
March 2025
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banner_179_1139x535_dianekmfanHappy Birthday Kathryn!

From all your fans at KM UK

In these difficult times for so many people we need to focus on and highlight the good news as much as we can.

Today is a day worth marking and celebrating because it is Kathryn’s birthday.  I think I can confidently say I speak for all us when pass on our best wished to the birthday girl.

Above you can see a brand new banner created especially for this post by Diane.  Thanks again to her.  The image contains a lovely message which I will quote post here:

Dear Kathryn,

We wish you an amazing birthday and all the best for this year.

Sending love from all over the world,

Your fans

The KM UK fan art gallery contains over 700 works of art provided you the fans. We have banners, avatars, drawings, wallpaper and a video. If you would like to add this archive please contact me.

Happy Mother’s Day

wallpaper_266_1600x1200_ginaFrom everyone here at KM UK

Not through any kind of design or planning the last few years KM UK has alternated marking Mother’s Day on the UK date, which is back in March, or the more commonly used date around the world on the 2nd Sunday in May.  2020 brings us to the US version, which means we can specifically wish mother of two Kathryn best wishes.

Every post these days has to mention the situation we are all in, it’s part of the ‘new rules’.  This does make the whole Mother’s Day thing especially difficult as many people can’t visit relatives.  Do what you can though.  If you’ve been stuck at home with your mother for weeks then she needs to be appreciated all the more for putting up with you.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers around the world.

The banner (by Gina) for this post is part of the KM UK Fan Art collection.

Be My Valentine


To Kathryn, with endless adoration

Happy Valentine’s Day

Kathryn, I know I’ve said this on a few occasions before but may be now is the right time.  Neither of us are getting any younger, except you of course (don’t tell me, 21?), and all though things would be complicated, life is complicated.

So, how about it?  Be my Valentine in 2020.

Thanks again to Kareen T for the banner you see above, done by her especially for KM UK a few years ago.  Lots more fan-created art works can be found in the KM UK Gallery.


banner_178_765x361_dianekmfanHappy Birthday Kathryn!

From all your fans at KM UK

It is only a month since the winter solstice so the days are still quite short but we get this little bright spot in late January.

Yes, it is Kathryn’s birthday today.  We all wish her the very best on her special day.

Recent birthday girl herself, and Kathryn superfan, Diane has again very kindly provided a new banner image for this post.  Thank you to her.

The KM UK fan art gallery contains over 700 works of art provided you the fans.  We have banners, avatars, drawings, wallpaper and a video.  If you would like to add this archive please contact me.

Cheerleader Resurrected

doac_27As I started to put this post together the obvious subject line to use was ‘Resurrection Of A Cheerleader’.  It tied in very nicely with the Death Of A Cheerleader film title.  Turns out I thought it was a great title back in February when I first used it!  Mind like a sieve sometimes!

This news I recently found of the Lifetime channel in the US, broadcasting a remake of the 1994 movie sometimes called A Friend To Die For yesterday, should have been less of a surprise as I’d previously reported this same thing.  So often I post about the announcement of a project Kathryn is due to star in, following up some time later when it gets released or other news breaks on the subject.  I initially took my earlier article on this 2019 TV movie as a ‘in development’ item.  As I said, very forgetful.

Nope.  Turns out February was the début.  Not sure why some outlets are reporting the Labor Day weekend showing as a first.  It did form part of a cheerleader themed week of films (Denise Richards of Cougars, Inc. stars in one of them).  Some of of them were premières, so maybe that’s where the confusion lies.

Anyway, Kathryn got some mentions as a star in the 1994 film.  Sadly she didn’t make a return in this one, Kellie Martin (one of the teenagers before) did guest star as a police detective though.

If, for some reason, you want to see this remake then it is no doubt being shown often enough on Lifetime so you won’t have to wait long for it to come around again.  They’ll probably re-do it again in a few years.  Perhaps Kathryn can be persuaded to be in that one.

Sorry to have bothered you.

The original Death Of A Cheerleader was covered 8 years ago on KM UK HERE.

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