
March 2025
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Summer Of HD 2020

After the completing the recent ’15 years on’ Cold Case promo photo posts for season 2, I realised that for many episodes we don’t have a set of full HD (1080p) screencaps in the KM UK Gallery.

Over the next couple of months we’ll begin to put that right in a new run of Summer Of HD posts, starting tomorrow (15th June).  Ahead of starting the season 3 promo photos updates in the autumn/fall, we will spend the summer rattling through seasons 1 and 2 to fill in the gaps.

Each post will be minimum waffle, maximum images, with a few newly found promo photos thrown in to the mix.  There will be a hundreds of brand new high quality screencaps per episode of Kathryn in Cold Case.  We always aim to bring to you the best images we can.

If you are new to KM UK, perhaps you’ve been watching Cold Case for the first time during the lockdown situation and went searching for information on the beguiling leading lady, then welcome to my little site.

11th Hour

CC_100th_430x200Happy Birthday to KM UK!

And by ‘hour’ I mean ‘year.’  To be fair, I do seem to be posting things a little late recently!

Remember the days when scenes like the above were the norm?  Everyone huddled together sharing an important event.  They shouldn’t be right now, of course.  Danny! Back off!

Some how KM UK has survived 11 years in our little corner of the Internet.  So far we’ve managed over 1,500 posts and there are over 70,000 images in the Gallery.

Thank you to all of you that drop by to see what’s going on here.

Summer Of HD 2019

How long has it been since we did a proper Summer Of HD, KM UK’s series of gallery updates?  Years, to be sure.

To mark the anniversaries of the various Reverie episodes we will be bringing you new and exclusive full HD (1080p) screencaps, and some larger promo photos.  In a few instances the promo photos are massive!  Huge I tell you!  Well worth waiting for.

As the first episode of Reverie aired on the 30th of May last year we will start there.  Join us on Thursday.

1, 2, Miss A Few, 10!

CC_100th_430x200Happy Birthday to KM UK!

The big cake is out. The cast and crew is all stood around.  Danny is a little too close for comfort.  Yes, KM UK hits another anniversary.

Somehow this site has lasted 10 years.  There can’t be many fan sites that have managed that.  OK, we’re getting on a bit now.  We are getting slower, more forgetful (missed the recent annual Cold Case ending post for a start), and a little deaf in our advancing years.  What’s that?  A cup of tea would be lovely.  Thank you dear.

There is always the hope of the metaphorical blue pill of a new piece of work to cover.  The Dirt caught us all unawares!  And, there is still plenty of archive material and a few previously unmentioned items.

Join us for that and more in the next 12 months, and thanks to you for checking the newspapers and milk haven’t been piling up outside the door during the last 12.

Is KM UK 10? Nein, it’s 9!

CC_100th_430x200Happy Birthday to KM UK!

The image above can only mean one thing.  It’s time to celebrate KM UK reaching another birthday.

TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine gets cancelled and then picked up by another network.  KM UK is 9.  Coincidence?  I think not.

It continues to amaze me but somehow we’ve got to 9 years old.  So much has changed in that time but this site continues to try and meet its remit: to bring you, dear reader, the latest news and best content relating to Kathryn Morris’s work.

Continued thanks to all of you for dropping by this past year.  Stay with us for number ten.

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