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Sunday Fest For The Coin In The Northeast

northeast_film_festival_logo_330x330You have had the original news article.

You have seen the update regarding the screening time.

Which means that this post must the final reminder a day or two before the event.

Yes, this coming Sunday (11th September) Fabien Martorell’s short film The Coin, a mainstay of this website since July of 2012, is getting another airing.

The Northeast Film Festival in New Jersey USA opens its doors just a couple of hours after this post was first published.  It starts today (9th September) at 10am local time with a some documentaries and ends on Sunday night with an awards gala event.

The Coin is up for an award (Christopher Lloyd in the ‘Best Actor In A Short’ category) so the film could be taking away some more silver to add to it’s substantial collection.

If you’re in the area of New Jersey and have some free time this weekend the festival might well be worth a visit.  Full details of screens and venues are on the event’s website HERE.

The Coin @ Northeast Film Festival

northeast_film_festival_logo_330x330The Northeast Film Festival in New Jersey USA has released their schedule for the 2016 running of the event.

So we can now confirm what the writer/director Fabien Martorell had already mentioned:  his short film The Coin will be screened on Sunday, the 11th of September

The Teaneck Cinemas in Teaneck township of Bergen County will be hosting a group of eleven short films (two described as being as little as 1 minute long) from 2pm.

The Christopher Lloyd (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) and Kathryn starring film is listed as being the last of the set in a slot that could be as much as 2 hours long in to.  Tickets are available via the official event website HERE from $12.

As is often the case at these festivals there is a closing gala with a collection of awards covering such areas as acting, directing and screenplay for features and shorts.  Sadly The Coin‘s only nod is for Christopher in the ‘Best Actor In A Short’ category.  He competes with fellow nominees Lance Henrikson (his slightly less zany alter ego?) and Henry Ian Cusick (Lost).  The ‘Best Actress In A Short’ is missing Kathryn but does include luminaries Melissa Leo (The Fighter) and Lost‘s Sonya Walger.  Henry and Sonya are both up for a short called Visible.

N.E. More Festivals For The Coin?

northeast_film_festival_logo_330x330Reports of The Coin being spent have been greatly exaggerated.

There haven’t been such reports but I’ve got to open the post with something :-)

Back in 2012, just over four years ago in fact, we first heard of this short film by writer/director Fabien Martorell and starring Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future) and Kathryn.

Despite the length of time that’s passed the film continues to make occasional appearances at film festivals since it premièred at one in June of 2013.  It won a directorial award last time out in April.  There can’t be many films that have stayed on the circuit for so long.

On Wednesday (10th August) Fabien, via the short’s Facebook page, let it be known that The Coin would be getting another outing.  This time is at the Northeast Film Festival in New Jersey.  The event starts on Friday the 9th of September and runs until the Sunday.  The Teaneck Cinemas in the Teaneck township of Bergen County in the north east corner of New Jersey will be the venues of the festival.

An actual schedule has not yet been released but Fabien suggests it will be on the Sunday of the weekend.  We’ll let you know when we have more details.

The Northeast Film Festival website is HERE.

Monte Carlo TV Festival 2007 Photo Update

tv_festival_013In honour of today’s Formula 1 race in Monte Carlo, Monaco today I have an appropriately placed set of photos.

Kathryn made a lot of public appearances in 2007 to publicise the Resurrecting The Champ movie and Cold Case, as it was in full swing at that time.

In mid-June (so it is nearly date appropriate too) of that year Kathryn was a guest of the Television Festival in the principality of Monaco.  She attended various events and gave several interviews.

We’ve been here before but now I have added 9 new photos in the Gallery from this photoshoot and interview.

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Terminator Salvation Première Photo + Video Update

terminator_salvation_47Told you “we’d be back!”  😎

The film studios made many returns to the Terminator franchise, and will no doubt be doing so again all to soon, so I think I can get away with making a quick second visit in as many weeks to the US première of Terminator Salvation.  The last time was here.

It is well worth doing so I’m sure you’ll agree.

If you don’t fall in love even just a little bit with Kathryn after looking at the picture on the right then you must be some sort of unfeeling robot.

Even people with those artificial hearts that mean you have no heartbeat must feel their pulse quicken at such a sight.

What could be better than seeing someone you like so much look so full of joy, whilst also looking so beautiful?  Nothing I tell you, nothing!

This time we focus on new close-ups and some videos.  Yes, I’ve added some short videos which include Kathryn on the red carpet at this event.  Don’t forget the 4 new photos too.

They are all in Gallery now.

Like Hollywood, I can’t promise not to come back to this one in the future, or is it the past? :-)

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