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Kathryn On Spring Break 2012?

spring_break_2012_destination_education_150x116She didn’t really strike me as the type.

Oh, it’s not that spring break  :-)

According to an article on the online magazine Society News LA website Kathryn attended an event called Spring Break: Destination Education on the Saturday just gone, the 5th of May 2012.  Her name appears in an extensive list of celebs that were present at the event held on the Sony Pictures lot in Culver City, Los Angeles.

The City Year Los Angeles annual party raises money and awareness for work done with at-risk students.  At this, the 2nd running of the event, $1.2M was raised by more than 1,100 guests and sponsors with an evening of fun and games.  That’s more like the Kathryn we know :-)

You can read the full article written by Ellen Olivier on the Society News LA website and more about the charity on the City Year website.

No further information on Kathryn’s involvement is available at this time and so far no photos have emerged of her at the event.  We will let you know if more comes to light.

Kathryn @ She Wants Me Première

she_wants_me_premiere_001Of course she does.  Who wouldn’t :-)

We like seeing the old old photos again.  We like seeing new old photos for the first time.  But sometimes we really want to see new new photos.  Luckily this is one of those times.

Last Thursday night (5th April 2012) saw the première of the movie She Wants Me.

Starring Josh Gad, Hilary Duff, Kristen Ruhlin, Charlie Sheen and Johnny Messner it’s a comedy about film maker Sam (Gad).  Sam has promised his aspiring actress girlfriend (Ruhlin) the lead role in his next film just before the hottest actress of the moment (Duff) says she wants the role.

And Kathryn’s involvement?  Well, SWM producer Danny Roth was also a producer on Cougars, Inc.  Can’t spot any other reason for her presence at the moment.  Answers on a postcard  😉

Stalker Sarah M (her own description) managed to get a snap with Kathryn at the event and has very kindly allowed KM UK to share the photo, as you can see on the left.  Many thanks to her.

You can find the very large sized image in the KM UK Gallery.

Sarah M’s Flickr page can be found HERE.

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