
March 2025
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Do You Recognise This Woman?

creative_emmys_onstage_001Sure you do.  I think you may have seen pictures of her around here somewhere?  :-)

OK, this is a request for assistance from you dear reader.

The picture above is from the 2009 Creative Arts Emmys awards event as Kathryn took to the stage to present an award.  Pre-show photos (with an emphasis on the H-O-T part) can be seen in an earlier post.  What I really, really want to see is video of Kathryn actually doing her brief turn as host.  The show was, apparently, broadcast on US TV last Friday afternoon (18 September 2009).  I’ve searched everywhere I can think of, and several places I can’t, to no avail.  I’m beginning to think I may never get to see it :-(

Can you help?

The Contact form is waiting for you to put me out of my misery.

My Creativity Fails Me – Update x5


Kathryn at the 2009 Creative Arts Emmy Awards.  Gallery.

‘Nuff said.

creative_emmys_001 creative_emmys_005 creative_emmys_007

Huge thanks to Term @ CU for kicking us off with 2HQ images.

Update: 2 more HQ images added.  Thanks to 007.

Update 2: 8 more HQ images added.  Again, thanks to 007.

Update 3: 8 more small images and a v.short video added.  Thanks to all contributors.

Update 4: Added larger size version of arrivals image 15 and a new “on stage” album with a single image.

Update 5: More small arrivals images added.

Kathryn To Present Award At 2009 Creative Arts Emmys

arrivals_09And to present the next award…

Kathryn will be one of the stars presenting awards at the upcoming 2009 Creative Arts Emmys.  The event is to be held on the Saturday, 12 September 2009 at the Nokia Theater in LA and is due for broadcast on the E! channel in the US the following Friday afternoon.

More information can apparently be found at the Emmys website, but there is no information about the event at the time of writing.

Courtesy of The Futon Critic.

Fingers crossed for some great red carpet photos and interview footage.

The photo above is from the 2007 Primetime Emmy awards, more from that event can be found in the Gallery.

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