
February 2025
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KM UK Is Two Today!

Happy Birthday to us!  Happy Birthday to us!  Happy Birthday to us!

KM UK reaches the grand old age of 2 today (18 May 2011).

At this time last year we were at approaching 180 articles posted, nearly one every two days.  A couple of months ago it looked like we would not be matching that hit rate in the past year.  The lack of regular Cold Case news was a major factor.  However, all the recent Cougars, Inc. coverage has got us back on track :-)

Now we’re at nearly 380 posts and more than 2600 comments.  Plus, the gallery continues to grow with over 400 registered viewers, more then 45,000 images, hundreds of thousands of hits and many hundreds of comments and ratings.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed in the past 12 months to help make this site such a big success.

Summer Of HD 2011

Exactly which day is the first of summer in the UK seems to be the cause of some debate.  It could have already past.  Or not be due for a few weeks.  Whatever.  Here at KM UK we are declaring that today is the first day of our summer and that means the return of our Summer Of HD.

Starting next week we’ll be expanding the Gallery with new HD screencaps.  This year our main focus is another season of Cold Case with all new exclusive full HD 1080p screencaps from most of the episodes.  But which season will it be?  You’ll have to wait and see, but I will say that it is a great one for Lilly-caps, with Kathryn looking amazing.  Not that that narrows it down very much :-)  Also there will be promo videos for some of the episodes.

Plus, we’ll have updates to various movies, public appearances and photoshoots.

It’s going to be a long hot summer 😉

2000th Comment Posted!

We’ve just had our 2000th comment posted on KM UK.  It was by TRB and you can find it HERE.

This site has been running for less than 18 months.  There have been nearly 240 articles posted.  Visitor numbers are on the increase.  And now we have our 2000th comment.  Quite an achievement all round.

Thank you to all of you for your help and contributions, you make this site what it is.


Fan Art Gallery Open

Ladies & Gentlemen.  Lords & Ladies.  Boys & Girls.  Welcome to this special occasion: the opening of a new wing of the KM UK Gallery.

Today I am proud to announce the opening of the Fan Art section of the KM UK Gallery.

In the new area you will find albums for Avatars, Drawings and Wallpapers & Backgrounds.  Later, I hope to add Banners & Signatures and Buttons, and anything else that’s required based on submissions from artists.

As you will see I’ve had a great response to my initial requests for images, but more will be added all the time so please do continue to submit your latest masterpieces.  I’d like to thank Alpha, ColdCasePedia, Karen and Mariana Elias for getting us off to a fantastic start with some wonderful images.

A page has been created giving more information about the Fan Art section, you can read it HERE.

Don’t forget to comment on and rate the images.

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Wanted: Banners & Badges

Sorry, I’m on the scrounge for artistic talent again!  And I just know you’ve got loads to spare.

I would like a few banners and buttons to be used as links to KMUK on other sites.  My abilities in this department have been proven to be lacking far too often for me to consider attempting such a thing myself.  So I wondering if you kind people would help?

Obviously the images would need to include something relating to Kathryn and the name of the site.  The “UK” thing, and the “look & feel” of this site might be worth considering as motifs.  The Gallery is full of potential source material.

There seem to be some common standards used for these things.  Banners of between 500px and 700px wide.  Buttons at around 100px wide.  An example of a button that I have already is one that TVFan kindly created for use on Pass The Remote (shown on the right) which is 100x40px.

All submissions will be showcased in the forthcoming Fan Art section of the Gallery.

Please contact me via a comment below, email or the Contact form if you wish to help

Thank you.

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