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Kathryn @ ACE Eddie Awards – Feb 2001

ace_eddie_awards_003The things some people come up with.

I have no idea how many of these groups, organisations and trade bodies exist but so many of them seem to have their own awards and accompanying ceremonies.

Of course, only the very best create cleverly named statues that appear at first to bear no relation to the subject at hand but then when you think about harder it is very, very clever.  Who, me?  I don’t know what you mean :-)

The American Cinema Editors (you can’t tell me they didn’t strive to reverse engineer that acronym) want to make sure the people working in their field get some recognition beyond the Oscars etc. and you can’t argue with that.  The Eddie (see what they did there?) has been given since 1962 after previously just holding a dinner to honour the Oscar nominees in the editing categories.  Since then it has branched out to include awards for dramas, comedies, animations and TV.  Oh yes, I can read Wikipedia with the best of them :-0  Whoever short-listed the TV series for the 2014 event must have got a Breaking Bad DVD boxset for Xmas as it had 4 of the 5 nominations.

The 2014 ACE Eddie Awards have happened already (7th Feb).  You can bet it is the slickest of shows, with no long-winded speeches, that always finishes on time.  No cutting off a winner mid-way through their acceptance speeches at the Eddies, oh no.  Switch flashback, we find ourselves in a time when Kathryn attended the ACE Eddie Awards.  Picture the scene: it’s February, the 25th, the year is 2001.  Gladiator and Almost Famous are winning Eddies.  A beautiful young actress walks the red carpet.  It was a different time.  Kathryn attended award ceremonies for a start :-)

Three large and two small photos of Kathryn at the ACE Eddie Awards 2001 are now in KM UK the Gallery.  As you can see she had short hair and was wearing a simple black outfit.  Many thanks to Alexia at Marvellous Maxine Peake, a website about the actress Maxine Peake who is marvellous, for the big photos.

PS.  Before you say it, the irony of this piece being so long for the sake of 5 photos is not lost on me :-)

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