
March 2025
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KM UK Awards 2017


*cough*  Hello.

Had enough of all those fake awards?  The Oscars?  So fake.  The BAFTAs?  Made up by the media who are too scared to tell you the truth.

To counter all that we bring you the Alternative Awards, or Alt-Awards.  And these are in no way influenced by ‘foreign actors’.  Only good ol’ home grown actors here.  Any results that you see leaked are being done so by bad hombres.  Sad.

Great news is we have a new sponsor for the event.  It’s V0dka.  ‘Don’t be bad. Drink like Vlad-imir.’  The classic American drink enjoyed by millions of hard working folk just like you.  Never has the potato tasted so good.  Apart from as ‘Freedom Fries’.

Despite appearances we know that this year will have the biggest audience ever.  Billions will witness this event.  8 to 10 billion in fact.

Due to the unprecedented success of last year’s new be-quiffed mascot we’ve brought it back.  If you ignore all the millions of votes against it (mostly illegal no doubt) it was the most popular statue since the last really popular one.

Welcome to the 2017 KM UK Awards.

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The Coin Holds Courts In France

concours_de_courts_456x208The Coin, the short film by Fabien Martorell that stars Christopher Lloyd and Kathryn, is roughly one fifth (1/5) the length of a single episode of Cold Case.

There were 156 episodes of Cold Case meaning you could watch The Coin nearly 800 times in the duration of a still imaginary Cold Case boxset.

Despite that disparity I’ve managed to post just less than half as often about this small film project compared to CBS’s long-running TV drama.  Admittedly this site came into existence towards the end of CC‘s run.

Amazingly I’m still given occasional reasons for report on The Coin‘s progress.  Now in the latest.

Yesterday Fabien evening let it be known that his mini-epic has been selected for another film festival.  This time it is the Concours de Courts held in Toulouse in south western France.

The screening is due to take place at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, apparently one of the oldest universities in France, on Thursday the 23rd of March at 7pm.

Find out more about event on the Concours de Courts website HERE.

Kathryn @ Tyler Ellis 5th Anniversary & New Collection Launch

Tyler_Ellis_Celebrates_5th_008YAY!  SHE’S BACK!

Well… she was two weeks ago.  Who know’s where Kathryn’s been since then?

It is a very long time ago that I was last able to headline a post with “Kathryn @” and then post pictures from a just happened event.  That’s because it was a long time ago.  Almost exactly two whole years.

But let’s not dwell on lack of past and focus on the… err… past.  It’s just soooo good to see her again.

On the 31st of January Kathryn attended a launch party for the Tyler Ellis fashion brand’s latest range of handbags, the Petra Flannery Collection, and combined 5th anniversary celebration.

As you can see Kathryn, looking lovely of course, went in an interestingly patterned red and black dress with a leather jacket she clearly stole from a child as it is so small :-)  And we know Kathryn is petite.  As you can tell I  know nothing about fashion but I can do my research.  I believe the bag Kathryn is holding in several of the photos is, appropriately enough, an Aimee large clutch bag from Tyler Ellis’s Infinity Bar collection.  Not the cheap plastic bag I carry things around in.  Those Cold Case royalty cheques don’t spend themselves :-)

You can view Tyler Ellis’s website to look at nice things you can’t afford HERE.

But enough of me waffling.  There are now 20 new images in the Gallery.  Enjoy.

Thanks so much to Becca for going to the trouble of letting me know what I’d manage to miss so that I could pass it on to you all.

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KM @ Costella & Donola Boutique Opening 2010 Update

002Six years ago today I posted about Kathryn attending a cocktail party to mark the opening Costella & Donola Boutique in LA.  That happened just over six years ago on the 11th November 2010.

I think you’ve waited long enough for some additional and updated photos so now seems like the perfect time to do that.

Along with a very slightly enlarged first image there are 4 ‘new’ images now in the Gallery.

One of the two artists, Isabelle Donola, was kind enough to visit our little website and leave a comment on my brief post covering the event.  KM UK was even featured on their website in amongst their images of media posts.

In the intervening time Isabelle appears to have gone solo.  She has her own website HERE (KM UK still features).  In 2014 she appeared on a fashion-based reality TV show called Under The Gunn.  It was a sort of spin-off from presenter Tim Gunn’s very successful Project Runway show.

In one of the photos (middle below) you can see Kathryn chatting with the actress Rebecca Mader.  Earlier that year the two had worked together on the film that became Cougars Inc.  After a series of small film and TV roles (including The Devil Wears Prada) the English-born actress known for her striking red hair and piercing blue eyes came to wider public notice in the TV series Lost.  Since then she’s done many guest starring roles (Fringe, 30 Rock, Blue Bloods, and Iron Man 3 amongst them) and for the past few years has been a regular on the ABC network fantasy drama Once Upon A Time as Zelena.  In fact you’ll be able to see her in the next episode (S06E08) due for broadcast tonight (13 Dec) in America.

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Hostage Released – October 2002 Photo Update

004008The news last month of a return by car maker BMW to its The Hire short film series gave me an excuse to look back at one episode.

That episode was, of course, Hostage which, of course, starred Kathryn.

The shorts were high production value publicity material and as part of that BMW Films screened them at a star-studded première event.  Vanity Fair magazine were even roped in to host the screening and launch party at the ArcLight Cinema in Hollywood.  Velvet rope was almost certain used.

One such star, a little studded in places, was, of course, Kathryn.  It’s pre-Cold Case Kathryn looking in many ways very different from how we became so familiar with her but also so very much the same as we came to love her.  The styles may change, the smiles never do  :-)

I have added 5 more smallish photos of Kathryn attending the The Hire season two première event from October 2002 to the KM UK Gallery.  See them here.

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