Happy Birthday to Jameson & Rocco
It’s been a year?
All parents will recognise the multiple, complex emotions in that question. It means both:
- “Blimey Charlie the past year has flown by! They’ll be married and have kids of their own before we know it!”
- “My god, it’s been the longest year of our lives! Tell us it gets easier!”
at the same time.
Yes, today (21st August 2014) it has been one whole year since the birth of Kathryn and Johnny’s boys Jameson and Rocco.
No doubt they’ll be having a great day surrounded by loved ones and presents, and we send them our best wishes.
Update: Johnny Messner sent a series of Tweets today which I have combined into the larger quote below.
A year ago today exactly 48 minutes ago I met my first son Jameson and 1 minute after came Rocco! Nothing in my life to date has come close to what they have brought into my life! Everyday I am blown away minute to minute on what those boys bring to my life! The overwhelming joy that they bring! For the first time in my life it’s not all about me ! What a relief that is! A great friend of mine told be before they were born that your children come with a loaf of bread! And truer words could not have been spoken@FrankGrillo I am truly blessed! #god#love
Last but certainly not least to Kathryn the mother of my sons , I couldn’t have picked a better mother from a pool of millions ! You have shown me what true love is all about! Your love for the boys is a love I didn’t know existed ! Thank you for being the rock, for always being you ! I love you
Sources: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7
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