Just over a month ago KM UK brought you the news of Reverie coming to the UK. It turned out to be something of an exclusive report.
We had the channel (SyFy) and the date (August 2nd) for the première of season one on this side of the pond. Previously I’d written that this would be very soon after the show ended in the America. That was before I’d realised the 4th of July holiday week would delay the finale by a week, which will cause a small overlap.
Now we have a time of day and an additional promo video to go with it, though KM UK is a little late in bring this to you as there have been more pressing matters.
So, those in the UK who want to watch Reverie and have access to the SyFy channel set your alarms for 9pm, a week on Thursday. Plus, be prepared for a late night because they are starting with a double bill. That’s right, back-to-back Reverie episodes one and two.
I feel that the promo videos that SyFy has put together are definitely playing up an aspect of the show, perhaps because they are a more specialist channel where as NBC in the US is more mainstream. The new one builds on the first one, with a bit less of the Better Off Ted-style fake corporate video and more of a darker elements of the stories. The butterfly features a lot again.
To recap: Reverie, UK SyFy channel, 9pm, Thursday 2nd of August, two episodes.
The new video is, of course, in the KM UK Gallery HERE.
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