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Kathryn On Set Of MLH Photoshoot – Updated

20101118_photoshoot_onset_002As we head towards the expected December 20th première date of Mother’s Little Helpers it appears that the movie publicity machine is beginning to kick into life.  Articles and interviews are bound to follow.

20101118_photoshoot_onset_001Last night (18 November 2010) Denise Richards kindly posted a photo (see right) on Twitter for everyone to see of the ladies of MLH (herself, Kathryn, Catalina Rodriguez and Rebecca Mader) posing for a photoshoot.  Earlier, Denise had posted a photo of herself and Rebecca Mader together and mentioned a photoshoot.  I  suspected it might be for MLH,

As you can see Kathryn is wearing a short, black, sleeveless dress and a bit of a frown :-(  I’m sure this was just a brief drop of the smile between photos or it is something in-character to match events in the film.

You’ll find the full-sized, albeit rather grainy image in the Gallery, along with our already extensive collection of MLH related content.

Thank you to Denise.

Update: The smile is back! I’ve added another photo (the new banner image above) courtesy of the make-up artist Joanna Schlip.  Joanna did Denise’s make-up on the shoot.  A big thank you to Joanna for her assistance.

Photoshoot Updates

009If time had allowed I would have done this 24 hours ago, but the best (and we aim to bring you the best here on KM UK) things are worth waiting for 😉

We have some very sizeable updates to several photoshoots. The images above and below are links to the albums in question.

Some of the photos are clearly related to the one that appeared in First For Women magazine earlier this year.  Others go back a few years.  None are recent.

Thanks to Jamie K for this help.

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Cold Case Season 1 Promo Photos

promo_004Another post from the “not new, but new to the Gallery” collection.

This great set are from a promotional photoshoot for the very first season of Cold Case.

You can find 6 HQ images in the Gallery.

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Kathryn Doing Photoshoot With Carlene K

Make-up artist Carlene K, who also has her own cosmetics line, sent a Tweet today saying that she was doing a photoshoot with Kathryn.

CarleneKMakeup:  Happy Friday everyone!!! Off to do a sexy lil shoot w/ my girl Kathryn Morris. Wishing you all a beautiful day! – Link

I responded to make sure it really was our Kathryn and got this back:

CarleneKMakeup:  Yes, can’t give any details yet, but she’s gonna look amazing! – Link

That, of course, deserved a follow up.  Thanks to Carlene to taking the time to answer.  No word on exactly what this shoot is for, the photographer or when it will appear though.  Definitely looking forward to finding out   :-)

More news when we get it.

Photoboothless Photos – Updated

photoboothless_009Let me start off by giving thanks to Bryant at Photoboothless for his great generosity in supplying these images exclusively to KM UK.  We are honoured.  Thank you.

As part of the The Buzz Girls Timeless Style Fashion Show Benefit Kathryn took part in a fun little photoshoot with Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break) using the Photoboothless device.  We’ve seen the results already as part of the booth images, but now we have exclusive access to some of the individual ones.

For more information on Photoboothless check out their Facebook page HERE.

Update: On the suggestion of Bryant at Photoboothless I have removed “Exclusives” from the subject of this post as he has subsequently responded to requests from other sites for the images first seen here at KM UK.  I’d like to take this opportunity to again thank Bryant for allowing me to debut the images.

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