
March 2025
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Cheerleader Resurrected

doac_27As I started to put this post together the obvious subject line to use was ‘Resurrection Of A Cheerleader’.  It tied in very nicely with the Death Of A Cheerleader film title.  Turns out I thought it was a great title back in February when I first used it!  Mind like a sieve sometimes!

This news I recently found of the Lifetime channel in the US, broadcasting a remake of the 1994 movie sometimes called A Friend To Die For yesterday, should have been less of a surprise as I’d previously reported this same thing.  So often I post about the announcement of a project Kathryn is due to star in, following up some time later when it gets released or other news breaks on the subject.  I initially took my earlier article on this 2019 TV movie as a ‘in development’ item.  As I said, very forgetful.

Nope.  Turns out February was the début.  Not sure why some outlets are reporting the Labor Day weekend showing as a first.  It did form part of a cheerleader themed week of films (Denise Richards of Cougars, Inc. stars in one of them).  Some of of them were premières, so maybe that’s where the confusion lies.

Anyway, Kathryn got some mentions as a star in the 1994 film.  Sadly she didn’t make a return in this one, Kellie Martin (one of the teenagers before) did guest star as a police detective though.

If, for some reason, you want to see this remake then it is no doubt being shown often enough on Lifetime so you won’t have to wait long for it to come around again.  They’ll probably re-do it again in a few years.  Perhaps Kathryn can be persuaded to be in that one.

Sorry to have bothered you.

The original Death Of A Cheerleader was covered 8 years ago on KM UK HERE.

Tracie Selfie Includes Someone Else Special

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It’s been a hell of a week for us Kathryn fans.  We’ve not seen the likes of it for a while

We’ve had a red carpet public appearance and news of Kathryn starring in a new film (more on that soon).  Now we’ve got bit of social media posting by Cold Case co-star Tracie Thoms.

Looks like Tracie and Kathryn met at something connected to the Start TV network which is showing Cold Case in the US.  Here is what Tracie had to say about it:

I. MEAN. THIS. COLD. CASE. REUNION. RIGHT. HERE!!!!!! Thank YOU @starttvnetwork for bringing me and the #KathrynMorris together on this rainy LA Day to talk about how we got our starts! You guys can catch #ColdCase on Start TV! Love you Kathryn!! #LilyAndKat #coldcasereunion

Hopefully we’ll find out more about this later.  Attached to the post were the two photos you see above.  Both are now in the KM UK Gallery, of course.

Thank you to Tracie for including us all in this nice moment.

Resurrection Of A Cheerleader

doac_27A great (and I use the word advisedly) tradition of the media industry is remaking older tv shows/films/etc. and I’ve found out that the Lifetime Network in the US has been at it.  The new TV movie was first aired at the weekend.

To be fair to them they’ve not ‘done a Spider-man’ and made a three versions in less than 20 years.  Lifetime went back to 1994 for Death Of A Cheerleader, also known as A Friend To Die For.  Based on a true story, the drama dealt with the murder of a high-school girl by one of her classmates.  Kathryn had a small role as a Goth teenager, bullied for being different by our victim the popular girl as played by Tori Spelling.  It was one of Kathryn’s early on screen performances.

Often in these remakes they like to try and draw in fans of the original by casting someone from it in the new one.  As the actor will have aged it often means a child in the first becomes a parent, possibly of the same character.  From what I can see they haven’t done that, but they have cast Kellie Martin, the original teen killer, as a police detective in the remake.  I guess they can go with the idea of her having to catch her teenage self.  Sadly they didn’t go for Kathryn as well.  She could have been a cool art teacher with a dark streak, or an English teacher keen on Gothic horrors.  Oh well.

2019’s DOAC will have a number of updates brought about by a quarter of a century of of changes.  I’m sure mobilephones and social media play their parts, along with some adjustments to take into account the way we view certain behaviours etc.

But rather than me make pronouncements on a TV movie I haven’t seen why not read a review of the new version of Death Of A Cheerlader by Mads Lennon (now that’s a name!) over at the Hidden Remote website HERE.

As a comparison why not check out Trevor Wells’ article about the original 1994, conveniently posted very recently, on the Geeks Media site HERE.

They both mention Kathryn and her character so get props from us.

KM UK briefly covered Death Of A Cheerleader way back in 2011 HERE.

Jeremy Meets The Standard


The Standard being The St. Catharines Standard newspaper from the area of Ontario, Canada, that Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC) hails from.  Jeremy is from Kitchener, which is around 60 miles from St. Catharines, which is just a long stone’s throw away from the famous Niagara Falls.

Normally I wouldn’t reference a newspaper interview like this but The Standard has published Joel Rubinoff’s interview with Jeremy, which is part of a series of interviews with significant locals involved in the arts and entertainments sector, in which he mentions Kathryn several times.

From the transcript Joel and Jeremy had an interesting and entertaining chat a little outside the normal brief career summary, refer to thing they are known for, tell us about your latest project, celebrity interview.  I’ll leave you to read the whole thing HERE on The Standard’s website.

On KM UK we’ll focus on the Kathryn references.  First up Joel asks about Jeremy bringing up 3 boys.

Joel: Kathryn Morris, your “Cold Case” co-star, has four-year-old twins. Do you confer with her about child-rearing?

Jeremy:  She and I talk all the time about what’s best for the lads. Five boys between us. She hooked us up with a summer camp last year. My eldest did community service to apply to his high school credits and my little men did ‘vaulting’ on horses.

Joel:  Series pitch: Jeremy Ratchford and Kathryn Morris play former cop show co-stars who live near each other and discuss parenting issues.

Jeremy:  Might work as a podcast?

I know we’d all listen to that!  It is nice to learn that the ex-workmates are in regular contact still.

Next up are some less than predictable ideas from Jeremy in answer to one of the few more predictable questions:

Joel:  If “Cold Case” came back today, how would it be different?

Jeremy:  Kathryn would be the head of the FBI. Thom and I would have a P.I. business called “Private Eyes Are Watching You,” with our jingle provided by Hall & Oates. Danny would have given up his cop life to follow his dream of organic magic. Tracy becomes the first female police chief of Philly. John — after an undercover operation — grows his hair out and plays bongos in a touring Grateful Dead cover band. Somehow we all reunite to discover if Elvis is still alive.

Head of the FBI is not currently the sort-after job it was back in 2010.  Did we ever see Scotty (Danny Pino) show an interest in magic.  And what’s organic magic?  Making free-range carrots disappear?  We definitely want to see John (John Finn) as a serious ‘Deadhead’ and the team reunite to find Big Foot :-)

Thanks to Joel and Jeremy.

Yes, I’ve noticed the Catharines/Kathryn thing :-)

New US Channel Leads With Female Leads


The beginning of September, in significant parts of the United States, sees the launch of a new television channel.

Start TV, by the Weigel Broadcasting Co., will be available on many CBS Television Studios local stations across the nation covering around 42% of households.

Many of these smaller channels have a general theme to hang the content on, often targeting a particular demographic.  Start TV’s focus is on procedural shows with strong female leads.  I think you can see where this is going.

The association with CBS continues with some of the content due to be carried.  CBS shows The Good Wife and Cold Case both get mentions in the launch press release.  The relevant section for us here at KM UK:

Cold Case starring Kathryn Morris as a lone female detective who finds her calling by unraveling and re-thinking previously unsolved, older crimes.

They are not limiting their output to the ‘eye network’ though, with other network’s programmes such as The Closer, Medium, Crossing Jordan, and Profiler. featuring initially.  Schedules are due to be follow a fixed pattern across all seven days of the week, so a show will be on at the same time each and every day.

See the Start TV website HERE.

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