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Celebrity Kart Racing Toy Drive – Dec 2007

toy_drive_001Celebrity Racing?  Sounds like a possible new reality TV format.  Get a bunch of Z-list celebs (bound to include one of the seemingly endless supply of Baldwins, Buseys and Kardashians), each desperate to revive a long-dead/start career, strap a saddle and reins to them and get members of the public to ride them around a course.  It’ll be on your screens before you know it.  That’s a very frightening thought.

But enough of that.  Instead, we return to our Gallery updates themed around things that dominated our A-List lady’s public appearances in 2007: the Monte Carlo TV Festival, motor racing and promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ.  This time we’re back to the motor racing.

In 2007 Kathryn became an investor in the Pole Position Raceway indoor kart track in Murrieta, California which opened in August of that year.  In December the company held charity events at each of their four sites to raise money for underprivileged children through the Marine Toys For Tots Foundation.  Kathryn attended the one at the Corona, California kart facility.

Just added to the Gallery are 16 photos (various sizes and qualities, several in larger sizes than seen before) of Kathryn taking part.

I must thank Debbie at Pole Position Raceway for her help and photos.

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Monte Carlo TV Festival Reception – June 2007

monte_carlo_reception_001Have you heard the one about the Prince and the showgirls?

After the recent success (multiple Oscar and BAFTA nominations and recipient of many awards already) of the movie My Week With Marilyn, which is based on the time Marilyn Monroe came to England to film The Prince And The Showgirl, they will be making a sequel.  That’s Hollywood for you.  It will be called The Prince And The Showgirls: I’m Back!  This time Elsie’s great-granddaughter (Kathryn) meets Prince Albert of Monaco at a TV festival and tries reconcile him with his estranged son.  So far, so predictable.  The twist is that helping Elsie in her endeavours is a beautiful blonde cyborg (Kristanna Loken).  These images were taken on the set.  It’s got hit (with a silent ‘S’) written all over it!  :-)

monte_carlo_reception_003OK, not really :-)  I said in a previous post that two things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ and motor sport. And the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  For this update we are opening door number three.

Kathryn attended a cocktail party reception at the Monaco Palace hosted by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco in June of 2007.  As you can see actress Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3) and American royalty/occasional president Dennis Haysbert (“24”) were also there.

monte_carlo_reception_002Kathryn, of course, looks fabulous in a dress that is dangerously close to some form of undergarment.  I wish she’d (un)dress like that more often 😉

Kristanna and Kathryn know each from working together on Pensacola: Wings Of Gold.  Their characters ended up sharing a house.  Oh, imagine the pillow fights 😉

As usual we don’t do things the easy way around here, and we try and bring you best that’s available, so the main image above is around 3 times (or is it 9?) larger in size than previously seen anywhere.  All 3 photos are now available in the Gallery.

Kathryn @ NASCAR NAPA 200 – August 2007

nascar_napa_004Two things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ and motor sport.  And the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  Three things dominated Kathryn’s 2007 public appearances: promoting the movie Resurrecting The Champ, motor sport and the Monte Carlo Television Festival.  And the Sundance Film Festival.  Four things…  :-)

The 4th of August 2007 saw Kathryn combine the first two in an interesting bit of PR north of the border when she attended a NASCAR race to promote the movie Resurrecting The Champ.  Built on a man-made island in the St. Lawrence River, the Canadian Circuit Giles Villeneuve hosts the Nationwide Series NASCAR NAPA Auto Parts 200.  Since it was first run in 2007, the event is the only NASCAR race to be held outside of the USA and one of the few road courses used.  I don’t know how it is received by the stock car drivers and fans but the Montreal track is definitely a favourite of Formula 1 fans, having been the site of many classic races.  Last year’s event that was effected by severe rain was particularly memorable.

The movie promoting activities involved a participating race car adorned with stickers announcing Resurrecting The Champ’s release date of August 24th, 2007.  It can’t have been the most difficult deal to strike because the car was driven by Stanton Barrett, brother of Kathryn’s then boyfriend David.

To business.  For this update we could just have posted the 3 small photos from this event that have been seen quite widely for years.  Here at KM UK we like to go the extra mile (or 2.71 miles in the case of the Circuit Giles Villeneuve).  Not only do we have one of those 3 in a much larger size (the last thumbnail below) than previously seen, we also have the great image that you’ve already noticed above left.  We have to thank Eric Gilbert of for allowing KM UK to showcase his rather enigmatic photo of Kathryn.

All 4 images (2 big, 2 small) are now available in the Gallery.

We will be returning to many of the above topics in future updates.

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Look! Kathryn At Look LA Holiday Party

look_la_holiday_party_001Welcome back Kathryn! We’ve missed you soooo much.

Yesterday (9th December 2011) Kathryn attended the Look LA Holiday Party.  And we’ve got the pictures to prove it.

She looks great, classic Kathryn with her long hair, jeans and huge smile.

So far we only have a few of small images.  More will be added later as we find them.  What we have are now available in the Gallery.

Update: 3 more small images added.

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Women In Entertainment Breakfast, Dec 2010 – 3rd Helpings

042It’s been a year.

Yesterday (7th December 2011) saw the holding of latest The Hollywood Reporter’s Annual ‘Power 100: Women In Entertainment Breakfast’ function.  The event happened on exactly the same date last year.

Sadly, Kathryn was not in attendance this time so instead we’re going to mark the occasion by taking a trip down lovely memory lane back 12 months for another KM UK Gallery update.  Not my favourite outfit on Kathryn but as we all know it’s what’s on the inside that counts 😉

In February we had added with 4 new large images and today, on the anniversary + 1 day, we bring you… 4 more large images (see above and below).  They are now available in the Gallery.

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