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Revival House Extension #2


Tying in nicely with the recent news that Kathryn will be executive producing the forthcoming Alice Sweet Alice horror film remake with her own production company Revival House, we have an update on the status of the trademark for the company.

A quick recap.  Back in September 2011 news broke about a new drama being developed for the Lifetime network by Kathryn and her new production company Revival House.  This was not long after we reported the official abandonment of the trademark on Kathryn’s previous company Hotplate Productions.  Nothing ever came of the drama.

In April of 2012 the trademark for Revival House was approved.  Mark owners have six months to give evidence of the commercial of the name or apply for a six month extension.  Up to five extensions can be issued, meaning that you have a total of three years to use a trademark before it is cancelled.  October last year saw the first extension being granted.

Late in March this year a second extension was requested and just last week it was issued.  It bodes well that the mark is being actively maintained and with the news of the film it means it could have quite soon.  It may well require an additional extension or two before the proper evidence of usage can be supplied though.

For those that need to know even more the Trademarkia website has all the details.

Kathryn In Not So Sweet Alice

concept_art_001Website The reported yesterday (15th April 2013) that Kathryn has been cast in a lead role in a remake of the 1970s horror film Alice Sweet Alice.

Also, Kathryn’s production company Revival House will be co-producing along with the company that manages her career, Mosaic Media Group.

The original Alice Sweet Alice (aka Communion) was a 1976 film by director/writer Alfred Sole and writer Rosemary Ritvo.  The plot involved the murder of a young girl called Karen and the suspicion that her older sister Alice was responsible.  Further deaths occur and Alice is increasingly thought to be the killer.  It starred Brooke Shields (Suddenly Susan) in her first film role as Karen and Paula E Sheppard as Alice.  Linda Miller (The Mississippi) was Catherine Spages, the girls’ mother.

Kathryn is described as taking the role of the mother, Catherine.

New Jersey born Dante Tomaselli has been working on remaking Alice for some time with a teaser poster being released last October.  He wrote initial drafts of the script and brought in Michael Gingold of Fangoria Magazine to co-write the screenplay. Dante will be directing.  Dante has four feature films to his name, all in the horror genre.  What else could a man called Dante do but make horror films?

It looks like Alfred Sole (now a production designer on Castle) was responsible for getting Kathryn involved.  She agreed to executive produce and brought Mosaic Media Group to the table.  They are, apparently, targeting a cinematic release of the remake.

Dante gave an interview to the Aric Mitchell at the Inquistr website, which is where news of this development first broke.  You can read Aric’s piece in full HERE.  Aric has a lot of connections to the original film himself.

When asked about casting Dante said:

Kathryn Morris will star as Catherine Spages, Alice’s mother. Kathryn was the lead in the CBS series Cold Case and had a role as Tom Cruise’s wife in Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report. She’s like a chameleon — totally versatile. Slips right into a role. Her character in Alice is modelled after the original Catherine Spages, played by Linda Miller. In keeping with the spirit of the original, Kathryn’s character will look and feel similar, strikingly beautiful, perfectly sculpted dark hair, fiercely protective of her children and plagued by deep Catholic guilt.

The casting of the other roles has not yet taken place.

The trailer for the 1976 film, for some reason with the different name of Holy Terror, is included in the article.  It seems to be trying to suggest that Brooke Shields is Alice, and pretty much saying that Alice is the killer.  The first is not true and the second…

What we don’t know at this stage is the timing of the production.  Kathryn clearly has other things to deal with at the moment including babies and a possible TV show due for delivery in September of this year.  If Surgeon General goes ahead with a full season order then it could be next year before she has enough free time to make a film.  It is quite common for actors tied to series to use the short time in the summer between filming seasons to take on other projects like film roles.  These projects can take a while to get off the ground and such time scales are common.

Hopefully we’ll hear more on this soon and can look forward to another very different role for Kathryn, both in front of and behind the camera.  And, it is good to see that Kathryn’s production company Revival House is alive and well.

The trailer and some concept art images are now in the Gallery.

Thank you to Kathy for the heads-up.

Revival House Extension #1


It has been just over 6 months since the Notice Of Allowance (NOA) was issued for the trademark of Revival House, the name of Kathryn’s latest production company.  In that time no evidence was submitted to the USPTO (United States Patent & Trademark Office) that shows the mark being used commercially, as is required.

Last week an application was made by Kathryn’s legal representative to extend the period in which a Statement Of Use (SOU) can be provided.  The extension request was quickly granted.  This means that there is now another half year added to the time before an SOU has to be filed.

However, the April 2013 deadline is not necessarily the end of it as the process can be repeated another 4 times, giving a total of 3 years from the NOA to use the mark.  If an extension period passes without a request for more time, or the 3 year limit is reached, then the mark will abandoned.  We saw this with Kathryn’s previous company: Hotplate Productions.

Hopefully before we get to April we will hear news of Kathryn’s plans for the Revival House production company.

The Trademarkia website has all the technical details.

Revival House Trademark – NOA


A couple of days ago (10 April 2012) the trademark process for the name Revival House, Kathryn’s production company, reached another milestone.

As we detailed previously, the period of time for people to raise objections ended in mid-March.  No opposition was filed so now it passes to the next stage: Notice Of Allowance or NOA.

The NOA means use of the trademark must be supplied in a Statement Of Use (SOU) to the USPTO within the next 6 months.  If, for whatever reason, that is insufficient time an Extension Request must be filed.  Extensions will only be issued for three years.  If a deadline passes without an SOU or Extension Request then the mark will be abandoned, as happened with Kathryn’s earlier company Hotplate Productions.

At the time of going to press the Trademarkia website has not been updated with this most recent change.

Revival House Trademark One Step Closer



(Clock set to expire at 9am LA time)

Today’s the day that the Revival House (Kathryn’s new production company) trademark reaches the end of its “opposition” period.

People have had the last 30 days to register any queries over trademark serial number 85414167 covering the use of the name Revival House in the area of “Entertainment, namely, production of television shows and motion pictures”.

Hopefully things have passed off without a problem and can now move forward to the next stage.  As noted previously, the mark has to be used within the next 6 months and the USPTO notified of that.

We will, of course, let you know as soon as we have more news on the subject.

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