
March 2025
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Starpulse Interview With Danny

001I know that many fans of Danny from his Cold Case days check out this site regularly and I like to be able to keep them up to date with major news on his career.  An interview with Danny Pino primarily about his move to Law & Order: SVU would fall normally fall outside even that extension of the remit of this site (see above for details) but I’m prepared to make an additional exception in this case :-)

Brittany Frederick at the entertainment website has managed to snag herself an interview with Danny.  In it they discuss SVU and Cold Case.  Kathryn gets several mentions as does Danny’s feelings about the way Cold Case ended.  I thought it might be of interest to some, hence the posting about it here.

Danny says that the series finale (the last episode of season 7) was written that way to leave things open for the show if it received another season.  Interviews with Kathryn varied in tone but leaned more towards “we knew it was over”.

You can read interview in full on the Starpulse website.

Thank you to Brittany.


wallpaper_179_3000x2000_ameiWe don’t do a lot of shouting around these parts but some things need yelling from the rooftops :-)

Kathryn, best wishes to you from everyone here at KM UK.  We hope you have a wonderful day.

The full version of amei‘s wallpaper seen above includes wonderfully chosen lyrics from Rock & Roll Queen by The Subways.  I’m going to be cheeky and borrow some of them as they are so appropriate:

You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
You are so rock and roll

And to lower the tone back to my usual level:  A variation on the saying “you are only as old as you feel” gets bandied about on these occasions so it would be remiss of me to not slip in a “if you want to feel a few years younger, I’m available.”  😉

Kathryn’s 1987 Yearbook

young_001_windsor_locks_high_school_yearbook_1987Naj over at the Cold Case discussion board Look Again has unearthed a hidden gem from the archives of our little star.

A site dedicated to actual cold cases in Connecticut has a difficult to find page that has some photos of one of its locals that is now very much associated with cold cases.  Kathryn was a graduate of Connecticut’s Windsor Locks High School in 1987.  The site has a scan of the her entry in the school’s yearbook from 1987.

As you can see the image contains several shots of the then 18 year old Kathryn Susan Morris.  Awww.  Kathryn certainly got to achieve some of her ambitions.

You can find the full image in the Gallery.

Big thanks to the CT Cold Case site and the original scan for posting it and to Naj for finding it and letting us know.

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Silly Season Gets An Annual Update

screenshot_001Apparently silly season has its own version of the Indian Summer.  Who knew?  :-)

You and I know this is a stupid story.  Let’s hope that the people of the National Enquirer really know it as well or there really is no hope for civilisation.

For some reason the US tabloid has decided to dredge up the Kathryn/Brad/Angelina story that was first fabricated last year when the movie Moneyball was filming.  But they are not repeating that nonsense.  No, of course not.  Heaven forbid.

Surprisingly late to the party, as Moneyball has been out several weeks, the Enquirer has spotted that Kathryn’s scenes are not in the movie.  I’ll leave it to them, in their own inimitable style, to try explain that cutting Kathryn’s scenes made sense for the movie.  They are not implying anything at all.  Honest.

The article on the National Enquirer website is not available outside the US so I’ve copied the text below.

Update (13 Oct):  ZimGossip is carrying the story on a more widely available site HERE.  Also, Sophie S. Benvenuti at has written a similar piece to mine about the National Enquirer article.  You can read her take in this “news” HERE.

Continue reading »

Kathryn Filmed 4 Scenes For Moneyball?

screenshot_001Steven Zeitchik, writing for the LA Times website, has some possible extra information regarding Kathryn’s work on Moneyball.

In the article Steven is comparing the fiction with the facts and one of the first he goes for is the issue of Billy Beane having re-married.  In Moneyball Beane’s ex-wife (played by Robin Wright) and their daughter appear, his second wife Tara (Kathryn) and their children are never referred to.  Brad Pitt, as Beane, is seen to be wearing a wedding ring, which has confused some viewers.  Steven goes on to say that Kathryn filmed four scenes and that they even test screened them all.

The information I had (posted about here) from people that saw the first round of test screenings suggests that only one of the scenes was in that edit.  Perhaps Steven is talking about private screenings.

You can read the article on the LA Times website.

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