
February 2025
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Minority Report – Sunday on BBC3

still_001The budget cuts being forced on the BBC have resulted in the BBC3 channel being moved to a purely online service from next year.  So, this maybe the last time I get to say that Minority Report is soon to be screened on the channel.

It doesn’t take a Pre-Cog to predict that this will not too much of a problem for the future.  The film has been broadcast on the BBC1 and BBC2 channels in the past.  This may be trying to tie into the recent release of the latest Mission Impossible movie as it shares the lead actor Tom Cruise.

Sunday (16th August) night at 9pm is the time to be in front of your TV.

In the past month we’ve had A.I. Artificial Intelligence, also on the BBC, and Inferno on the Horror Channel.  It’s a mini Kathryn season on British television! :-)

The BBC website has a page dedicated to the film here.

The new US series based on elements of Minority Report will be starting on the American Fox network in September, probably on 21st September at 9pm.

Update (20th Aug):  Minority Report is being repeated on Saturday (22nd Aug) on BBC3 again at 9pm.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence – Friday BBC1

ai_10After the excitement of the weekend’s new photos of Kathryn in the forthcoming movie Bone Tomahawk, we return to the more prosaic.

The latest of our Media Alerts, which primarily cover showings of Kathryn’s work on national television in the UK, is for another showing of A.I. Artificial Intelligence on the BBC.

The film makes a return to the main One channel, this time at 11:15pm on Friday (31st July).

February’s showing seemed to be timed to coincide with the cinema release of the movie Ex Machina, which also dealt with the issue of humans relating to highly sophisticated robots that mimic humans emotions.   The UK DVD was launched a few months ago so this TV showing of A.I. is not linked to that.  Perhaps its a reference to the show Humans on Channel 4, which is a UK/US co-production re-make of the Swedish drama Real Humans (aka Äkta människor).  More life-like robots and their impact on real people.  That series comes to an end next weekend.

The BBC website’s page about A.I. Artificial Intelligence is here.

Screencaps and a video clip of Kathryn’s performance in A.I. can be found in the Gallery.

Horror Hits Hotspot Tuesday

poster_001As Britain suffers through another heatwave (not really, it is warm but this is Britain so we’re just grateful it’s not snowing!) the Horror Channel is going to raise more than temperatures this coming week.

The 1998 TV movie Inferno (not to be confused with lots of other films with similar titles) gets an airing on British TV on Tuesday afternoon (21st July) starting at 3:50pm on the Horror Channel.

I’m guessing the channel has shown the film before, but as I only focus on widely available stations for these Media Alerts I’ve not had reason to mention it before.  The Horror Channel has been broadcasting for over 10 years but until earlier this year it has only been on the satellite and cable systems.  Now it is on  over-the-air Freeview, the minimum that anyone in the UK needs to watch TV.

Inferno is a drama about a variety of people dealing with the possible end of days scenario caused by a massive fireball ejected from the Sun.  As it approaches Earth the temperature rises to dangerous levels.

James Remar (Dexter) and Stephanie Niznik (Everwood) are the main leads but I think there is more like a collection of story lines involving different characters.

Kathryn plays the role of Ryan Tibbet who appears to be a mechanic (all short hair and smudges of oil) and she is involved with Jonathan LaPaglia’s Eddie.  Jonathan went on to guest star in the last couple of seasons of Cold Case as an Assistant District Attorney so they worked together again.  From clips I’ve seen Kathryn tries to take advantage of the heat to err… take advantage of Eddie.  It should be worth watching the film just for that scene 😉  I’ve never actually been able to watch the film in full so I’m not sure of the plot details.  I guess many of us will know more soon  :-)

As well as the airing on Tuesday there is a repeat on Wednesday morning (11:10am) and Saturday (25th) at 4:50pm.  On some systems you may also have access to a +1 channel.  No excuses then :-)

The always helpful KM UK Gallery already contains a small number of poor screencaps from Inferno.  They are some of only a handful on the whole site that aren’t my own work.  I’ve now added a couple of promo photos and some artwork.

I’ll no doubt be returning to Inferno in the future.

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Murder She Wrote – Easter Monday

msw_s12e22_035It has taken a while but UK TV network ITV have finally got almost to the end of the Murder, She Wrote series.  The sister channel ITV got here last year but now the parent (I know, I’ve made this a complicated family :-) ) ITV1 has caught up.  This means HD is possible.

On Monday, that’s the 6th of April aka Easter Monday, ITV1/1HD will be showing episode 22 of the 12 season of Murder, She Wrote.  It’s titled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You and saw Kathryn in one of her earliest roles as Doreen the waitress.  There were only two more episodes of the show ever made, prior to the four TV movie specials.  Kathryn must have left an impression as four years later she had a lead role in one of them.  You can see more details on that here.  I expect it to come around again quite soon, look out for another classic KM UK Media Alert!

Those still recovering from Sunday’s chocolate induced coma will need to set their alarms for 9:25 on Monday morning.  Sorry.

If you can’t wait until then my 2009 spoiler laden review of this MSM episode can be seen here and there is plenty of coverage in the KM UK Gallery too.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence – Tonight BBC1

ai_10And when I say tonight I mean the night of Thursday, the 19th of February 2015.

It’s nearly 14 years since A.I. Artificial Intelligence was released.  Difficult to believe it has been that long but we still don’t have intelligent, talking teddy bears or life-like robots.  Hoverboards haven’t quite made it either, despite Back To The Future II predicting that we would all be riding them by 2015.  Come on geeks!  Where’s our hoverboards?!?!

Speaking of intelligent ideas and things coming back from the past… Neat segue hey?

The British Broadcasting Corporation is honouring its audience with a viewing of A.I. Artificial Intelligence tonight at 11:45pm.  It’s been granted an upgrade to BBC1 too, having been shown on BBCs 2 and 3 the last few times.

The recent release, in parts of Europe at least, of the Alex Garland (28 Days Later…) movie Ex Machina has seen A.I. mentioned quite a lot.  Like Ex Machina, it too asks questions about our possible relationship with artificial intelligence technology in the future.  For those not familiar with Ex Machina I was surprised to just find out that it will not be out in the USA for several more months.

For those not aware Kathryn makes an all too brief appearance as a performer at a sort of circus in the middle of the film.

Details can be found on the BBC’s website here.

Screencaps and a video clip of Kathryn’s performance in A.I. can be found in the Gallery.

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