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Murder, She Wrote – Reminder

Just a quick reminder.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 15th July).  3pm.  BBC2.

Episode is titled “What You Don’t Know Can Kill You”.

Details on the BBC’s website HERE.

AI: Artificial Intelligence – Sunday

ai_10In case the image above hasn’t done it already…  Gentlemen, start your engines!

Bit of a late catch on this one.

Sunday 5th of July 2009, BBC1, 10.25pm.  Details on the BBC’s website here.

Kathryn in a very brief appearance, totalling less than 20 seconds of screen time in the middle of the film, as the interestingly named Teenage Honey.  Well quite!  Not exactly a teenager, but definitely a honey.  Nothing artificial and plenty of intelligence too 😉

Screencaps and a video clip from the movie can be found in the Gallery.

Kathryn’s Stars & Stripes top is a nice reminder of today’s date, so let me wish all our American cousins a happy 4th of July.  And thank you for Kathryn.

Murder, She Wrote: A Waitress To Die For

Finally! It’s been a long time coming.

The BBC have been showing the TV series Murder, She Wrote for quite a while now and they are, at last, approaching the end of season 12.  Why is this important to us?  Episode 22, titled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You, sees Kathryn get an acting credit.

First broadcast in May of 1996 in the USA, over 13 years ago now, it is one of Kathryn’s earlier small screen appearances.  The part, credited only as Doreen the Waitress, is likely to be very small.  Of course Kathryn later crossed paths with Angela Lansbury again in one of the Murder, She Wrote TV movies that followed the end of the TV series.  A Story To Die For (which crops up occasionally on ITV) saw Kathryn in a far more substantial role as the personal assistant of one of the main protagonists.

I’ve been tracking the progress of the show on BBC2 for nearly a year now having noticed it was getting regular showings (normally once a day, five days a week), and that they were progressing through the various seasons in order.  I predicted that the one episode I actually wanted to see would be broadcast around this time.  It was looking tantalisingly close a month ago but various horses races and tennis championships, including the Wimbledon fortnight, got in the way.  Well now it is in the schedules to be shown in a couple of weeks time.

Make a note of this date: Wednesday, 15th July 2009.

Make a note of this time:  3pm.

Make a note of this channel:  BBC2.

Details can be found here on the RadioTimes website.

Look out for a reminder nearer the time, and a post and Gallery update shortly afterwards 😉

Media Alert – Minority Report on BBC1

BBC1 is showing Minority Report on Sunday, 21 June 2009 at 10pm.  More details can be found on the BBC’s website here.

Kathryn has a medium-sized role in the film, appearing at various stages throughout.  She plays Lara, the ex-wife of John (Tom Cruise), they separated after the loss of their son.  Lara does not play a significant part in the action of the movie, but is important in fleshing out John’s backstory.  Lara’s short dark hair is quite a change from the long blonde locks we normally associate with Kathryn.

Images of Kathryn in Minority Report can be found in the Gallery.

Minority_Report_14 Minority_Report_25 Minority_Report_28

Media Alerts

From time-to-time I will post news of appearances by Kathryn on UK based media outlets, this is KM UK after all.  I will call these Media Alerts.  Primarily this will be news of films and TV shows starring Kathryn being broadcast on British TV channels.  Hopefully this will be of use to my fellow UK-based KM fans.

I won’t be posting about every episode of Cold Case that Sky shows on its various channels (1, 2 & 3).  Of course, if there is significant news such as Sky1 starting season 7 or Sky 3 starting season 5 then that will be posted.

If you have any such news you want to share then please Contact me and I will post it here.

The first of these alerts will follow shortly.

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