I know that many of you are fans of Kathryn’s co-stars from Cold Case. Tracie Thoms, who played Kat Miller in CC, is multi-talented and has returned to stage performing since Cold Case ended, not that she really left it. However, she recently re-appeared on the small screen, taking a guest star role in the TV show Human Target. Tracie played the ex-wife of a main character, which does leave scope for her returning.
I practically broke the news of her getting the job to Tracie herself after posting about the news on Twitter a few months back. She hadn’t even had a chance to tell anyone else about it! Sorry Tracie 
I’ve done this for fans of Danny Pino by posting screencaps of him in Burn Notice (here and here) so I thought I’d do the same for Tracie fans. Feel free to pass on details of this post onto any Tracie fansites etc. you think might appreciate them. You can download a small zip of 49 HD (720p) watermark-less screencaps HERE.
Another recent Tweet by the lady herself suggests that she has taken on another TV role in an episode of Harry’s Law, a new legal drama starring another Kathy: Kathy Bates. The show is due to debut later this month, but I don’t know yet which episode Tracie is involved in. From IMDb it also appears that Tracie is involved in several upcoming movies as well.
Update: Tracie has posted a Tweet to say she’s has a recurring role in Harry’s Law and, so far, will be in 3 episodes.
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