“She was bright, fun and had some great insights…” – Amy Spencer on Kathryn Morris
The December 2009 edition of First For Women magazine saw the appearance of an interview with Kathryn. Amy Spencer’s article is full of fun little anecdotes, told by Kathryn, about incidents that have changed her way of looking at things Kathryn clearly enjoys exploring many aspects of life, her acting career must give her a way of exploring some of those via different characters.
The text is peppered with “happiness perk” insights by Dr Todd Kashdan, a Professor of Psychology. For the sake of brevity, and to concentrate on Kathryn’s bits, I’ve removed them from the transcript below (after the jump). You can still read them in the images.
Two images can now be found in the Gallery.
I must admit to being in two minds about the photo of Kathryn. On the one hand the dress is nice and she does looks good in it. But there is something about the smile that doesn’t look right. I’m not sure if it is just an unfortunate angle, the make-up, the quality of the scan, or some Photoshopping but it just doesn’t look quite natural, and Kathryn looks at her most beautiful au naturel.

Amy’s blog post says that this interview was a cover piece. I have not found any scans of the cover or any other sections that might include additional photos of Kathryn. Do you have the magazine? Could you help out?
Many thanks to Nscha for sending this one in.
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