.

I think that’s about as clichéd a start as I can manage :-)

Of course, it would be more accurate for this site to talk about the past 7 months because it only started properly in mid-May.  And what a 7 months it has been!  For Kathryn and this site:  Cold Case renewed for season 7 after so much speculation, the AOASHP movie finally released on DVD, Kathryn attending various events giving us some fantastic pictures (who can forget the Creative Arts Emmy ones?), and there were some other photos of note… can’t think of them at the moment though…  😉

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Xmas 09 Countdown on KM UK

And I thought Santa was supposed to be granting people’s Xmas wishes, not keeping the best stuff for himself!

Time for a bit of Xmas themed fun here on KM UK.  I’ve put together a sort of advent calendar in the Gallery.  It is not properly interactive in the way I’d like, so that you’d click on a “door” to reveal an image.  Instead, I’ve had to use a simpler system where by each day a new image will be revealed (assuming I remember and am able to).  Clicking on the thumbnail will reveal a larger version of the image.  Even bigger and better versions of each can be found elsewhere in the Gallery though.  Clicking on an unrevealed image will only show you a bigger version of the thumbnail, or nothing.

Obviously all the pictures are of Kathryn, but I’ve chosen a set of pictures of our girl really smiling.  25 great smiles.  What could be more Xmasy than that?

Unfortunately I only came up with this idea yesterday so I’m already a few days behind.  Tomorrow I will start “opening doors” revealing 2 at a time until we catch up.

You can find the advent calendar HERE, and I have added a link in the menu on the right to make it easier to get to.

Update: Thanks to zoé for the Xmas themed ‘K’ logo.  It looks great.

KM UK Hiatus Over

Hello again.

I’m back in a situation where I can update KM UK as normal.  Expect my normal HD screencaps from the two most recent episodes of Cold Case to appear in the next day or so.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Kathryn for not attending any events during the downtime so I would not miss photos of her at them :-)


KM UK Hiatus

KM UK is going to be quiet for the next couple of weeks.  Other commitments mean I will not be able to make any significant updates to the site during that time.

Unfortunately my usual posting of HD screencaps from the next couple of new Cold Case episodes will be delayed.  That is assuming the episodes themselves aren’t delayed of course.  Rest assured the images will be done, just not as quickly as normal.

Any other business will have to wait as well.

Be good and look after Kathryn for me.


KM With A Touch Of Mobility

Cold_Case_S06E02_lilly_52For readers viewing KM UK using popular mobile devices I have added a great WordPress plug-in to make viewing it easier. It is called WP Touch by a group called Brave New Code.

The plug-in gives users of the iPhone, iPod touch, Android (Google phone), Opera Mini, Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm a very different looking site, with the same great content of course :-)  The layout is designed to fit on the small screens much better and to reduce the download size, improving performance.  Most of the usual features are available, including being able read and post comments.

Mobile users that don’t want to use the simplified theme can flick a switch at the bottom of the page (see 4th image below) to revert to the normal theme, as viewed by desktop browsers.  Using something like the User Agent Switcher Add-on for Firefox users could see the mobile theme on their desktop.  Examples of how the site looks with this option can be seen in the images below.

Hopefully this addition is useful to some of you.  Let me know what you think.

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