
March 2025
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Ante Up For Autism 2019

ante_up_for_autism_2019_001.jpgA few weeks ago we posted a few images of Kathryn and kids at a recent Ante Up For Autism funding raising event.

They came as something as a pleasant surprise as they’d got passed us at the time.

Stumbling across those photos did send me down something of a rabbit hole. though

Be vewy, vewy quiet, I’m hunting wabbits! :-)

Didn’t find any rabbits.  Got something much, much better….  A couple of really great photos of Kathryn at the previous Ante Up For Autism event in 2019.  She looks knock-out in red on the red carpet.

Check out the second of the two photos in the KM UK the Gallery.  Kathryn looks a little more wind swept in that one.

Kathryn’s Start Story


Sit down children, and then I’ll begin…

Remember the surprise selfies (selfi?) posted by Tracie back in March?  Well in case you don’t you can view that post HERE.  It was clear the photos had something to do with the new female-centric US television network Start TV, currently broadcasting Cold Case daily, and I hoped we would hear about it later.  That time has finally arrived.

Start TV has published Kathryn’s My Start Story article.  It details Kathryn’s early life performing in her family’s gospel group, The Morris Code, through her introduction to movies and getting the role of Lilly Rush in Cold Case.  There are quotes from Kathryn throughout and a couple of short video clips as companion items.

I urge you to read the full article HERE on the Start TV website.

Of course Tracie was there too and you can read her My Start Story HERE.

It wouldn’t be KM UK without some images and in this case we have some nice HD (720p) screencaps from the two video clips in the Gallery, and we have small versions of the videos for completeness.

Have a good weekend.

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1 Day In Paris (with Kathryn)


What is going on?!?!

Basically nothing for months and then the past week happened!

Quite often on YouTube I find videos that mention Kathryn.  Either it is a different K. Morris or some automated news item/collection of pictures put together to make a video.  Not what we’re after here.

This morning, this appears.  The YouTube account is brand new, just a few days old with only a handful of videos added so far.  KM UK was the first to view them.  Apart from the name ‘deep into food show’ I have no information about who this man is.  Any suggestions are welcome.  We don’t know when the video was shot either.

So, Kathryn us sharing some food at a street-side café in Paris and someone is filming it.  Not sure what else I can add to that.

Plus, Kathryn, if you are going to visit this side of ‘the pond’ at least pop over to England and say hi.  Next time, right?  Right…?

A small copy of the entire video is in the Gallery and some screencaps have been included to.  You can watch it on YouTube HERE.

What is going to happen tomorrow?

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Tracie Selfie Includes Someone Else Special

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It’s been a hell of a week for us Kathryn fans.  We’ve not seen the likes of it for a while

We’ve had a red carpet public appearance and news of Kathryn starring in a new film (more on that soon).  Now we’ve got bit of social media posting by Cold Case co-star Tracie Thoms.

Looks like Tracie and Kathryn met at something connected to the Start TV network which is showing Cold Case in the US.  Here is what Tracie had to say about it:

I. MEAN. THIS. COLD. CASE. REUNION. RIGHT. HERE!!!!!! Thank YOU @starttvnetwork for bringing me and the #KathrynMorris together on this rainy LA Day to talk about how we got our starts! You guys can catch #ColdCase on Start TV! Love you Kathryn!! #LilyAndKat #coldcasereunion

Hopefully we’ll find out more about this later.  Attached to the post were the two photos you see above.  Both are now in the KM UK Gallery, of course.

Thank you to Tracie for including us all in this nice moment.

Kathryn’s Diggin’ The Dirt


Well, this is a rare treat!  A rare treat indeed.

We haven’t seen Kathryn in a public appearance like this since 2017, and we haven’t Kathryn like this… ever?  Welcome to Kathryn 2019!

Last night (18th March 2019) Kathryn attended the première of a Netflix movie called The Dirt.  It is a biopic about the rock band Mötley Crüe.  You know: Tommy Lee, Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil etc. It looks like the film ‘drops’ (that’s what the kids are saying, right?) on Friday (22nd).

As far as I can tell Kathryn has no direct connection to the movie. She’s not in it or producing it.  And, I’ve not yet worked out if she has links via a friend.  Either way it is nice to see her out and about.

Presumably the hair is some kind of tribute.  If not… a comb and a mirror for Ms Morris 😛

I’m managed to quickly put together 14 images of Kathryn on the red carpet.  They are all quite small but hopefully I can add to and upgrade the collection later.  Find all them all in the KM UK Gallery.

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