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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – March 2020

tracie_thoms_001_430x180Things around the world are challenging at the moment for everyone.  The situation has already caused the pretty much complete shutdown of Hollywood so TV and film production has ceased.  This will inevitably impact future KM UK CCCC-ups covering the careers of the other Cold Case cast.  So, we will make the most of them when we can.

After last month’s change of pace, starting with one of our less regular customers (Jeremy Ratchford) we’re back to normal service with Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC).  In February we mentioned Tracie guest starring in a show I knew nothing about: Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector.  Turns out Tracie donned the FBI badge again in mid-March, reprising her role as Agent Cutter.  I’m confident that Tracie won’t be back again on the show soon, because that second episode was the first of a double that night to mark the end of the season.

News of a guest role like would often be enough for one month, but that’s not the way that Tracie operates.  Oh, no.  Another show I was not aware of is Station 19.  It has been around for a couple of years and is a spin-off from the hospital drama Grey’s Anatomy, this time set in a fire station.  Jaina Lee Ortiz (Rosewood), Jason George (Grey’s Anatomy), and Miguel Sandoval (Medium) are amongst the stars.  Tracie appeared in the 10th episode of season 3, that aired last Thursday (26th March) on the ABC network.  By the look of it this was not the normal brief appearance.  Tracie was a significant role that meant Tracie was on screen for much of the duration.  She played a psychologist (Dr. Diane Lewis) that came in to talk to the crew after a series of traumatic events.

One thing we would never say to Tracie is “curb your enthusiasm.”  She might say it to us as at the beginning of March she guest starred in an episode of the long running comedy show Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Tracie worked under the moniker of Female Traveller.

And, we’re not finished with Tracie yet.  A few times in recent CCCC-ups we’ve talked about the movie Straight Up.  It came out in the US at the very end of February, but Tracie was doing some publicity into March.  On the 6th she showed up on the KTLA 5 station Morning News show.  You can watch her interview on YouTube HERE.

John Finn (John Stillman in CC) saw is time on the The Walking Dead come to an end.  We reported previously John being in the upcoming 12th episode on the 15th of March.  As it turns out he was also on the show the week before.  However, is was number 12 that saw his dramatic demise.  As we saw on Cold Case, John can do noble characters very well, must be why we often see him in uniform.  In this case whilst helping to protect a group of children John’s Earl character was attacked by some of the titular creatures and did his best to make sure he didn’t harm the children in his altered state.

danny_pino_instagram_001_20200306We don’t have any specific updates to report on new works by Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC), Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC), or Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC).

What we do have is a 3-for-1 deal photograph.  Early this month Danny ran into two of his old Cold Case colleagues and posted a picture of them together.  You can see the image in its original setting on Danny’s Instagram HERE (a copy is in the KM UK Gallery too).  I guess Danny didn’t have time to grow a grey beard.  Typical :-)

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – February 2020

It’s the longest short month for a few years so let’s hope we can squeeze some leap year February news out of this one.  Welcome to KM UK’s CCCC-up, looking at the continuing careers of the Cold Case cast members (and the occasional special guest) that aren’t Kathryn.

We kick-off this CCCC-up with an all-to unusual look towards Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC).  Jeremy’s in a film.  A film starring Ben Affleck (Argo), Janina Gavankar (The L Word), Hayes MacArthur (Angie Tribeca), and Michaela Watkins (Catastrophe).  It’s a sports movie, basketball to be precise, about an ex-player that was successful and the high school level, who becomes the coach for his old team.  Hilarity ensues.  Actually, probably not, but I’m sure it will be rousing and heart warming, with lots of montages and slow-mo shots.  Jeremy plays ‘Matty’, of no fixed storyline.  Unlike many of these posts where the film is due at {insert far away date here} this film is out in many parts of the world next week (early March 2020).  The UK has to wait until late April though.  Oh, yes, the name.  The film is called Finding The Way Back (or maybe The Way Back in some places).  You can watch a trailer HERE on YouTube.

And now we return you to our regularly scheduled programming of Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) news.  Two weeks ago, Tracie did a guest spot on the NBC drama series Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector.  Not one I’d heard of.  It’s a short series with a single story line across the season.  A serial killer re-emerges and our retired hero joins forces with a young cop to track him down.  Hilarity ensues.  Actually, definitely not.  Tracie donned an FBI jacket as Agent Cutter, in what was the 5th episode of the 10 part run.

Previosly mentioned in the August ’19 CCCC-up was the rom-com movie Straight Up.  We first talked about it in October 2018.  In June of last year it had a festival première but did not have a release date other than a vague ‘spring 2020’.  Spring has sprung, for this film at least, as it was out in ‘select theatres’ yesterday (28th Feb).  The film is about a couple of very close friends.  A him and a her.  The twist?  Him is gay.  Maybe.  Hilarity ensues.  In this case you hope for some com with that rom.  Tracie guests as Dr Larson.  Trailer HERE.

According to the latest new John Finn (John Stillman in CC) is set reappear as Earl Sutton in an upcoming episode of The Walking Dead.  It’s episode 12 of the current 10th season, entitled ‘Walk With Us’, and it is due to air on the 15th of March.

To end this CCCC-up we will return to one of those occasional special guests.  Recently Veena Sud (The Killing) hasn’t been so occasional though.  The launch of shortform, mobile-focussed, streaming platform Quibi and Veena making a 10 episode drama series for it, has put her in our cross-hairs a few times in recent months.  During one of those ad breaks during the Super Bowl, which get more attention world wide than the sport they interrupt, a very short trailer for Quibi was broadcast.  It has racked up over 24 million hits on YouTube since then.  A trailer for Veena’s The Stranger has only been available for two weeks and has gone over 6 million.  Watch it HERE.  Veena will also be on the jury at the Series Mania industry event in France in March.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – December 2019

The December Cold Case Cast Catch-up is made up of two parts.  Part number one is the normal monthly latest news on the on-going careers of the CC main actors.  The second section will be a look back at the year of CCCC-ups.

Errr…  Looks like December has been a relatively quiet month on the news front for all our regulars.

Mid-month Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) was back home in Baltimore to take part in a reading of Thorton Wilder’s short one act play The Long Christmas Dinner.  The event was held in the Baltimore Center Stage theatre as part of a fund raising effort to support various programs the venue runs.  Written in the 1930s the 30 minute play covers 90 years worth of Xmas dinners of a particular family.  Tracie played Leonora, the wife of family member Charles.  After the reading there was a discussion/Q&A with the cast and crew.

Earlier in December was the release of the Apple TV+ drama series Truth Be Told.  The first three episodes ‘dropped’ on the 6th.  The remaining seven have been/will be released on a weekly basis across December and January.

Some of the older people amongst you may remember the sitcom Mad About You, starring Paul Reiser (Stranger Things) and Helen Hunt (Twister).  As seems to be the trend these days, the show has been revisited for a new series (crossing fingers for CC).  The original ran for seven seasons and 162 episodes starting in 1992.  It made the two leads into huge stars.  After MAY Paul primarily stayed working in TV whilst Helen mostly shifted to movies.  The new series is a continuation of the show, set all these years later.  Due to its distribution not being on a major network, despite the original being on NBC, the publicity has been relatively low key.  This would be why I managed to miss the fact that Tracie apparently guest starred in the second episode, released on November 20th.  That’s my excuse anyway.

Anyone else want to step forward?  No?

OK, then Let’s move swiftly on to the review of the year’s reviews.

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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – December 2018

A slight change to our normal monthly round-up this time.  As well as a quick update on the latest news, this post will be the traditional end of year recap of the year’s events.  Read on for the December 2018 edition of the KM UK CCCC-up, covering news on the main Cold Case cast other than Kathryn.

First up is Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC).  Back at the end of June KM UK pretty much led the media world in reporting on Danny joining the Netflix sitcom One Day At A Time.  We’ve recently seen photographic evidence of Danny’s involvement from the upcoming 3rd season, which débuts on the 8th of February (it’s an all-on-the-same-day drop of episodes).  Danny is starring as the brother of the main character, played by Justina Machado (Six Feet Under, Cold Case episode ‘The Good Death’), in a recurring role.  Looks like the beautiful India de Beaufort (Kröd Mändoon And The Flaming Sword Of Fire, I just wanted to write that!) is also joining the cast for a few episodes as a ‘love interest’.  Not for Danny’s Tito, sadly for Danny.  Cleverly, the lucky man Avery is going to be involved with is a character played by the man lucky enough to be India’s real-life husband.  How did they think of that?  Both Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero from Brooklyn Nine-Nine are also set to guest star, as well as Gloria Estefan.

In March we first reported (as opposed to reported first) that John Finn (John Stillman in CC) had filmed a role in a pilot for a new drama series called The Enemy Within.  The show was picked up to series a couple of months later.  One of the released publicity photos included John.  It has now been announced that NBC has planned the show for a ‘mid-season’ launch in late February.  Based on what happened to Reverie this year on the same network, maybe that should be taken with a pinch of salt.  Of course this year the Winter Olympics is not intruding on the schedules.  We don’t yet know of John will recur beyond the pilot, or even if his character has even remained in what will become the first episode.

Now on to the look back to CCCC-ups in 2018.

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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – July 2018


England actually had something that could really be called a summer.  It was seriously hot for a couple of weeks.  It being July, the entertainment industry is relative cool on the news front though, but here is the latest update on the Cold Case cast members that aren’t Kathryn.

John Finn (John Stillman in CC) has been announced has a significant new cast member of the long-running AMC series The Walking Dead.  Season 9 starts in October and is due to see some major changes in the acting line-up.  John will play Earl, a blacksmith, and Brett Butler (Grace Under Fire) will be his wife Tammy Rose.  Minority Report star Samantha Morton also joins the show as the leader of a new faction.

These round-ups are collections of news from the just-ending month.  They are not exactly ‘breaking news’ but we appear to have done just that in the June edition.  A few hours before posting the previous CCCC-up, Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC) announced on social media that he would be starring in the 3rd season of the Netflix comedy One Day At A Time.  It was a couple of days before the more traditional news media picked up on the story.  Yeah us!  Later in the month it was confirmed that Stephanie Beatriz and Melissa Fumero from Brooklyn Nine-Nine will also guest star, alongside singer Gloria Estefan.  The show returns in 2019.

Just over a month to go until the new FX series Mayans MC debuts and a trailer has been released.  See it HERE on YouTube.  Danny stars in the spin-off of Sons Of Anarchy. It will launch on the 4th of September.

We’ve been mentioning the movie The Basement now since 2016.  The Mischa Barton starring horror/thriller, which includes Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC), has had a tortuous (pun intended!) history but in April it was given a September release date.  We now know it will get a theatrical (as in, in cinemas) outing and be made available on VOD services on the 15th of September.

Back in March Tracie’s episodes in season 3 of UnREAL appeared on the Lifetime channel.  By then it was known that there was only to be one more season of the show and that it had already been filmed.  It is not expected to be broadcast by Lifetime until next year.  However, it was also said that the streaming service Hulu would release the show before then.  Much to many peoples’ surprise that happened a couple of weeks ago.

Speaking of Hulu, they have a new original drama series called The First due to start in mid-September.  The 8 parter is about the first manned mission to the planet Mars.  Channel 4 in the UK are also involved so it is likely to get a release here on that station.  The show is by the House Of Cards creator of Beau Willimon.  Sean Penn (Mystic River) and Natascha McElhone (Designated Survivor) lead a cast which includes Melissa George (Alias).  Tracie is down as being in two episodes.  There is a trailer for the The First HERE on YouTube.

We don’t often get to mention Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC) in these CCCC-ups.  This one is no exception but he did get his own special post at the weekend due to an interview he’d done in which he mentioned Kathryn in a couple of his answers.

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