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Cold Case Season 4 Promo Photos

promo_002Another post from the “not new, but new to the Gallery” collection.

This great set are from a promotional photoshoot for season 4 of Cold Case. It’s just 3 HQ images but they are classic Kathryn. So beautiful.

You can find them here in the Gallery.

promo_001 promo_002 promo_003

Playing Detective – Updated x2

cbs_watch_001Nscha very kindly sent me this image.  We have no idea where it is from.  Can you identify it?

It is clearly Kathryn.  It looks like she is in Lilly mode.  It looks quite recent.  Possibly a promo shoot.  Or just a one-off for a magazine.

If you know can you let me know.  I’d love to see more or just this one much bigger if that is all there is.


Update: The photo appeared in the November 2009 edition of CBS Watch! magazine thereby confirming its approximate age and that is a photoshoot of Kathryn, as Lilly, promoting Cold Case.  The image is, at least for now, on this page here.  If you have more details, or better yet scans of the magazine, please Contact me.  The Gallery has been updated with the above image.  Thanks to ciara for spotting this and letting us know.

Update 2: On the same CBS Watch! website IcyWinter has found a small interview with Kathryn from last July somewhat buried away.  You can read it here, I’ll paste a copy after the jump.  It is further evidence of the sensible attitudes Kathryn has to life.

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LA Times Interview – 22 Nov 2009

la_times_nov_2009Spotted this at the weekend but held off posting it until the dust had settled a little.

A brief interview with Kathryn appeared on the LA Times website on Sunday.  It can be found here.  The text is also reproduced after the jump.

Cute picture, a bigger version can be found in the Gallery.

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FHM France December 2009 – Update

page_1Stop.  Right.  There.

Before you, yes I’m talking to you, go any further we need to get something out the way.

Everyone on the Internet repeat after me “thank you zoé”.  Got that.  All together now: “thank you zoé”.  Was that everyone?  I’m not convinced.  One more time to be sure: “thank you zoé”.  It’s people like zoé putting in the time and effort that make this site what it is.  OK.  On to the pictures.

For anyone concerned about the content, don’t be.  The cover image, seen previously, is as “much” as it gets.  I’d say they are actually missing an image: the obligatory looking over the shoulder shot.  As I suspected these are by the same photographer as the Télé 7 Jours photo.

6 new images are in the Gallery.

page_4 page_5 page_6

Now go out and buy a copy.  Immediately!  Heck, buy 2!

Update: The 6 images have been replaced by larger, slightly better quality versions.

FHM FTW? – Update x4

cover_smallHuge thanks to Lester for bring this to my attention.

This came as a bit of a shock.  We even questioned the authenticity of the image.  Thankfully it looks to be genuine.  Various places are reporting this.

It appears that Kathryn will be appearing an the upcoming edition of FHM, possibly just the French edition.  And from the look of the picture, appearing quite a lot 😉

You can find an article (in French) about it at, and a Google translation of it into English HERE.  The full text and the translation can be found after the jump.

I very, very, very, very much look forward to seeing errr… more.

I don’t think there is much more I can add to that without making you think a lot less of me 😉

Update:  Slightly larger image above.

Update 2:  Slightly larger again image added to the Gallery.

Update 3:  New large version of cover added to the Gallery.

Update 4:  I’ve very quickly edited most of the text off the cover image and added the result to the Gallery.

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