Instead of a round-up of the news on the non-Kathryn cast of Cold Case, this month we’re doing more of a round-up of the round-ups. A fairly traditional thing to do this time of year across all sections of the media.
Let’s go alphabetical (by first name as we’re all friends) for a change.
Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) started the year part way through his 3rd season on the police drama Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He ends the year in the same position in his fourth. I don’t watch the show so I can’t really comment on the character or the show but I understand Detective Amaro has featured in a significant story line that ran across the two seasons. These 20+ episode season, major network shows take-up most of the year to make so there isn’t a lot of time for other projects. We haven’t seen Danny take any that I know of. In June Danny was one of the nominees for a Imogen Award, which recognise those promoting Latino culture in the media. He didn’t win this time. Check out our friends over at Danny Pino Online for all the latest info on Danny.
Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC) is another that hasn’t stuck his head above the parapet too often in 2014. A movie called Death Valley that JR filmed in 2013 constantly looked like it might finally surface but, beyond a screening in July, never did. Jeremy’s role appears to be that of a police officer. Jersey Boys, a film adaptation of the stage play about the ’60s group The Four Seasons, was released mid-year to some acclaim. Clint Eastwood (Unforgiven) directed and Christopher Walken (Catch Me If You Can) starred. Jeremy had a small role in that as… wait for it… a police officer. More recently we’ve had news on a couple of other roles for JR. A significant role in a short film called Keep It Together in which a now sober, soon to be father strives to save his uncle (Jeremy) from drinking himself to death. The other is a small role in a larger film called Give Til It Hurts. Two brothers seek to recover their inheritance. Jeremy is cast as ‘Elvis’. Both are due for release in 2015.
John Finn (Lt. John Stillman in CC) fans were disappointed in January when the Irish drama series An Bronntanas failed to materialise as expected. Like a small boat full of drugs and a dead body caught in a storm, the show was tossed about a lot. Would it be a series, edited down to a feature film length, or lost at sea? Eventually the show found its mooring as originally intended on the TGS TV network as a 5 part series starting in late October. John played a… wait for it… police officer investigating the life boat crew that found the stash of drugs and the dead woman. A TV show pilot headed by John Cusack (2012) about Wall Street in which John was due to star in some capacity never made it further. It could have been in the current 2014/2015 season. In better news John had guest starring roles in the short lived show Believe early in the year and, more recently, in the new CBS drama Madam Secretary. At this time there is no signs of future projects for John, but no doubt there is something in the pipeline.
Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC) was announced as a recurring guest star in the TNT crime drama Perception, lead by Eric McCormack (Will & Grace) and Rachael Leigh Cook (She’s All That). The news broke just after the show’s third season started airing in June of this year. 10 episodes later the show went on hiatus until February 2015 with no sign of Thom. There are due to be 5 episodes to conclude what will be the final season for the show. Thom is to play an senior FBI agent. There were reports, no oddly difficult to find, that Thom was to play the father of R&B star Aaliyah in a Lifetime network TV movie about her life. The show aired a few weeks ago but Thom was not in it. I’m still not sure what happened there. Just last month I reported on Thom starring in a short film called Desire. It was looking for crowdfunding at the time. Despite not reaching its target it went into production. The latest is that Desire is in the process of being edited. Back in May of 2013 I described a film called Richard Peter Johnson as the having a “triple-whammy name” that “says everything, yet tells us nothing”. Things have been largely quiet since but is still actively seeking buyers to distribute it. I still don’t think I can go into details on the film here on KM UK though.
Which brings us to our last, and anything but least, subject…
Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC). It’s almost impossible to briefly sum up Tracie’s year as she has featured strongly in nearly all our CCCC-ups in 2014. Is there a word above ‘prolific’? Tracie came out of her corner punching with the release of women-fighting-for-their-lives movie Raze on some VOD services. The UK saw the DVD mid-year. Drama McCanick, in which Tracie had a small role, was similarly available on VOD and DVD in various parts of the world in 2014. She was in a short film that was broadcast on HBO called A Different Tree. Not content with being in films Tracie allowed her house to be used as a set for another called 2 Black Dudes. Then it was off to film another small role in the film The Concessionaires Must Die, which is still pending release. The new movie version of the classic Annie on the other hand was released a little earlier than intended. The massive hacking of Sony Pictures lead to the film being leaked online a few weeks before the official launch. Much of the world has already had the opportunity to sit in a cinema to watch it, with everywhere else seeing releases in the coming month or so. TV viewers got to see Tracie in guest starring roles in the comedy show Veep and the… what ever it is… MTV show Catfish: The TV Show. This year saw Tracie back treading the boards in the For The Record: Tarantino show, which show cased various musical numbers from Quentin Tarantino movies, as well as being the co-star in the new play Lost Lake, which came to the end of its run just last week. As if that wasn’t enough Tracie is to star in a new web series due to go into production next year called Send Me. And she hosted the Second Annual Hero Awards Gala in September and was in another 24 hour play (that’s 24 hours from initial idea to first performance, not a play that lasts 24 hours). Got all that?
See you next year.
As it was Thanksgiving yesterday in the US of A I realise that many of you will be struggling to maintain consciousness after gorging on turkey. With that in mind I’ll keep this November 2014 update on the careers of the main Cold Case actors that are not Kathryn fairly brief. Mainly because there isn’t too much to report 😉
It’s a Thoms-on twins only month.
Let’s start with Mr Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC) or as we will be calling him from now on ‘The Dude’. Short isn’t a word you’d associate with Thom but he recently finished filming a short film called Desire in which he plays a character called ‘The Dude’. It’s suits him better than ‘short’. Desire is written by, directed by, produced by, and stars Sherina Mikasa (Californication) as the main character. Desire (not Desiré/Desirée/Desireé/Desiree) is an aspiring actress suffering the knock-backs that go with the territory, that is until a particular encounter causes her to react rather strongly. Although the filming completed a couple of weeks ago the projects Indiegogo money raising campaign continues for another week or so. The page contains more details on the project. We don’t often get to report on Thom’s post-CC work and we’ll start off by not doing so. Sort of. Back in August the long-running saga of a Lifetime (the US TV network) bio-pic about the R&B singer Aaliyah seemed to be coming to an end. The TV movie was finally going to be made and Thom was to be playing the star’s father. Earlier this month the film aired with no Thom to be seen and he’s not in the IMDb version of the cast list or referred on Lifetime’s website. Another actor is shown as the father. Checking back for news stories of his casting showed almost nothing. Did I imagine it or has the evidence been removed? Does 3 months count as a cold case? For what it’s worth the broadcast got good ratings but wasn’t a critical success.
Speaking of Indiegogo it brings us neatly back Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC). We couldn’t do a CCCC-up without her. It was only last month that I mentioned Tracie was involved in a web series called Send Me about a university lecturer (Tracie) that has the power to send people back in time to look at slavery. The Indiegogo-based fund raiser for Send Me closed a few days ago with nearly $38,000 pledged. It was some way short of its target but because it was categorised as a ‘Flexible Funding’ project they will receive all that money. Most projects have to reach a target amount or the cash is not taken. Filming on Send Me is due to start next year. After being performed on more than one occasion to an audience Tracie’s latest stage production Lost Lake opened back on November 11th. Speaking of plays… Tracie took part in another of those 24 hour plays a couple of weeks ago. They happen all over the world throughout the year in aid of local charities. Being based in New York for Lost Lake Tracie was in the latest create/write/rehearse/perform-a-play-in-a-day on Broadway. Speaking of.. no, I can’t make it work. Since the last update it looks like the Annie movie may have been brought forward for launch in the UK. Tracie has a small role as Annie’s “Mom”, the “air-quotes” mean “something”. It could be released on the 20th of December or maybe the 26th. Or maybe in January as previously said. Check local press for details.
It being mid-summer this will be a relatively quiet one but we’ll see what we can do for our latest Cold Case Cast Catch-up (aka CCCC-up) for August 2014. Each month I try to give brief updates on the careers of the members of the Cold Case cast that aren’t Kathryn.
After twice previously mentioning that Mr Thom Barry (see above, Will Jeffries on CC) had taken on a recurring role on the TNT drama series Perception I was assuming that this post would be the one to confirm it. However, the show finished its summer run last week, and is now on hiatus, with no sign of the a new FBI field office boss played by Thom. Presumably he will be appearing in the set of five episodes that close out the show’s third season due for broadcast from February 2015. Speaking of Thom, it looks like he has been signed to play the father of R&B star Aaliyah in a Lifetime network TV movie about her life. I gather that the project has been in the works for sometime and has had a few issues with casting and the family of the singer. With Alexandra Shipp (House of Anubis) taking the over lead role and talkshow host Wendy Williams exec producing, Aaliyah: Princess of R&B is due to première in the autumn. That is assuming it does not hit further problems.
It wouldn’t be a CCCC-up without mentioning Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on CC). She’s is a one entertainment industry. The couple of weeks Tracie has been Tweeting extensively about the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In amongst those messages she mentioned being on set, though didn’t reveal any more than that. For those in the US and with access to the Showtime network you can, apparently, see the woman-on-woman fight to the death movie Raze on there until mid-September. Check EPG for details. This weekend Tracie is due to have her final outing in the For The Record: Tarantino show, which features dramatised performances of songs used in films by writer/director Quentin Tarantino.
Looking back at last month’s Cold Case Cast Catch-up (aka CCCC-up), as I do to refresh my memory of upcoming things and check for updates, I spotted a lot of (now corrected) typos. Not my best work. This month I’ll try to make fewer mistooks as we look at the on-going careers of the other stars of Cold Case 
The one bit of Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on CC) news last time out was his nomination in the 2014 Imagen Awards, which celebrate the portrayal of Latino culture in the media. Danny is up for his role on the long-running TV series Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. The show is due to start its 16th season, Danny’s 4th, in the autumn. The Imagen awards are taking place on Friday (August 1st). Good luck to all those nominated, especially Danny.
It looks like the indie movie Death Valley, which sees Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera on CC) don a cop uniform, was screened for a select few people earlier this month. So far there is no actual release date listed for the film. Hopefully the screening will boost the film’s profile and help with distribution etc.
At the time of writing there has been no sign of Thom Barry (Will Jeffries on CC) making his debut on the TNT drama series Perception. We reported last month that Thom had scored a recurring role as a senior FBI field office boss. Perception stars Will & Grace‘s Eric McCormack as neuropsychiatrist with schizophrenia Daniel Pierce who assists the FBI with difficult cases through his ex-student, and now FBI Special Agent, Katie Moretti played by Rachael Leigh Cook (Josie & The Pussycats). This week’s episode was number seven of the season’s 12 so there are still a few to go. Maybe next week.
The complicated history of the Irish drama An Bronntanas which stars John Finn (John Stillman in CC) is becoming a little clearer. Made last year as a five part drama series it was due to be shown early in 2014. That time came and went. A couple of weeks ago (as reported previously) a 2 hour film edit was screened on the closing night of the Galway Film Fleadh (festival). Apparently it went down a storm (pun very much intended). Now it is looking like the 5 episode version will be broadcast over the Xmas period on the TG4 Irish TV network that part-funded the production.
I doubt those of you interested need to be reminded by me but writer and producer on CC Veena Sud‘s follow-up show The Killing will start the end on Friday. The drama, which was on the AMC network for its first three seasons, was picked up by the Netflix streaming service for one more short six episode run. After a very successful first season the show has been a mixed bag for viewers who, I’m sure, hope it goes out on a high. Of course if it is a success for Netflix (they never release audience figures) who knows if it really will be the last that will be seen of it. On a side note: just last week the lead actress Mireille Enos (World War Z) gave birth to her second child with husband Alan Ruck (Spin City). Congratulations to them both.
It almost feels wrong to do so but I am going get through a CCCC-up without mentioning Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on CC). Damn! So close! 
Welcome to the latest of KM UK’s highly acclaimed (well I think it’s great, I exclaimed, whilst acclaiming it ) look at the burgeoning careers of those Cold Case cast members that aren’t Kathryn. Yes, even I noticed a few others on screen with her Or, as I called it the Cold Case Cast Catch-up or CCCC-up. This month it’s June so this is the June edition. Clever huh?
One of the least regular appearers here is Thom Barry (Will Jeffries on CC). More’s the pity as we all like him. As busy as I am sure he is he doesn’t often trouble the headline writers. However, this month we get to report on Thom’s return to the small screen as he is due to start a recurring role on the TV drama series Perception. Eric McCormack (Will & Grace) stars as Dr. Daniel Pierce a lecturing neuropsychiatrist with enough of his own mental health issues to fill many a peer-reviewed paper. Rachael Leigh Cook (She’s All That) is the no-nonsense FBI Agent. He’s Pierce. She’s an exception…al detective. Together they are… Perception. Or something like that. Anyway, Thom Barry will be starring in the TNT network series as the Chicago (where the show is set) FBI office boss. Two episodes of the 3rd season run have aired so far with no sign of Thom. Still 8 more to go.
Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC) is another of our less commonly talked about CC cast members in this monthly feature. After a special première screening to close out the LA Film Festival last week, the new film Jersey Boys went on general release in the US, Canada, and the UK last Friday (20th June). Jeremy is credited as ‘police officer’ so probably doesn’t have a particularly large role in this new Clint Eastwood-directed telling of The Four Seasons formation story. He’s not playing one of the singers (those roles have largely gone to less well known but experienced stage performers) but the biggest name in the cast has to be Christopher Walken as Angelo “Gyp” DeCarlo. Gyp was a ‘wise guy’ that helped the group lead by Frankie Valli in the time before they became a hit in the 70s. There’s at least one other Cold Case alumni in the cast. Kathrine Narducci who is Frankie’s mother in Jersey Boys was in CC episode The War At Home. Like a few of the other actors Katherine was in The Sorpranos.
Finally there is signs of life from the Irish drama An Bronntanas which stars John Finn (John Stillman in CC). Filmed last year, An Bronntanas (“The Gift”) was due to shown as a 5 part drama series early this year. Then it looked like it had been push back to the end of the year. The latest news is that it will be screened as a 2 hour film at the closing night of the Galway Film Fleadh in mid-July. Fleadh, pronounced “flar”, means festival. The drama is about a lifeboat crew that discover a huge haul of drugs and a dead body on a boat found at sea, and moral dilemmas it causes. Presumably this means it be released in that form at some point afterwards, whether that will be on the Irish TG4 TV channel or in cinemas is not clear.
Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on CC) next. Not much to say about Danny at the moment. We covered the return of L&O:SVO for a 16th season last month. It is for his role as Detective Nick Amaro on the show that Danny has been nominated for an Imagen Award in the Best Actor/Television category. The Imagen Foundation that created the award promotes the Latino culture within the media. An amusing element in the other nominations that the show Devious Maids is almost guaranteed to win the Best Actress/Television category. All but one of the 6 named ladies is from that show! The Imagen Awards ceremony will take place on the 1st of August.
And finally Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on CC) but very much not leastly. We certainly say she seldom features here She is currently in Montreal with a travelling production of the For The Record: Tarantino show of music from Quentin’s films, we’ve mentioned previously. Last weekend Tracie was doing a 24 Hour Play (mentioned here last month). Starting ‘off Broadway’, which means smaller theatres near the famous area of NY, Tracie is taking a lead role in a new play called Lost Lake by awarding playwrite David Auburn. John Hawkes (The Sessions) will co-star. Veronica (Tracie) has takes her kids on a lake side holiday. Hawkes is the troubled owner of the establishment. Hilarity no doubt ensues… or maybe not.
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