
March 2025
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CC S7 September Debut In UK

True to our original announcement the Universal Channel here in the UK will be showing Cold Case season 7 this year.  In fact it is due to début in just over a week, starting on Monday the 12th of September.

Currently Universal is showing a mix of seasons 3 & 4 at various times of day.  From Monday week they switch to season 7 with the first episode The Crossing starting at 8pm, with repeats the following day at 1pm.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.  You can find more details on the Universal Channel website.

Paycheck – Friday, BBC1

Paycheck_1080p_010I haven’t done one of my Media Alert posts in a while.  The Media Alert category is reserved to alert UK television viewers of upcoming showings of Kathryn’s work.  This week sees one of Kathryn’s movie guest starring roles hit the small screen again.

Paycheck, starring Ben Affleck, gets its biennial outing on BBC1 this Friday (5th August 2011).  It starts late (11:45pm) but the only bits worth seeing 😉 are all in the first 10 minutes so you can be done with it by midnight.  It is also being shown in high definition on BBC1 HD for those that have access to it.  The BBC’s website has more details HERE.

There are already, of course, Full HD screencaps from the film in the Gallery.  See a previous post HERE for more details on Kathryn’s unforgettable, by everyone except Mr Affleck’s character that is, role :-)

Exclusive! Universal Channel In UK To Show CC S7 In 2011

Universal Channel kindly responded to a couple of questions of mine regarding their showing of Cold Case here in the UK.  This came about after it became known that they started showing season 1 last Monday (7 March 2011).

According to the Universal Channel representative they have all 7 seasons of Cold Case and will be showing seasons 1-3 this year and 4-6 next.  That seemed to suggest that S7 would be airing in 2013.  Not so.  Universal will be broadcasting season 7 this year.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers.

Thank you to the Universal Channel for their help.

Cold Case On Universal Channel In UK

Apologies for cutting this a little fine because I only just found out myself.

Nightly from today (7th March 2011), at 8pm, the Universal Channel here in the UK starts showing Cold Case from season 1.  How many seasons they will show is not clear.  Season 7 has yet to be aired by Sky, and may never be.

I’d never even heard of the Universal Channel until now.  Apparently it used to be the Hallmark Channel and changed its name towards the end of last year.  I don’t have access to the channel so it is not a change I was going to notice.  For those in the UK that have satellite or cable TV it is available on Sky channel 113 (the same in HD as well) and Virgin Media on 162.

The channel’s website has a page devoted to Cold Case.  They also have a Twitter account.

Pensacola: Discs Of Silver – European Edition

Every so often I search for older shows of Kathryn’s appearing on DVD just in case anything new turns up.  I certainly didn’t expect a European DVD boxset release of Pensacola: Wings Of Gold to appear.  You can find it here on the Amazon UK site.  I don’t know how long it has been there, it can’t be very long.  I did have my doubts about it, but it’s true, this really is season 1 of P:WOG.

All the images and actor names on the box suggest that it is season 2 or 3, the ones without Kathryn.  However, it does say “Seizoen 1” on the spine of the case.  Yes, this has been put together by a Dutch company, a fact reflected in all the text on the box being in Dutch and the presence of Dutch subtitles, but the soundtracks are in English.  Being European the DVDs are set to Region 2 so the discs are only playable in compatible European DVD players.  Sadly there are no extras, just the 22 episodes.  Make sure you buy a copy immediately.

P:WOG is an action drama series from the 1990s starring James Brolin as Lt. Col. Bill Kelly, a veteran Marine put in charge of a small squad of elite soldiers that take on special missions.  Season 1 saw Kathryn star as Lt. Annalisa Lindstrom, the helicopter pilot extraordinare of the team.

Screencaps from each episode can already be found in the Gallery.  I hope to replace these with new improved versions in the near future.  Previous P:WOG posts can be found here.

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