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Kathryn @ 59th Annual Primetime Emmys 2007 – The Rest Of The Night

press_room_12Careful Kathryn there’s some Pino on your arm.

We will continue our 2007 updates with a second post covering the Primetime Emmy Awards of that year in a moment, but first we need to add something that got missed off from the previous update.

press_room_17I’d forgotten that I had a video of Kathryn being interviewed on the red carpet stashed away waiting for an appropriate time to post it.  Last week would have been that time.  Doh!  It’s the usual sort of chit-chat about the dress etc. but does include Kathryn’s thoughts on the then upcoming season 5 of Cold Case.  The video now is in the Gallery.

And back to our regularly scheduled update…

Last time out it was Kathryn on the red carpet.  Now we move on to the show itself, into the backstage area, the post-show press room and an after party.  Photos aplenty.  And a video!

press_room_17Ms Morris and Mr Pino presented two awards together and we have video to prove it.  Once off stage they were photographed together in the press room.  We already had quite a few photos of the pair of them larking about for the snappers but we’ve super-sized four of them and added a further 24 for your viewing pleasure!

But that’s not it.  We also have an additional shot of Kathryn and Danny backstage and one of Kathryn attending the Governor’s Ball after party.

For the some of the larger sized images we have to say a big thank you to our friends at Danny Pino Online.

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Kathryn @ 59th Annual Primetime Emmys 2007 – Arrivals

arrivals_29Returning to our 2007 theme we jump from a cold January in Utah at the Sundance Film Festival to a significantly warmer Los Angeles in September.  Things have indeed got a little hotter 😉

This, the first of a couple of updates we will have from the 59th Annual Primetime Emmys, we look back at the arrivals or red carpet.  “Back” is very much the theme of the photos too.

I’m sure you all remember Kathryn’s amazing red dress with plunging front and the ribbon criss-crossing her back.  Just a tug away from… disaster/triumph.*

We last did an update of photos from this event in September 2010.  Now we have a further 20 new images of various sizes to bring to you.  Find them all in the Gallery.

More photos from the rest of the event will be posted next week.

arrivals_13 arrivals_25 arrivals_32

*delete as applicable 😉

KM UK Awards 2012

RichE MedalIt’s effected/affected everyone to some degree or other.  Sadly even the KM UK Awards are not immune to the global financial crisis.

Belts must be tightened.  No diamond-studded Ferrari’s for the bankers this year.  The little ‘RichE’ statuettes have been melted down to make gold watches for their bonuses.  Don’t worry, they’ll get their normal bonuses next year for (not) screwing things up again.  Instead we’ve had to resort using the silver medals that Team Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) won’t be winning at this year’s London Olympics.  We’ve even had to sell the red carpet (which would have been white anyway due to current the whether in England), so no parading up and down in inappropriately skimpy clothing for the time of year ladies.  And, the budget will no longer cover the legions of scriptwriters, so don’t expect the usual comedy gold either.  Sorry.

All the press attention might be going on the upcoming Oscars and this weekend’s BAFTAs but even in their reduced form these are the awards everyone really wants.  Ladies and gentlemen, the Kathryn Morris UK Awards 2012.

Continue reading »

EMA Awards, October 2010 Update

arrivals_072 arrivals_006Where are you Kathryn? We miss you.

On Saturday (15th October 2011) there was the 21st running of the Environment Media Association Awards.  After appearing at the event three times in the past four years it seemed like a good bet that Kathryn would attend again.  Sadly, as far as we can tell, that was not the case :-)

In lieu of new photographs we’ll revisit last year’s EMA Awards.

For the 2010 event about environmental issues like climate change, Kathryn raised a more than temperatures and awareness in her “LBD” (in this case “little blue dress”) and glowing tan 😮 Eyebrows! I meant she raised eyebrows 😉

We have 12 new or updated photos from the Arrivals of the 20th Annual Environment Media Association Awards in the Gallery.  5 of the first 6 images are now much increased in size.  There are also 3 new large and 4 new small ones, expanding the total to 77.

Emmy Awards 2004 Photos & Video Update

arrivals_04Let’s end the week on a particularly lovely note.  We’re delving way back into the archives for an update.

Ahh, the good old days.  When attending multiple events in one year, sometimes even two in a month, was not uncommon!  I know!  Shocking!  :-)

In 2004 Kathryn attended the Primetime Emmy Awards.  She even presented an award with fellow actor Anthony LaPaglia.  The two of them have never acted together but Kathryn has worked with Anthony’s younger brother Jonathan, twice.  LaPaglia Jr. co-starred with Kathryn in the movie Inferno and he played ADA Curtis Bell in Cold Case.  Films and roles very much the opposites ends of the spectrum in many ways.

Doesn’t Kathryn look stunning in her long red dress with a plunging neckline (that’s fashion speak for “much cleavage on display”) and curly hair?  No?  Well, you’re wrong! 😡

What have we got in this update for you?  I’ll tell you.  There are 5 new large photos and a video of Kathryn’s time on stage announcing the nominations for the Outstanding Writing in a Mini-series, Movie or Dramatic Special award.

So, you ask, where does one go to behold these wonders?  In the Gallery of course, silly!

Have a good weekend.

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