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Kathryn @ MPTF Events 2012-13

evening_before_emmys_001night_before_oscars_001The recent update of the Official KM website brought to light a couple of public appearances by Kathryn that had got by us all.  The occasions themselves passed with little note by the wider press too, perhaps overshadowed by the main events they are linked to.  No information, such as basic when and where, was given about the two photos.  KM UK can fill in the blanks for you all.

The website captioned the photo you can see on the left “Babies’ First Premiere!”  It is amazing how many errors you can make in just three words.  The apostrophe was right though, so score one for punctuation.  Kathryn in her golden dress was at the annual MPTF “Evening Before The Primetime Emmy Awards” event.  In 2012 it was held on 21st of September.  So… not a première, and as it was 11 months ago the “babies” part is a bit of a stretch too.

Moving on to number two, eyes right.  This is from another MPTF event, this one is called “Night Before the Oscars”.  It is also an annual event held before a big awards ceremony.  This year the Oscars were on Sunday the 24th February so this appearance was on the 23rd.

The MPTF, or Motion Picture & Television Fund is a charity aimed primarily at helping members of the entertainment industry who fall on hard times.  Unlike many professions TV and movie jobs, both in front of an behind the camera, 005are short term and lacking access to health care schemes available through employers.  You can read more about the work of the MPTF on their website here.

The pre-Emmy and pre-Oscar event photos are now in their respective albums in the Gallery.

I’ll sneak in one other quick update, which would have been more appropriately posted in yesterday’s photoshoot addition.  It’s one more photo from what we call the “Official website photoshoot”.  A larger version of the image you see on the right has now joined its own kind in the Gallery.

Kathryn @ Fashion Girls For Humanity: Sandy Benefit

sandy_benefit_002Kathryn has clearly been in a very charitable mood of late.  Quick, someone ask her for a few bucks! :-)

Today (Saturday, 15th December 2012) Kathryn attended a Fashion Girls For Humanity (FGFH) event in aid of the victims of hurricane Sandy, which hit the Eastern Seaboard of the US of A last month.

FGFH, originally founded in the wake of the Japanese Tsunami of 2011, continues to raise money for good causes by organising sales of clothing donated by top fashion labels.  You can read more about the FGFH on their website.  Looks like Kathryn bought a few bags-worth.  Hopefully we’ll get to see the results of the shopping sometime soon.

sandy_benefit_001So far we have a couple of photos of Kathryn at the event now in the Gallery.  We’ll add more if we get them.

Thanks to HATCh, Inc. for the heads-up and first photo (left), and to FGFH for the second one (above).  And thanks to those KM fans that also contacted KM UK so we could share this with you.

Update (4 January 2013):  The photo on the left has been upgraded to a much larger version.

A Backwards Step Up For Kathryn

step_up_womens_network_003A couple of weeks ago Kareen_T very kindly let us know about Kathryn appearing at the Step Up Women’s Network Stepping Up In The City event.  The previous post is here.

Kathryn attendestep_up_womens_network_002d one of several Step Up Women’s Network events taking place across the USA that day (14th November 2012) to celebrate the organisation’s 15th anniversary.  More were held in the following days.

Before we only managed to get one image of Kathryn at the event but yet again Kareen_T has proved she has a real knack for tracking down more.  Thanks to her beady eye we’re able to increase our collection of images from the event by a massive 200%.  Unfortunately that only means going from just one up to three :-)

Two more large photos are now in the Gallery courtesy of the SUWN Facebook page.

Kathryn Steps Out For Stepping Up

step_up_womens_network_001This one nearly got by us.

Thankfully the always eagle-eyed Kareen_T spotted it and passed it along.

On Wednesday (14th November 2012) Kathryn attended the Step Up Women’s Network Stepping Up In The City event.  It celebrated the start of the organisation’s 15th year with a get together for members.  Kathryn has been involved for at least 6 of those.

The Step Women’s Network is dedicated to helping girls through education programmes and encouraging collaborations between professional women.

You can see more details about the organisation on their website.

So far we only have one medium-sized photo (as seen above) which is now in the Gallery.

Kathryn @ She Wants Me DVD Launch Event – Update x2

she_wants_me_dvd_001She likes to keep us guessing does our Kathryn.

It’s been five months since we saw her at an event.

Last night (8th September 2012) Kathryn was in Las Vegas for the DVD launch event of the movie She Wants Me.

She Wants Me stars Josh Gad (Woke Up Dead), Kristen Ruhlin (One Life To Live), Hilary Duff (Lizzie McGuire), Charlie Sheen (2 And A Half Men) and our old friend Johnny Messner (G.I. Joe: Renegades and Cold Case).

The last event we saw Kathryn at was the première of She Wants Me back in April.  She must really, really like this film.  There is just no other explanation 😕

We now have 7 medium sized photos in the Gallery of Kathryn and some bloke (it’s Johnny Messner) on the not-so red carpet at this event.  We’ll update this post if we get more or find better versions.

Update:  11 more small photos have been added.

Update 2:  The first 7 images have been replaced by much larger versions.  Thanks to Spider.

 she_wants_me_dvd_002 she_wants_me_dvd_004 she_wants_me_dvd_005

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