
March 2025
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Wild West Women On The WWW

still_002A lot has been said recently, and rightly so, about equality in movies.  They should reflect the times and the audience.  Of course, a film with a historical setting also needs to accurately portray its period whilst not glorifying the less progressive aspects for a modern viewership.

In most of the commentary on Bone Tomahawk the women of the piece only normally get scant mention as their roles are quite small.  Lili Simmons (Banshee) in her key part as the kidnapped wife of one of the main protagonists has no doubt had the lion’s share of what little has been said.

So, it was nice to see in a recent review of Bone Tomahawk titled The Best Western You Haven’t Seen that British author Rob Wickings made special mention of the ladies in a comparison to other recent cinematic releases The Hateful Eight and The Revenant.

Rob notes that The Hateful Eight‘s female lead is not exactly treated well and The Revenant has only one line spoken by a woman during a brief, and hardly pleasant, appearance.  In terms of the actresses on-screen time Bone Tomahawk may not out do them but the author clearly feels they are much more rounded and realistic portrayals.  Kathryn as Lorna the wife of Kurt Russell’s Sheriff Hunt gets a mention in his article beyond the usual list of credits.  As Rob says:

They are tough, smart women.

Sean Young is the third notable female cast member, thereby outdoing both The Revenant and The Hateful Eight combined :-)

You can read Rob Wicking’s post in full HERE on his blog Excuses And Half Truths as he looks forward to the mid-February release of Bone Tomahawk here in the UK.

Kathryn Gets A BT Review Shout-out

trailer_001_screenshotSince its premiere at the Fantastic Fest film festival there have been a number of reviews of the horror western Bone Tomahawk published.  They’ve generally been favourable.

Kathryn’s role, however, has largely gone unmentioned other than in lists of additional cast members.  This is hardly surprising given that Lorna, wife of Kurt Russell’s Sheriff Hunt, only makes a some very brief appearances.

The website JoBlo has gone a little further than most in describing some of those big name, small part players:

The town the early scenes are set-in comes to life through the efforts of a truly amazing supporting cast of character actors, including people like James Tolkan as a lazy piano player, Fred Melamed as a barkeep (his saloon is memorably named ‘The Learned Goat’), Kathryn Morris, Sean Young, and even Michael Pare. Most on them only have a scene or two, but like the best character actors they make a huge impression and give the townsfolk real life.

One more thing.  Chris Bumbray’s review (read it in full here) suggests that writer/director S. Craig Zahler’s Bone Tomahawk is not going to be released in the cinemas at the end of this week, just on streaming services.  Right from the start Chris writes from the premise that the film should be seen on the big screen and not via VOD.  From all the information I can find Bone Tomahawk will be in US theaters from Friday.

Kathryn ‘wants to get back to work’

A few days ago Johnny Messner, Kathryn’s partner and father to her twin boys, Tweeted a response to follower Dani’s question about any future plans for having more children:

Dani californication (@DcPenn29)

@JMessner so Johnny when r we expanding this gorgeous family I mean perfect family :) we need more of u and Kat in the world – Link

Johnny answered thusly:

Johnny Messner (@JMessner)

Hahaha as soon as Kat decides she wants too I think she wants to get back to work – Link

It’s good to know that Kathryn is keen to go back to work.  Of course we already know she will be doing so in the new USA Network sci-fi drama series Colony, as posted about on KM UK here.  The show is due to début in January.

A rare case of KM UK coming over all tabloid newspaper.  I feel dirty :-)

Thank you to Dani for asking and Johnny for reply.

Happy 2nd Birthday Boys


Happy Birthday to Jameson & Rocco

Best wishes from everyone at KM UK.

No doubt the twins will be much more aware of what is going on this year.  They’ll be able to enjoy all the attention and presents in a way they couldn’t at their 1st.

Happy Mother’s Day – Update

wallpaper_266_1600x1200_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

We’ve all got one, even if we don’t always appreciate them.  The least we can do is have a day in their honour.

wallpaper_266_1600x1200_ginaMother’s Day is not an occasion we’ve traditionally marked here on KM UK.  That is partly down to the fact that it hasn’t fitted in with the site’s theme (Kathryn), and partly due to the fact that in the UK we have Mothering Sunday in March whereas much of the world holds it on the second Sunday in May.  Your mileage may vary though as there is quite a spread of dates used across the year depending on your location on the global.  Check local calendars for info.

However, after what we call “the incident” we now have a good reason for jumping on the US-lead bandwagon and celebrating Mother’s Day today.  I have long-time reader Gina to thank for reminding me when she kindly sent me some fan art she created especially.

Sections of Gina’s image can be seen around this post.  Click on a pic to go to the Fan Art Wallpaper section of the Gallery to see it in full.

If you want to have any of your works of art displayed here then please contact me.

Update:  Kathryn’s partner Johnny Messner has posted a photo of her and the boys on Instagram with a heartfelt messge to mark the day.  A copy has been added to the Gallery.

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