
April 2025
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Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première – Part 3 – Update

035This event just keeps on giving.  We return once more to the Cougars, Inc. première that happened on March 31st.

Photographer Bob Delgadillo (previously referred to on this site by his handle Gee Dub), who was at the première of Cougars, Inc. after a tip off from yours truly, has made some pictures he took of the red carpet happenings freely available on his Dimex website.  In the sizeable downloadable archive are 5 large sized photos that include Kathryn.  I’ve now added them to the Gallery.  I suspect there are more to come.

Thanks to Bob.

Previous postings about the event can be found here and here.

Update: 3 more photos courtesy of Bob have been added.

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Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première After Party – Part 2

013We got the stamp on our hand so we’re getting back in to the party today.  Time to revisit the Cougars, Inc. première after party from the 31 March 2011.

We’ve got a load of large sized HQ images of Kathryn and the gang at the Supperclub event.  Also, there are a couple of small images of Kathryn caught with a O.N.E. Coconut Water that was being given away at the party.  Those images are courtesy of O.N.E.’s Facebook page.

Thanks Smallbarbie and the people at O.N.E. for their contributions.

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Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première – Part 2

009Time to revisit the recent première event for Cougars, Inc. held on the 31 of March.

Lots of new photos have been added to the Gallery most of them large sized and high quality.  Also there is an update to one of the earlier ones.  There will be more later.

Thanks to, amongst others, Smallbarbie for the help.

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Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première – Interview

009In the earlier post covering the Cougars, Inc. Hollywood première some of the images we saw were actually hi-res screencaps from an interview done with Mingle Media TV.  They’ve now posted the video of the chat with Kathryn and Kyle.  It is also on YouTube.

In the clip Kathryn talks about the fact that she and Kyle sort of worked together on Cold Case and that this dramatic change in their roles was a little odd.  They also get down to… errr… getting down to it.  There’s lots of laughs and that amazing smile is in great supply, she looks amazing.  Kyle looks a little embarrassed.

A smaller copy of the video is now in the Gallery.  No need for screencaps as we already have them.

Thanks to Mingle Media TV for making and posting the video.

Kathryn @ Cougars, Inc. Première After Party

001It’s any excuse for a party over in LA.  Making a movie and then having première seems excessive.  Why not just celebrate the days ending in “Y”.  Saves all that messy filming!  :-)

After the movie screening at the Egyptian Theatre the crowd moved across the road to the Supperclub venue for a party.  We can’t show you photos of much of what went on there but those that have Kathryn will be added to the Gallery :-)

Just one so far courtesy of The Garage PR.

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