
March 2025
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Happy 6th Birthday Boys


Happy Birthday to Jameson & Rocco

6 years old?  Seriously?  It really doesn’t feel like 6 years ago that the above happened to Kathryn and Johnny.

Best wishes to you both from everyone at KM UK.

Paris Accord-ing To Trump – April Fool


To say the least, a recent post here (well, HERE) on KM UK had us a little confused.  It involved a video of Kathryn having breakfast with someone at a street-side café in Paris.  No context, no date, no name, no pack drill.  There was scrambled eggs and coffee though!

Since then we’ve been contacted by a trusted source in France regarding the reason for Kathryn’s unexplained appearance in Paris.

A little background.  Two years ago, a Mr (let me check my notes…) Donald J Trump (President of America apparently) got the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.  This was a global agreement to cut CO2 emissions.  All the nations of the world had signed up to it, apart from a couple of cheeky hold-outs that wanted it to go further than it did.

However, it looks like some facts have finally manage to penetrate deeply enough to make Mr Trump reconsider his country’s position.  That and the personal financial loss of his Florida-based private club Mar-a-Lago being due to disappear underwater in the next 20 years.  Try as he might, Mr Trump could not get the local zoning commission to declare the property as a 10,000 sq mile (there’d be no wall to say where it ended!) luxury water park, marina and yacht club.

But how does a man of Mr Trump’s international standing and reputation go about reversing such a major decision whilst saving face?  We have been informed that a plan was put in place last year.  What he needed was a completely believable and credible envoy to act on his behalf.  Someone that could remain detached, whilst dropping a metaphorical pebble of change in the actual warming oceans.  Project Aloof Ripl (txtspk for ripple) was initiated and Kathryn agreed to take on the momentous role, travelling to France to make contact with the powers that be in Europe.

Information passed to KM UK suggests that the video posted on YouTube was a coded report back to Mr Trump.  The man eating breakfast with Kathryn is her Paris contact known as Little Chef.  The fact that it was sunny and Kathryn was wearing a t-shirt, despite being filmed in February in the depths of a French winter, is a message home that the scientific evidence on temperature rises has been proven to be correct.  The references to how much more good food you could get for €12 in Paris than for the equivalent amount in Los Angeles, is to indicate that the economic issues for the U.S. are not as bad as were feared and the French suggested solution is workable.  The croissant was just a croissant.

As far fetched as this all might sound, let us just hope that there is truth behind it.

Update:  Yes, this was my annual attempt at upping the silly on this site for April Fools Day.

Happy Mother’s Day

wallpaper_266_1600x1200_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

In recent year’s KM UK has marked Mother’s Day on the 2nd Sunday in May, as that is the date used in many parts of the world.  That includes America, and we are very much about an America mother on this site.

This year we’ve gone native and are going with the date used in the UK (and a few other places) which is the 4th Sunday in Lent, also known as Mothering Sunday.  Just to be extra confusing, this year there are 5 Sundays in March and the clocks have gone forward today.  What day is it?

As we all know being a mother is a difficult job at the best of times, and we’ve had a glimpse at a very different style of parenting recently courtesy of Kathryn’s role in The Dirt.  Being constantly drunk and angry at your child for your own problems is definitely not the way to go.  Let’s compare and contrast:

the_dirt_1080p_023 johnny_twitter_018_20180513

I know which I prefer.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers around the world.

1 Day In Paris (with Kathryn)


What is going on?!?!

Basically nothing for months and then the past week happened!

Quite often on YouTube I find videos that mention Kathryn.  Either it is a different K. Morris or some automated news item/collection of pictures put together to make a video.  Not what we’re after here.

This morning, this appears.  The YouTube account is brand new, just a few days old with only a handful of videos added so far.  KM UK was the first to view them.  Apart from the name ‘deep into food show’ I have no information about who this man is.  Any suggestions are welcome.  We don’t know when the video was shot either.

So, Kathryn us sharing some food at a street-side café in Paris and someone is filming it.  Not sure what else I can add to that.

Plus, Kathryn, if you are going to visit this side of ‘the pond’ at least pop over to England and say hi.  Next time, right?  Right…?

A small copy of the entire video is in the Gallery and some screencaps have been included to.  You can watch it on YouTube HERE.

What is going to happen tomorrow?

in_paris_016 in_paris_032 in_paris

Tracie Selfie Includes Someone Else Special

tracie_thoms_instagram_001_20190322 tracie_thoms_instagram_001_20190322

It’s been a hell of a week for us Kathryn fans.  We’ve not seen the likes of it for a while

We’ve had a red carpet public appearance and news of Kathryn starring in a new film (more on that soon).  Now we’ve got bit of social media posting by Cold Case co-star Tracie Thoms.

Looks like Tracie and Kathryn met at something connected to the Start TV network which is showing Cold Case in the US.  Here is what Tracie had to say about it:

I. MEAN. THIS. COLD. CASE. REUNION. RIGHT. HERE!!!!!! Thank YOU @starttvnetwork for bringing me and the #KathrynMorris together on this rainy LA Day to talk about how we got our starts! You guys can catch #ColdCase on Start TV! Love you Kathryn!! #LilyAndKat #coldcasereunion

Hopefully we’ll find out more about this later.  Attached to the post were the two photos you see above.  Both are now in the KM UK Gallery, of course.

Thank you to Tracie for including us all in this nice moment.

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