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EMAs 2010 Update 2

arrivals_085I could have sworn I’d posted an update on this event relatively recently.  Turns out it was back in October 2011.

Looking back at that post I was tempted just to copy it in its entirety, tweak the dates a little, and pass it off as new.  The content is still applicable today: we still miss Kathryn, the Environment Media Association Awards happened again in mid-October, and Kathryn did not attend to our knowledge.

As the weather continues its plunge towards winter I thought it was a good time to bring a little heat to KM UK.  Few things embody heat that Kathryn at the EMAs in 2010.  Phew! Wot a scorcher!

KM UK’s Gallery already has very comprehensive coverage of Kathryn’s arrival, on stage presenting, and backstage posing at the event.  Videos included.  Today we make it even more comprehensive-er by adding 15 more arrival photos and two more videos!

The first video is another red carpet interview (our 4th) in which Kathryn espouses the virtues of more efficient home appliances and using solar power generators at work.  Of course in the winter she could just raise the temperature of a room by walking in to it 😛  If it is too hot for you, crank up the AC or open a window.

A more general series of shots presented by Toyota (you can just about make out their sponsorship logos in the photos if you can see past the beauty) of the event make up the second video.  Kathryn appears briefly.

So, that’s 15 more photos, 2 videos and HD (720p) screencaps from the first first now in the Gallery.  Enjoy.

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Kathryn @ Golden Globe Awards Lounges – Jan 2010

golden_globe_awards_lounges_023We continue our look at events from this time in different years.

Welcome back to Nostalgia Corner 2014 style.

Hold The Front Page!  There’s scandal in the air!

I think Kathryn, along with her Cold Case co-star Thom Barry, must have gatecrashed the Golden Globe Awards Lounges on the 16th of January 2010 (4 years ago yesterday).  The event is described as being for “Nominees and Presenters”.  Please do correct me if I’m wrong but Kathryn was neither of those in 2010.  There is a tiny bit of evidence that she actually attended the ceremony itself the following day (4 years ago today of course).  Hopefully one day I’ll be able to bring you the proof.

Cold Case won several awards over its life time, mostly based around it’s treatment and depiction of minorities.  For one so talented it is unbelievable that Kathryn herself has never even been nominated, let alone won, any of the major awards.  Let’s get the old squad back together to investigate that huge travesty of justice!

To mark the occasion 3 more photos (2 small, 1 large) have been added to KM UK’s already extensive Gallery of photos of Kathryn at the year’s lounges.

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Women In Entertainment Breakfast, Dec 2010 – 3rd Helpings

042It’s been a year.

Yesterday (7th December 2011) saw the holding of latest The Hollywood Reporter’s Annual ‘Power 100: Women In Entertainment Breakfast’ function.  The event happened on exactly the same date last year.

Sadly, Kathryn was not in attendance this time so instead we’re going to mark the occasion by taking a trip down lovely memory lane back 12 months for another KM UK Gallery update.  Not my favourite outfit on Kathryn but as we all know it’s what’s on the inside that counts 😉

In February we had added with 4 new large images and today, on the anniversary + 1 day, we bring you… 4 more large images (see above and below).  They are now available in the Gallery.

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Jack Goes Boating, Sept 2010 – Final Sailing?

jack_goes_boating_premiere_015Philip Seymour Hoffman’s directorial début, Jack Goes Boating, received a limited cinematic release here in the UK recently.  Reviews were mixed, but Hoffman’s co-star Amy Ryan was often singled out for praise for her performance.

To mark the occasion we bring you another set of images of Kathryn attending a special screening of the movie in Los Angeles last year.  Any excuse.

This is go around number for five us and this event (see the previous first, second, third and fourth posts) sees the addition of a further 11 photos (1 big, 10 smallish) to the Gallery.

Will we see more photos from this event in a few months?  Watch this space :-)

On a sort of related note Moneyball, starring Hoffman and not Kathryn, will be in UK cinemas next week.

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Heroes Picnic, June 2010 – Third Helpings

This picnic is nearly 18 months old but the spread is far from stale  :-)

Last covered by us back in January of this year, the A Time For Heroes Celebrity Picnic happened in June of 2010.

For this third update we have 9 additional photos in the Gallery.  3 large.  6 small.  All lovely.

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