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Ciné Tele Revue – April 2010

cine_tele_revue_001_coverDifficult to argue with a cover line like that :-)

And thank you Kathryn, we are delighted to be invited into your home.

My translations skills aren’t good but I think that covers the… cover.

Today we’re taking another seasonal look back, this time to the French-language Belgian magazine Ciné Tele Revue from April of 2010.

I have 3 images of the piece (now in the Gallery).  Unfortunately they are little too small to comfortably read the bulk of the text.  The headlines and quotes are easy enough though.  Please forgive any errors, and feel free to correct me in comments below.

I learned to let go,” (J’ai apprise à me lâcher) says the article title.  Not sure what that refers to specifically.  Cold Case?  Inhibitions?  David Barrett (in one of the photos)?

She is the most discreet of Hollywood stars. But at 41, she agreed to play the glamorous hostesses at her home in Los Angeles to talk about her life,” continues the sub-heading.

cine_tele_revue_002Being from April 2010 means the interview would have been conducted towards the end of filming Cold Case.  Published just a few weeks before the series finalé was broadcast in the US, presumably it was conducted in early 2010.  The end would have been very much in sight.  That is maybe what’s given rise to the line picked out in the quote: “Cold Case takes up too much for an infant.

cine_tele_revue_003As we know, three years later time was found, and subsequently very much in short supply, with the birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s twin boys in August 2013.  In fact the two actors will have only just recently met at the time of the article.  If he was any sort of man Johnny was already planning his post-work approach 😉

The photos accompanying the article live up to that sub-title.  A very glamorous looking Kathryn indeed, not that she needs to be all dolled-up to look gorgeous of course.

If you have more details on this article please contact me as I’d love to be able to provide a translation for everyone to read.  And, obviously, better versions of the photos would be very much appreciated by all.