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The Other Side Of The Sweeter Side – Update

promo_009For those on the East coast and Central regions The Sweeter Side Of Life will have just about finished.  The West coasters will have to wait just a little longer.  Once you’ve seen it please let us know what you thought with a comment below.

Below is a poll for you to give us a quick reaction to the movie.  Was the movie the sweetest thing you ever did see, or had it gone stale before its time?

If you come over all creative and wish to write a more comprehensive critique of the film then please contact us and we’ll put together a special review page for any submissions.

There will be a full KM UK review in a few days.

Also, since the last post we’ve added a few more on set photos to the Gallery, courtesy of Michael Damian and his Twitter feed.  Thanks to him for them.

Update (3 February 2013):  After two weeks we’ve closed the poll.  It was the biggest poll we’ve done with more voters than ever before.  As you can see below it was a landslide for the likes with only a few remaining to be convinced.  No one went for the hate it option.  Thank you to everyone that took part.

What did you think of The Sweeter Side Of Life?

  • The sweetest thing (84%, 26 Votes)
  • A mere trifle (16%, 5 Votes)
  • Distinctly stale (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 31

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Grand Prix For The Petite Dame?

rtl_le_grand_prix_des_series_tv_2013_150x94Our friends to south of the English Channel (they probably have a different name for it) are holding an annual competition about the TV shows and actors they like.  They get a chance to vote for Kathryn.

The French TV station RTL and the weekly Télé 2 semaines magazine are running various polls to determine the fans’ favourite actors, actresses and TV shows.  There are actually categories of each type to native French and foreign entries separately.

Kathryn gets a look-in as a foreign actress for her lead role Cold Case.  Obviously Cold Case is not made any more but these polls are based around broadcasts in France during 2012.  Season 7 of CC was shown on the France 2 network during that time.  Cold Case itself does not appear in the list of foreign shows.

You can find Kathryn’s name in the list on this page.  Tick the box, type in the word at the bottom of the page, and click “Voter”.  Simples.

Based on past experience the French people appear to very much appreciate Kathryn, but every vote counts so please vote for her.  The polls close on the 11th of January 2012 at 5pm French time (4pm GMT) with the results to be declared on the 21st.

The Sweeter Side Takes The (Cup)cake – Update

confections_of_a_discarded_womanRecently it became clear that the film we’d got used to calling Confections Of A Discarded Woman had been renamed to The Sweeter Side Of Life.

Kathryn stars in the Hallmark Channel movie, due to be released next year, as a newly divorced trophy wife who finds herself working in the family home-town bakery to make ends meet.

Alongside reporting the news of the name change we ran a poll to canvas the opinion of you, our readers.  Two weeks later and poll has now closed and the results are in.

Over 70% of those that took part agree with the new choice of name, preferring it over the original working title.  Those that want to stick with Confections came to 21%.  A pretty major landslide for the change then.

Thank you to all that took part.

Update:  After posting this article I sent a Tweet to the film’s co-writer/directer Michael Damian to let him know that KM UK’s readership approve of the name change.  His, possibly slightly tongue-in-cheek, response was:


That is great news! So happy to hear that :-) So “The Sweeter Side of Life” it is) – Link

Thanks to Michael for taking the time to reply.

Which title do you prefer?

  • The Sweeter Side Of Life (71%, 10 Votes)
  • Confections Of A Discarded Woman (21%, 3 Votes)
  • I have a better one, see the comments (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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Confections… Finds The Sweeter Side Of Life

confections_of_a_discarded_womanFor a week or so now IMDb has been showing the film Confections Of A Discarded Woman with the alternative title of The Sweeter Side Of Life.  Depending on where you are in the world you may be seeing Sweeter… as the normal title with Confections… shown as the “original title.”

KM UK learnt more than a fortnight ago that The Sweeter Side Of Life was being considered as a new title but that the final decision was still to be made.  Director and co-writer (with his wife) Michael Damian‘s appearance last night on the LA Talk Radio show The Sheena Metal Experience confirmed the new title, which makes it official enough for us to post about it and update across the site accordingly.  Sweeter is the new confection.

Confections…/Sweeter… is a romcom about a newly divorced trophy wife (Desiree played by Kathryn) returning to her home town and working in the family bakery.  It is a TV movie due for release sometime next year by Hallmark on one of their US channels.

Only a small amount of Michael’s 45 minute-long chat with host Sheena involved the movie, most of the discussion was about his return to the daytime soap opera The Young And The Restless, which is big news apparently.

You can listen to the whole broadcast via the The Sheena Metal Experience page on the LA Talk Radio website.  You want the “Wednesday, September 26, 2012” entry.  Michael appears from around the 1 hour mark and mentions the film, Kathryn and co-star James Best (The Dukes Of Hazzard) 30 minutes later.

What do you think?  Better title? Worse title?  Fill in the poll below and let us know with a comment.

The poll closes on 11th October 2012 at 1pm UK time.

Which title do you prefer?

  • The Sweeter Side Of Life (71%, 10 Votes)
  • Confections Of A Discarded Woman (21%, 3 Votes)
  • I have a better one, see the comments (7%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 14

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KM UK Chat Page Vote Result

The Chat Page poll has been closed to new votes and the result has been declared.

Not exactly surprisingly, given the usage it has had since it was set up, the winner is the 2nd Chat system.  Well done to it.  Thank you to all that took part.

I am still not completely convinced of the value a chat page brings to KM UK but it will remain as it is for the time being.

The Chat is for general discussion that falls outside the scope of the regular posts like this one.  The normal site rules on etiquette and privacy apply of course.  Abuse will not be tolerated.

You can find the page HERE, and there is a link to it in the menu on the right.

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