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Kathryn @ Jerry Bruckheimer Book Launch – Update

jerry_bruckheimer_book_launch_001Hello mummy!

Someone in LA got a few bucks for babysitting last night (29 October 2013) because Kathryn and Johnny were out at a public event for the first time (that we know of) since the birth of their twin sons in August.  They tore themselves aware from childcare duties to attend the launch party for a new book about the prolific film and television producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

The tome, Jerry Bruckheimer: When Lightning Strikes – Four Decades Of Filmmaking, covers Bruckheimer’s career from an early stint in advertising to producing some of the most successful movies and television shows in Hollywood history.  The Pirates Of The Caribbean films, the CSI TV shows, Top Gun, Bad Boys, The Amazing Race, Pearl Harbor, National Treasure, Coyote Ugly, Con Air etc. etc. etc. were produced by him.  And Cold Case of course.  Some of those big film series are getting further sequels in the coming years too.

jerry_bruckheimer_book_launch_002Written by Michael Singer, a long time collaborator of Bruckheimers, with publicist credits in many of his productions, and with a foreword by Johnny Depp, the book is due for launch in the US at the end of December.  It is listed on Amazon’s US website HERE (other book stores are available).

Amazon’s UK arm has it down for release in mid-December, as seen HERE.  Suck on that America! :-)

So far we only have 2 small photos of Kathryn at the book launch.  Both have been added to the Gallery.  I’ll endeavour to find larger versions and bring them to you.

Update (2 Nov):  Both the photos have now been super-sized.  Many thanks to the lovely Alexia from the lovely, which is all about the lovely actress Emilia Fox, and her lovely, yet nameless, friend for helping out with this.  Lovely.

Kathryn @ MPTF Events 2012-13

evening_before_emmys_001night_before_oscars_001The recent update of the Official KM website brought to light a couple of public appearances by Kathryn that had got by us all.  The occasions themselves passed with little note by the wider press too, perhaps overshadowed by the main events they are linked to.  No information, such as basic when and where, was given about the two photos.  KM UK can fill in the blanks for you all.

The website captioned the photo you can see on the left “Babies’ First Premiere!”  It is amazing how many errors you can make in just three words.  The apostrophe was right though, so score one for punctuation.  Kathryn in her golden dress was at the annual MPTF “Evening Before The Primetime Emmy Awards” event.  In 2012 it was held on 21st of September.  So… not a première, and as it was 11 months ago the “babies” part is a bit of a stretch too.

Moving on to number two, eyes right.  This is from another MPTF event, this one is called “Night Before the Oscars”.  It is also an annual event held before a big awards ceremony.  This year the Oscars were on Sunday the 24th February so this appearance was on the 23rd.

The MPTF, or Motion Picture & Television Fund is a charity aimed primarily at helping members of the entertainment industry who fall on hard times.  Unlike many professions TV and movie jobs, both in front of an behind the camera, 005are short term and lacking access to health care schemes available through employers.  You can read more about the work of the MPTF on their website here.

The pre-Emmy and pre-Oscar event photos are now in their respective albums in the Gallery.

I’ll sneak in one other quick update, which would have been more appropriately posted in yesterday’s photoshoot addition.  It’s one more photo from what we call the “Official website photoshoot”.  A larger version of the image you see on the right has now joined its own kind in the Gallery.

Plush Back

plush_show_2013_017Amazingly nearly 8 weeks have passed since I posted about Kathryn attendance of the 2013 Plush event.  No doubt things have progressed a lot in that time with only a few weeks to go now until the big day.

In the time since the final update to the previous post I’ve managed to collect a few more photos and a couple of videos of Kathryn at Plush.  You will not be at all surprised to know that they are now in the Gallery.

The image seen above (no. 32) has been upgraded to a larger size and there are 10 new ones.  The two videos include “red (or should that be stained based on the event subject?) carpet” interviews.   Screencaps have been created of the main interview video.

Thanks to all those contacted KM UK about various images.

Update (2 Aug 2013): Additional video added.  It is an overview of the show.  Kathryn appears a couple of times but is seen and not heard.  I could make a comment that would get me into lots of trouble after that 😮  Gadget fans look out for the fun looking self-folding pushchair/stroller.  It’s a hybrid with an iPhone dock!

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Kathryn Can Say She Was There, Can You? – Update

bruckheimer_walk_of_fame_001Now, now ladies please stop starring at Johnny Depp like that.  It’s very unladylike and is frankly demeaning.  He’s not a piece of meat you know!  :-)

On Monday (24 June 2013), TV and film producer extraordinaire Jerry Bruckheimer (American Gigolo, Flashdance, Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, Bad Boys, Gone In Sixty Seconds, Pearl Harbor, all the CSIs, Without A Trace, The Amazing Race, National Treasure, all 6 (made and unmade, yet) Pirates Of The Caribbean films, The Lone Ranger… I’m sure there is another important one I’m forgetting… It’ll come to me eventually) was the recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

With a CV like that Jerry has a huge number of film and TV star friends to call upon to help celebrate.  He has made a lot of people rich and famous.  And let’s face it he must have dirt on a few of them if they in any way reluctant :-O

Cold Case (Finally!  That was the one I was trying to think of before :-) ) is, of course, amongst Jerry’s production credits and there was always a chance that Kathryn made the journey to Hollywood to join in.  There was little sign of this in the hours following the event though.  You would think that a 7 months pregnant, blonde TV star with a smile that can kill at 20 paces would stand out just a little?

Thankfully, the always on the ball Kareen_T has helped prove that Kathryn was there thanks to a video on YouTube by Kat Tales TV.  Kat pounced on Kat(hryn) heading to her car after the event.  You can see the video on YouTube HERE.

Knowing that Kathryn was there gave us something to work with.  Sure enough I’ve been able to find a few photos and videos of Kathryn at the event.  Sadly nothing else that puts her front and centre.  She is always in the background.  If you can drag your eyes away Johnny Depp for a second you can just make out Kathryn to the right of the big pink star in the photo above.  Off to the right is the place to look in most cases.

You can now play a Kathryn-themed “Where’s Waldo?” with a small collection of photos and videos in the Gallery.

Update (26 June 2013):  It can be denied no longer.  She was there :-)  I found a couple more photos.

bruckheimer_walk_of_fame_002 bruckheimer_walk_of_fame_004 video_003

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Kathryn @ Plush Show 2013 – Update x3

plush_show_2013_017Kathryn and her two little friends, or maybe that should be her two larger than normal friends 😮 , were at an event showcasing baby and toddler related products yesterday (9th June 2013).

The Plush Show 2013 ran over the weekend at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza with sellers showing pushchairs/strollers, cots and no doubt everything else you could possibly need for a baby or two.

For now we just have a number of preview images in the Gallery.  Larger and less preview-y images will be added when we get them.

Update (10 June 2013):  A whole raft of additional and replacement images have been added and… errr… replaced.  Number 17 (the one in the banner above) is a significant enlargement on the previous version, which seems appropriate :-)

Update (11 June 2013):  Maximo TV has posted a video of an interview with Kathryn at this event.  You can see it HERE on YouTube.  Kathryn talks about her pregnancy and, in amongst a few awkward pauses, mentions the not picked up Surgeon General pilot and having a several “irons in the fire” for future projects once things have settled down with the babies.  A small copy of the video and HD (720p) screencaps from it are now in

Update (13 June 2013):  To help some of non-English speakers a transcript of the interview in the video has been added to the description text that accompanies the video in the Gallery.

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